Getting Ready

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Yesung's POV...

I can tell Kyuhyun's annoyed with Ryan but with reason. He did just get humiliated after all. I too couldn't help feel annoyed. Not only is he good looking, but now he's a genius too?! Plus I still need to find out what kind of relationship he has with Amy. "Hey want to play a round ?" Ryan asked Amy. "Okay. Anyone else wants to play too?" She asked. I was about to volunteer when Leeteuk got up and picked up the remote. "I haven't played this game in years." he said. In the end we played for a good long while, it was fun playing it again. Just as we were about to get up to start heading home Ryan said his goodbyes to us then began to head up stairs. "Oh... he's not leaving?" Leeteuk asked Maddy, taking the words right out of my mouth. "No my brother is staying the night for today since it's late." Maddy answered. "Brother?" Kyuhyun asked. "Yeah he's my older brother. I thought I mentioned that when I introduced him, but I guess I didn't. My bad." She responded. Did she just say brother? Well that explains why they're close. They must have grown up together. That made me feel a little bit more relieved. "Hey guys. Thank you for stopping by I really do appreciate your visit. Good luck with your concert tomorrow." Amy said as we walked out. I feel really disappointed she won't be able to go. I tried so hard to get some tickets but was out of luck. I just smiled at her. "Maybe next time you can come to one of our shows." Kyuhyun said to her. She smiled his way. "I'd love that." she responded...

Maddy's POV...

As the boys left I called Amy to my room. "What is it? What do you want to talk about?" She asked as she walked in. "How do you feel? No more fevers?" I asked. "No... no more fever. I feel a lot better, a little weak but better. Thankfully it seems it's just a simple cold. Why?" she responded. "Okay. Well what would you say if I told you I have a couple tickets for Kcon tomorrow?!" I dangled them in front of her face. "You what???" She yelled. "Lookie lookie. I have two Kcon tickets!" I continued showing them off. "Oh my gosh!!! How did you get a hold of them? I tried buying some but they were sold out!" She yelled some more as she snatched them from my hands. "Well..."


Leeteuk and I were watching Kyuhyun and Ryan play when Leeteuk tapped my shoulder. When I turned to him, he signaled for me to follow him. I wonder what he wants?" I asked myself. He turned into the hallway. "What is it?" I asked. "Here. It wasn't easy and they were the last so please make sure to go." He typed me a message on his phone. While I read it he gave me an envelope. "What's this?" I asked. "Open it. Just don't say anything until we leave so that it can be a surprise. Alright?" He replied. I nodded and opened the envelope. It was two Kcon tickets. "Wow... thank you!" I blurt out with excitement. Then typed him a message. "Amy had been trying to get some but she said they were sold out!" He read it. "She wasn't the only one. Yesung and Kyuhyun both tried to get some for you both but since I got to them first they thought they were completely gone. It's a surprise for them so don't say anything to Amy until we leave ok." I read his message then he made me promise. "Okay! You can count on me." Without thinking about it I happily gave him a hug. He looked a little taken back by my action, but ended up giving me such an endearing smile. I couldn't help think it was adorable, and that's when I noticed his cute dimple. Getting a better look at his face, well... he really is handsome too. "Hey. What are you guys doing?" I heard Amy's voice which interrupted my thoughts. I quickly put the envelope in my back pocket. "Nothing nothing I'll tell you later." I responded...

End of flashback...

"And that's how it happened." I finished telling her. "Wow! Leeteuk really is amazing! Thanks to him we will get to go! And no sickness will stop me! Yay!!!! But now for a big dilemma! What will we wear??? Let's check our closets!!!" Amy said in a high pitch voice. I can tell she's feeling a lot better. She has so much energy at that moment. "Hey what's with all the excitement ?" I heard Ryan infront of my door. "Oh nothing. Just girl talk." I responded. "Hey those guys. Yesung, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk. They are part of the boyband Super Junior right?" He asked. Both Amy and I were left in shock by his question. "How do you know?" I asked. "I listen to Kpop. I'm a fan of their music. I had heard they were coming to Kcon but I had no idea they'd be staying in this area. Pretty cool. They're cool guys in real life." he responded. "You what??? Aside from Psy we had no idea what kpop was, but you know Kpop, you listen to it and are a fan of Super Junior???" I asked completely in shock by his revelation. "Remember I speak many different languages. One of those Korean. So do the math!" He stared at me with a dumbfounded look. "You know I like to try different things. Cultures, food, music. Etc..." He added. "Wow!!! Ryan you are so open minded. That's pretty cool of you!" Amy said looking impressed. "Amy don't say that!!! It'll go to his head, you know that." I scolded her. Even tough I too feel a bit impressed and proud to call him my brother. But I won't let him know that or he won't let me live it down. "Well since you know about Kcon are you going? Cause we are!!!" I showed off our tickets. "Cool! Nah... I can't I actually have some business out here so I can't. And even if I wanted too those tickets were sold out months ago. How did you get a hold of them?" He asked. "Leeteuk gave them to me." I exclaimed. "Hmmm... So Leeteuk huh? Okay. Have fun. Just to let you know I will stay till Monday. I have a few things to do in this area." he said with a certain look on his face. "Why the face huh? And what kind of things???" I asked. "Nothing. Just business matters. Don't concern yourself with it. Just go about your normal activities and don't mind me. I'll be a fly on the way little sis, a fly on the wall." he said that super creepy. "You do realize you sounded super creepy! You know!" I said. Knowing him he wants to stay to keep an eye on us. He's always so overly protective. It can be kind of annoying. "Oh well. I suppose it can't be helped." I sighed as he walked out. "Shall we continue to look through our clothes? Or maybe do a little shopping tomorrow?" Amy asked with a twinkle in her eye. "Shopping? yes!!! Let's do that." I said feeling even more excited for tomorrow to come...

