I Won't Regret It

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Leeteuk POV...

"I missed you! I missed you so much! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for everything!" With nothing left to hide, I finally was able for the first time in my life to speak what was really on my mind. Once again I broke her embrace, only to take that moment to cup her face into my hands, blissfully starring into her beautiful eyes. There was no need for a single word to be said, I knew she was able to read my true feelings being conveyed through my eyes. This time I will allow myself to act on impulse. This time I will not think about anything else other than this. Turning my focus to her rosie lips I began closing the distance which was keeping us apart...

Maddy's POV...

What is he doing? He's not actually going to is he? But... he's looking at my lips so intently. Should I accept it and give in? I feel like I'm in a trance, completely mesmerized by his sincere eyes. He rose his hand and tenderly placed his thumb over my lower lip. His gentle touch sent a bolt of electricity through my body. I knew then I was done for, he had me at his mercy, I knew there was no way I'd be able to not give in but... Is that so bad? I've waited so long for him. Is it so bad that I finally receive this? At this moment he really needs this, as do I. But then... why do I feel worried? Maybe, I'm worried about him regretting it? Then should I give him more time to figure himself out first?... As he came closer I couldn't help but react on instinct, I turned away. I sighed feeling unsure of my decision. "I won't regret this Maddison." He answered me, it's as if he was now the one who was able to decipher my thoughts. He placed his hand under my chin and gently guided me to face him. "For once in my life I won't regret anything!" He firmly stated. As his words were beginning to sink in I felt the warm grace of his lips over mine, that's when I realized he actually was tenderly kissing me! Heaven right? This truly must be what it's like. The feeling is indescribable, better than what I expected. I was so lost by his kiss that I had completely forgotten about breathing. It wasn't until he slightly broke our kiss that I finally took a breath. He rested his forehead on mine while continuing to be a millimeter away from my lips. He smiled in such a sweet manner. "Are you ok?" He asked. I didn't know how to answer, I was so out of it. The only thing I could do was to simply nod my head. He chuckled at my reaction as he leaned forward and once more onto my lips. One kiss led to another, slowly picking up pace and intensity as he became more assertive, taking complete control of me. I gave in to him, losing myself completely. He took his hand and wrapped it around my waist pulling me closer to him while continuing to deepen our kiss. I too won't regret anything come what may!

Leeteuk POV...

So many emotions going through my head but all were being overshadowed by my throbbing heart. I couldn't reason if this was right or wrong, all I knew was that I never wanted to stop. Loving every passionate kiss shared between us. Needing more and more! "What the!!! Oh wow... I... uh... I forgot my phone!" Kyuhyun's voice was heard. Immediately Maddy and I separated and sat on the couch, trying to act "normal", acting like two teenagers getting caught by a parent. The ambiance was extremely awkward to say the least. Kyuhyun cleared his throat and quietly walked towards his bedroom. We watched as he passed by us, opened his door, grabbed his phone, closed the door and turned to face us. He stared at us as if he had something to say but instead shook his head and walked towards the entry way. Maddy and I turned to face each other feeling somewhat embarrassed. "Took you both long enough!" Kyuhyun blurt out before stepping out, locking the door behind him. Maddy and I couldn't resist, we burst out laughing, making that awkward moment a funny one. "I didn't know where to hide! I don't know if I'll be able to face him again!" Maddy let out in between her laughter. "I know what you mean!" I responded. We laughed until our stomachs were in so much pain that we were forced to stop. Suddenly it all came back to me, I kissed her. I finally was able to allow myself to act on my emotions! She became quiet as she fiddled with her wrist watch. I cleared my throat, "So uh, where are you staying at? How long will you be in Seoul?" I asked her. "I, um... I'm staying at the Four Seasons Hotel, and I wasn't sure how long I'd be here so for now, I took a couple days off." She responded. "Well since it's so late I'm sure you must be tired, I'll drive you there." I stood up and offered my extended hand, she took it as I helped stand. "We should leave before Kyuhyun returns, to save face." I chuckled while giving her that excuse. Without letting go we walked towards the entry way leaving the door and heading to the garage hand in hand. None of us spoke much on the way. It's as if we both were gathering our thoughts, trying to process our actions. On the way to the hotel we both made small talk but none really spoke about what was really in our minds. Once we arrived to the garage of the hotel I parked the car and stared into nothing. "So... now what?" Maddy turned to face me.

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