My Korean Teacher

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Katie's POV...

"Katie... Wake up." I heard someone calling my name. The voice sounds like Amy's. Slowly I realized I was being awaken. I opened my eyes to see Amy staring at me. "What time is it?" I covered my face with the blanket. "Around 6." She responded. I'm surprised she's waking me so early, usually I'm the one waking her. "What do you want?" I said feeling somewhat annoyed. I guess that's how she feels when I wake her. "Let's get facials." She responded. I stayed quiet thinking for a moment. That's so weird! Why would she ask me so early? I sighed. "Why???" I complaint. "Come on. No more questions. Let's get facials and go shopping. Then we'll go to a hair salon and get dolled up." She continued. I uncovered my face. "Sure... ok!" I let out feeling confused by her suggestions, but hey I won't fight it. It sounds like nice girl time. I got out of bed and headed towards the shower...

Amy's POV...

I want to surprise Katie today. I know this was something she was looking forward too for a long time, so I want to make it extra special. She is my baby sister after all and after this week I won't see her for months. We both quickly got ready and headed out. On the way she kept questioning my motives but I'm determined to not budge. Finally after arriving in Tokyo we went to get facials, followed by shopping and getting our hair and makeup done...

Katie's POV...

So far today has been fun, but I still wonder why she pushed for us to get so dress up. No matter how much I ask Amy won't tell me. In the end I opted to keep my long hair down with curls at the tips. I dressed with a cute sun dress I bought, while Amy left her hair with waves, light make up and a cute pink blouse paired with a black leather skirt. I feel we both are too dressed up but she insisted on it. As we called for a cab to pick us up I could see people starring at us. I know Amy always thinks I look prettier than her but I always thought she was the prettiest of the two. I noticed most the stares are for her. She does look really good in those clothes, and that skirt really is showing off her nice legs. Then again she doesn't need to try hard to look good, even with out makeup she's pretty. "Ready?" Amy interrupted my thoughts. "Huh? Ready for what?" I asked. "You'll see! Get in!" Our cab arrived. Once inside I continued to ask her where we were going. "Fine! I'll tell you, since you're about to find out anyway." She responded. I turned to face her with excitement. "We are going to the movie premiere of My Korean Teacher. Yesung is making an appearance along with the lead actress and the director." She responded. "What??? Oh my gosh!!! Thank you for today!!! You were right on insisting for us to dress up!!! OMG!!! I'm about to see oppas movie and he will be there too??!! How cool!!" I couldn't control my excitement...

Amy's POV...

Katie reacted the way I knew she would. I'm glad I was able to surprise her. As we arrived to the theater we waited for a while before they allowed us in. Finally once inside, someone from the staff told us to sit on the front row. I could see some fans glare at us as they heard the staff say that. "What about us?" One girl behind me asked. "Sorry but no! These two have VIP seats. So please keep moving." The staff worker responded. I could see more glares from other fans as we quietly sat where we were instructed to sit. I feel a little uncomfortable. Katie on the other hand is loving the extra attention. She even smirked in a mocking way to the girls who glared at us. "Katie stop! You don't want to pick a fight do you?" I scolded her. "What?! They started it. I can't help that I'm privileged to know oppa." She responded. I chuckled at what she said. It's true we are and I'm even more privileged for being the person who holds his heart. I too couldn't help but feel a little like Katie. I guess we are more alike than I thought. As the room filled up I glanced around, not a single empty seat! Just then an announcer walked out. I could hear the screams of all the fans. First the director came out. Followed by the lead actress Sasaki Nazomi. I couldn't help but stare, she's so pretty! Just then they announced Yesung. As he walked out he had his phone recording himself along with the fans while the theme song of the movie played in the background. For a moment I closed my eyes while I remembered the day he sang that song to me. Such a beautiful melody. I chuckled when I glanced at him. He continued to walk towards the front when he turned to me, giving me a sweet smile. They introduced themselves then talked a bit about the film. 

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