See You Soon

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Amy's POV...

After Yesung departed from the airport the emptiness in my heart felt like it was growing even more. I know things will go back to the same as before. With his busy schedule he won't be able to call, and I too have been really busy myself. Feeling overwhelmed I cried some more on the way home...

Yesung's POV...

Upon arriving at Seoul I was in a foul mood. I could see people staring at me as they walked by me. That's when I heard someone call my name but I simply pretended I didn't hear. I'm in no mood to entertain, so I chose to ignore them while continuing to walk. Near the exit I spotted my brother who had come to pick me up. "Hi hyung! How was your trip?" He asked. "Tell you later. Let's get to the car." I blurt out as we continued walking. As we got to the car I decided to drive instead, I feel like I need to have control over something, anything! I don't care what! I feel so irritable! Once arriving home I notice my parents were still at work. Which I'm thankful since I don't feel like talking to anyone. I simply walked to my room and stayed there along with my dog Kkoming who kept me company. Eventually I ended up falling asleep from exhaustion.

 After a while I was woken up by the ringing of my phone

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 After a while I was woken up by the ringing of my phone. I glanced at it and realizing who it was, I quickly answered. "Hello." I responded. I heard a sigh on the other end. "Come by my office later this evening." My manager let out. "Alright. I will." I responded before he hung up. I wonder why he sounds so annoyed. Just then I heard a knock on the door. "Hyung can I come in?" It's Jongjin. "Sure!" I answered. "Was your trip that bad?" He asked as he walked in closing the door behind him. "Why do you say that?" I asked still feeling a bit groggy from my nap. "Well you came back in such a foul mood. I even saw the way you ignored your fans, that's not like you. What's up?" He let out as he sat on the chair by my desk. I stayed quiet for a moment followed by a sigh. "No. My trip was fantastic, better than I thought it would be." I responded. "Then why are you so annoyed?" He continued asking. "Well because who knows when I'll be able to see her again. You have no idea how hard it has been to talk to her. Every time I call she's busy or asleep, and when she calls most of the time I can't pick up. I hate this Jongjin! I hate us being a secret! I hate our long distance relationship! I want to be with her like a normal person, go on normal dates. Seriously, it was so nice being able to hold hands in public, kiss in public, go on dates. I loved it." I paused for a moment since I started to feel even more irritated. Jongjin stayed quiet while he continued allowing me to vent. "She even slept over in my room." I stated before Jongjin cut me off. "Wow you both have gone that far already?!" Jongjin said with such a surprised look. "No! Not yet, besides like I would really just talk about my personal love life so casually with you. Now if you can just listen... my point was that it was nice being able to act like a normal couple. You have no idea how much I wish we could be normal. I love my work but that's the one thing I despise about it. To not be able to have a normal courtship." I threw to the floor the first thing I could find out of sheer frustration. "I can see how that would eat at you, and Amy? How does she feel about this?" He asked. I turned to him. "She says she's ok with it. That she will patiently wait, but seriously, placing myself in her position I know I would hate it. She is a normal person dating a celebrity, she had no idea how hard it would be to even call me. I knew better and yet, I still asked her to be my girlfriend. I know that when she says she's ok with it, she lies. I mean if I was her I would feel the same way. How could anyone be ok with such a relationship? But... even so, I selfishly made her my girlfriend. I was too greedy and didn't care to think about how hard I'd be for her. Before departing she cried, she and I both knew we won't talk to one another for long periods of time, and who knows when we will be able to actually see each other in person. That is why I do feel self conscious about our relationship, because you can't wait for someone forever. Eventually you will get tired of waiting, and I know from past experiences. But still, the greediness in me still wants her, still expects for her to continue waiting for me. To continue loving me, and all I give in return is distance and missed calls." I paused feeling myself get choked up. I heard a knock on the door. "My son are you awake?" It's my mother. "Yes come in." I immediately collected myself. "Where did you go for your little vacation?" She asked while she sat next to me on the bed. I didn't answer but instead I simply gave her a hug. Desperately seeking some comfort. She was surprised but she too embraced me and began to rub my back. "Oh my son! Is work that stressful right now?" She asked with so much concern. "Yes it is!" I responded while holding her tighter. I feel like a little kid getting comfort from his mother, but even now at this age it still works. "I have to get ready, my manager wants to meet with me. I have to go." I said while letting go of her embrace, quickly standing up. "Okay. I'll have dinner ready by the time you get back so hurry if you can." She responded before walking out of the room along with Jongjin. After getting ready I went to my car and drove to the main SM building.

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