Kyuhyun's POV...

"Hey you guys are back?" Kangin turned to look our way as we walked in. "Obviously!" I responded feeling annoyed. "So Yesung why did you have a smile on your face after your little talk with Amy? Something interesting happened?" I asked feeling suspicious. He just chuckled a little as if he remembered something "No! Nothing happened, besides even if it did I wouldn't say." He retorted. I glared at him knowing he's holding something back. "Fine whatever, but hey how do you feel about that Ryan guy?" I asked knowing he too is equally weerie of him. "I like him. He seems like a nice person." Leeteuk jumped in. "Good looks run in Maddy's family. Don't they?!" He further exclaimed adding more fuel to the fire. "Alright already!" I responded in a mad tone. "Well I'm not sure. He seems nice but we'll see." Yesung added. For once I feel happy to have Yesung on my side. "Well I don't like him, and I don't like him sleeping over at their place even if they know each other from long ago." I said while I glanced at Yesung for support. "I hear you but not much we can do there." he sighed. "What??? There's a guy sleeping over at the girls place???" Heechul, Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Kangin asked with so much curiosity in their eyes. "Yeah. He is Maddy's older brother, he brought Amy some medicine and since it's late he decided to stay the night. " Leeteuk jumped in clarifying any bad thoughts they might of been having. "Really? We will have to introduce ourselves then" Kangin said. "Yeah that's a good idea. Maybe he might still be here tomorrow so we might have a chance." Leeteuk continued. All the pride I felt for Leeteuk being a great hyung is gone! He's not a good hyung but he is a back stabber. He knows our dilemma with Ryan staying over, yet he continues to praise the guy! I glared at him. I'm upset with the whole situation and the fact that I didn't get tickets to show off in front of Amy made me even more upset. "Aish! I'm going to bed!" I angrily stormed off...

Yesung's POV...

"Yah! Don't be rude!" Leeteuk yelled at Kyuhyun. With reason, he is acting a little out of hand even if I do understand why he's that way. "What's wrong with the magnae?" Kangin asked. "Oh he got beat in a video game by Maddy's brother and in front of Amy. You know how competitive he can be. So you can guess why he isn't very fond of him." Leeteuk responded while he chuckled. "Ahh I see. So he was humiliated! Hahaha... serves him right!" Heechul laughed. I'm tired and I'm also not feeling too great myself, so I decided to head up stairs. As I climbed in bed I kept thinking about Amy. "She drew me! She could have done anything else or anyone else but instead drew me?!" I was so happy remembering that picture. But what does that mean? Can it be she just felt like drawing it just because, or maybe it's more? Maybe she is interested in me too? I kept thinking about that for a good long time as I started to get sleepy and then I slowly drifted into a deep sleep. Feeling happy like this always soothes me into deep sleeps. So I usually wake up feeling really energized and rested. Which I need for tomorrow...

Donghae's POV...

"Hyung wake up! We have to start getting ready! Our Stylists will be here shortly." I said to him while I shook Yesung's arm. "Alright" he responded in a groggy voice as he turned to look at the time. "Aish. It's so early!" he complaint as he stood up. He still looks out of it. "Are you washing up first or should I?" I asked him. "No. You first, my throat is hurting a little. I'm going to go make myself a warm tea." He let out while he placed his hand on his throat. I examined him for a moment. "Hyung you're not getting sick are you?" I felt concerned. "No. I don't think so." He responded. "Hmmmm... You weren't sneaking around kissing Amy right? Maybe that's where you caught it from?!" I teased him. "Hey! Amy is not like that so don't even say stupid things, and I'm telling you I'm not sick!" He scolded me while he gave me a smack on my arm. "Ouch! Sorry it was only a joke." I laughed while I ran to the bathroom. But still I really do think Yesung hyung is getting sick. That'll be a problem since he's the main vocalist. I'm going to have to make Leeteuk aware of this. "Man it really is too bad the girls aren't going to the show. It would really cheer Yesung and Kyuhyun." I sighed. "Oh well... maybe next time."

