An Ongoing Wound

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Yesung's POV...

I woke up feeling so refreshed. I haven't had a good nights rest in a long time. Just as I was about to sit up I noticed Amy's arm wrapped around me. That's right! I asked her to sleep with me! I couldn't help but feel my heart race as I turned to face her, while examining her sleepy face. She looks so peaceful while dreaming. I softly caressed her soft skin, feeling her warmth and listening to her gentle breathing. "I would love to wake up to this sight every morning!" I whispered to her. I decided to check the time and noticed it was about to turn 7am. I knew Amy had to leave to work in about 30 mins or she would be late. I decided to wake her. "Amy, sweetheart you need to wake up." I softly spoke, but instead of answering she moved closer to me seeking my heat. I chuckled. "Amy, it's late. If you don't get up you will be late for work." I whispered by her ear, but all she did was bury her face into my chest. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. She really is a heavy sleeper just like Katie had described. "Alright, I tried. If this doesn't wake you then I don't know what will!" I warned her while moving her hair away from her neck, leaving it exposed. I leaned down and began gently leaving kisses on her neck line. I noticed how a smile formed on her face as she slowly woke up. Once she came to her senses she immediately turned to face me while continuing to lay on the pillow. I stopped what I was doing and faced her. "I love waking you this way." I expressed to her. She simply smiled while cupping my face into her hands, giving me a light peck. "As do I. What time is it?" She asked. "A few minutes passed 7." I answered. "What??? Oh no! I'm going to be late!" She quickly sat up and ran to her room. I chuckled to myself seeing her reaction. Luckily for her I'm an early riser...

Amy's POV...

I rushed to get ready, while making a huge mess in my room. I can't believe I forgot to set my alarm! Then again I did have a lot of distractions last night. "I'm brewing coffee, it'll be done before you leave!" Yesung said while peeking into my room, then turning to leave. I chuckled to myself. "My main distraction!" I let out. I decided to do minimal makeup and picked my hair up into a bun since I didn't have time to do much else this morning. Once done I walked to the kitchen. "Here you go! I placed it in a to go cup, that way you can drink it on your way to work!" Yesung said while following me towards the entry way. "Thank you so much! What will you do while I'm gone?" I asked him. "Hmm, not sure. I'll call up some friends and see if they're available. Or maybe I'll just rest, anyway don't worry about me and just come home as soon as you can!" He said to me while opening the door, allowing me to step out. "Ok! I'll try to come as soon as possible!" I said to him while turning to face him. He smiled and pulled me close to him, enclosing my lips into a gentle and passionate kiss. "It must be a very good morning for you two youngsters!" We heard someone chuckle to themselves. We separated only to see an older grandpa passing by with a smile on his face. We both turned a bright red color from sheer embarrassment. I cleared my throat, "I'll see you later today!" I said to Yesung before rushing to leave...

Leeteuk's POV...

"Great work! You're only getting better at MC'ing! At this rate you'll surpass Yoo Jae-Suk!" Yet another important producer said to me. "Oh no! Those are big shoes to fill! No way can I ever come near his great abilities!" I protested. He only chuckled. "I'm serious! You can quote me on that! Only time will tell!" He said before leaving! I smiled and bowed to him as he walked away! Feeling gratitude towards him for seeing some "greatness" in me, even if I don't see it! I only see a facade! It's all a pretense, an act! I'm only showing them what I want to show them because I know if they saw the real me, the real Park Jungsoo, what's really behind my smiles, they'd see me for the fraud that I am! I realize that my father's anniversary death passed a few months ago but even so every year around this time, I tend to feel it's negative effects linger! It's still such a fresh wound which at the slightest touch it begins to bleed nonstop for what seems like an eternity with no way to make it stop! It's especially prevalent the moment I step foot inside a cold and empty house. Getting under the covers while smelling the fresh linen scent on which I lay on, while holding a glass of wine is when I tend to release some of my pent up emotions! Maybe it's the effects of the alcohol but tonight I feel achingly distant! Because of my past traumas with my broken family, I now am left alone to face this depression. How did I ever used to cope? I remember in the distant past a feeling of hope. Hope for something better, a certain warmth, but what was it? Did I imagine it? Or maybe was it a dream? A beautiful dream which I've now awoken from? A dream in which I wish to go back too but I'm unable to do so? I placed my 5th cup of wine down next to my nightstand. To my dismay it tumbled over and shattered into a million pieces as it landed on the floor!

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