Pepero Game

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Kyuhyun's POV...

"What was that Kyu? Are you interested in Amy?" Kangin asked. I didn't feel like giving an answer so I didn't, choosing to stay quiet. "Well?" He continued to pressure for a response. "Be quiet!" I let out with irritation, and without saying another word I grabbed a tray of food and walked towards the beach. Kangin was left in shock by my response to think of something to retaliate. To be honest, at that moment I didn't care to be rude, I was too preoccupied thinking of more important matters than to worry about him. Was I too forward with Amy? Maybe I need to back off a little. I should probably apologize if I made her uncomfortable. I did put her in an awkward position after all and in front of everyone. Aish!!! It's all because of stupid Heechul. If he wasn't being his playboy self I wouldn't have felt the need to be that forward. I felt annoyed with myself. I knew I reacted with out thinking but for some reason I can't seem to be rational when I'm near her. "What the heck!!! I'm such a fool!!! Get yourself together Kyuhyun!!!" While walking closer to the sand I got a glimpse of her heading back towards my direction. "Amy" I called her as she passed next to me. She stopped walking and turned to face me. "I... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you." She looked at me with a smile "No. No. it's fine. You surprised me. That's all." She bashfully responded. "I'm sorry. Can we act like that didn't happen?" I was hoping she'd agree. She giggled "Sure I'd like that!" She gave a quick response. I wasn't sure if I felt relieved or sad at how fast she answered. In the end, I just smiled at her like a complete fool...

Amy's POV...

I felt sorry for Kyuhyun, I didn't mean to make him feel bad or embarrassed for what he said. But at least now that we spoke we can move on and forget about that incident. I know I just met him but I really do like him. He's a really fun person to hang out with. After our little chat I went inside to grab one more tray of food. The moment I lifted that tray I realized I would have trouble with it since it was pretty heavy, but still, I held on to it determined to not drop it. While walking towards the steps I could feel the tray getting heavier, I feared it was about to slip off my hands. I sighed while taking a glimpse down the steep steps, knowing it wouldn't be easy to go down while carrying all this. "Okay Amy! You can do this!!!" I tried cheering myself but honestly even with that I felt hesitant to take another step. Just then I heard a voice from behind me. It was Yesung. "Need help?" He offered. I turned to look at him but noticed he already had several bags he was carrying. "Uhh... No thanks. You're carrying too much already. I'm fine." I responded and decided to take a step. "No, no problem." He blurt out. Before I could protest he grabbed the tray from my hands. "Easy.." He turned to me with a smirk on his face trying to convince me that he wasn't having a hard time. I felt bad but grateful for his generosity. "Thank you!" Is all I said to him. I tried to take at least one of the bags that he was carrying but he shook his head and turned to walk down the steps. As sweet as his gesture was I could see how much he too was struggling, but somehow kept holding on to everything. I decided to keep a close distance just in case he needed the extra help, but before I knew it we arrived where the rest were. Kangin had already started the fire. It was big and bright. Yesung laid the trays down on a table that Siwon had brought. Maddy and Ryeowook began placing shrimp skewers by the fire to cook. The aroma was simply delightful. "Wow. I love shrimp!" Donghae happily pointed to the skewers. I couldn't help but notice Maddy's happy expression as she heard him say that, since the shrimp skewers were her idea. By the time they were cooked we were all like starving vultures surrounding the fire ready to devour them. I took the first one off the grill and gave it to Yesung "Here. For your help earlier." I handed it to him. He smiled and took it. "Thank you." He gratefully said. l looked to Kyuhyun who was next to us. I grabbed another skewer and gave it to him as well. I wanted to show him we were ok. I think it worked since he happily took it. In the end, we cooked some more seafood and left over steaks. Everything tasted so good that I couldn't stop eating. After a while I realized it was only me and Eunhyuk who were still munching away. I turned to him "You can be my eating buddy!" He smiled as he extended his hand out giving me a hi-five with approval. After a few more minutes he too was done. "That was good!" Eunhyuk happily rubbed his belly with the biggest grin on his face. "Hey Amy... you eat good for a girl." He turned to look at me right at the moment when I was taking another bite. I felt a little embarrassed. "Yes I know, I love to eat. How do you say love in Korean?" I asked him. "Saranghae." He responded. "I saranghae food." I tried to speak to him in Korean but it was pretty bad. I could tell the guys were quietly chuckling at my poor attempt. "Well that's good. Most Korean celebrities are too skinny since they hardly eat, and good job on your first attempt at speaking Korean, it wasn't bad." Siwon said to me trying to cheer me on. I knew he was simply being nice. I felt a little embarrassed so I decided to change the conversation. "So how is it being a celebrity?" I felt curious about their life. "It's fun! Always partying and meeting other celebrities!" Siwon responded with a laugh, then turned a bit serious. "No... actually it's hard. It's not easy when the media expects you to be a certain way." Siwon responded while he stared at the fire. "Really? How so? If you don't mind sharing." Maddy asked. He turned to look at her. "Well... how should I explain? I guess like with relationships. It's hard having one, because of the media, fans, our company and our busy schedules." I was a little taken back. I didn't think it was like that but I guess it makes sense. "Wow! Really? So you've never dated while being a celebrity?" Maddy looked really interested. I noticed she kept glancing at Donghae. "Yes. Of course. But, normally it doesn't last long. It's always in secret and it's hard to keep it that way." Siwon answered. I turned to Yesung who was looking down during the whole conversation, almost like he was deep in thought. I'm guessing he understood the conversation "For example... Yesung here..." Heechul blurt out as he placed an arm around him. "Hyung! Stop! Don't bring that up!" Yesung spoke to him in Korean. I didn't understand but by his tone of voice I could tell he didn't want to talk about whatever Heechul was about to say. "So... Do you have a girlfriend?" Maddy asked Siwon. He turned to face her. "No I don't. Haven't had one in a while." They all stayed quiet for a bit. "Actually majority of us don't have one at the moment and only one member is married." That really surprised us. "Who?" Maddy and I asked while we glanced at all the guys. I looked at Yesung while Maddy at Donghae. "His name is Sungmin. He's not here with us because he's in the army right now." Siwon replied. "Army? Oh that's right. I remember reading somewhere about it being mandatory for Korean men to serve in the army right? For how long?" I asked. Siwon glanced at us "2 years." He responded. "So who went already?" I proceeded to ask. Kyuhyun jumped in as he stood up and began poking the fire with his skewer stick. "Kangin, Heechul, and Leeteuk went. Yesung just barely came back in May. As for the rest of us? Some will leave in the beginning of next year and I until 2017." He looked a bit serious. I feel bad for the ones who haven't gone. They don't look too happy about it. Still I couldn't help but feel relieved to know that Yesung already went. I smiled as I turned to him. He too happened to look my way. As our eyes met I noticed a smile on his face. For some reason I kept looking not wanting to glance away. That's when he decided to make a goofy face at me, which made me laugh. "What's funny? I want in!" Kyuhyun exclaimed as he turned to me...

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