Kyuhyun's POV...

I woke up early today so I decided to go for a run. For some reason I feel really energized. Probably from the excitement of today's concert. I ran for a while but when I began to head back I notice a lonely red rose growing on some vines. It's strange to see a rose grow there. It's pretty so I decided to pick it up. While I continued to run back home I looked at the time. It's 7am already! While going up the steps I glanced at the girls house. I was able to get a glimpse of Amy through the kitchen window. Oh good! I'm glad she's up. I'll get to say bye to her before I go. I walked to her back porch, knocked on the glass door, and that's when Amy came to open it. "Morning!" I said to her. "I was coming back from my morning run and wanted to say hi before leaving. So here I am" I stated. She smiled at me. "Are you feeling better?" I asked her. She nodded. "Morning. Yes I'm a lot better and it's nice of you to stop by. Are you nervous?" She asked. "You kidding me? No! I've been doing this for ten years." I laughed. "Just kidding. I still get nervous but not as bad." I clarified. "Well that's good. Wish I could see you guys, but I wasn't able to get tickets...sorry." she smiled at me. "It's ok don't worry. It was too late notice, but hey I have to get going I believe our stylists are probably waiting on us. Oh and before I forget. Here I want to give you this. When I saw it I was reminded of you." I pulled out the rose. She looked a little surprised and unsure of how to react. "Since you can't make it to the concert then think of me while I'm gone." I took hold of her hand and gently placed the rose on it. Her skin is so soft. I wish I didn't have to let go, but before she could react I decided to walk away...

Yesung's POV...

I finished my tea when I noticed Kyuhyun walk in trough the back door. "Hey where have you been? Get ready quickly." I said to him. He just glanced at me with a smile. "Yes hyung. I'll get ready now." he said as he ran upstairs. His attitude is unusual, since he usually complaints or says some smart aleck comment. Man my throat really is bothering me! Maybe I really am catching a cold. I decided to dismiss that thought and went up stairs to get ready. After nearly an hour or so we all started to gather together in the living room area. Thankfully my stylist didn't have to do much with my hair and makeup so I was done and ready. Just waiting on some of the others. "Hey give me a couple minutes I'll be back soon." I told Leeteuk while I walked outside. I quickly ran to Amy's place and knocked on her door. "Good morning." Ryan came to answer. "Is Amy up? Can I speak to her if she is?" I asked him. "Sure. Let me call her... Amy!!!!!" He yelled her name. Just then I heard her voice respond "What is it?" She asked. "It's Yesung!" He yelled back. Just then I heard footsteps approaching the door. I heard her speak to him in a different language, but I couldn't make out what it was. He too responded in that language. Well it's not English, Korean or Japanese so it has to be either French or Spanish maybe? I had no idea Amy spoke a second language. "Morning Yesung!" She turned to me. "Hello. How are you?" I asked her. "A lot better!" she smiled cheerfully at me. "I wanted to see you for a moment before leaving. Wish me luck." I wrote to her on the translater. She read it. "Hmmm... better yet!" she responded. What happened next left me in shock. She leaned in and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. "For good luck!" she stepped back. I froze. What just happened? I know it was only a simple good luck kiss to her but still. I'm not sure how to react to it. I only smiled at her and said the only words I could think of. "Thank you!" I waved and began to walk back home. I can't believe that just happened. I could feel my heart thumping against my chest like never before. I can't help feel like an adolescent all over again. I was still very flustered when I walked in our door. So much so that our manager took notice of my mood. "Hey Jongwoon-ah you okay?" He asked. Just then all the guys turned to look at me. "Yeah. Your face is red." Ryeowook let out while he touched my forehead. "Maybe a fever?" He continued. "He was complaining earlier about his throat hurting him. I think he's getting sick!" Donghae added. "Well are you?" Our manager asked. "Huh? Oh? uhh... maybe? I'm not sure! My throat is hurting though." I responded still half out of it. "That's not good, and on top of that you're still healing from your vocal chords. You might have to let Ryeowook and Kyuhyun do most of the singing during the chorus and rely a little more on the playback during your solo parts. Understood? Let your voice rest as much as possible. We'll get you some medicine on the way too." Our manager told us and signaled to Ryeowook and Kyuhyun to listen carefully. "You heard right?" He said to them. "Yeah don't worry we will." They responded. "Alright let's go." He blurt out. On the way all I could do was think of Amy. She really made my day. I feel happy while on the other hand Kyuhyun seems a bit down. "What's wrong Kyu?" Eunhyuk asked him. "Nothing. Just sucks that the girls can't make it." He said. I agree, it would have been fun to glance at them in the audience, but still I'm very happy thanks to Amy. The thought of her made me smile as I looked out the window. I can tell Leeteuk took notice of my mood but didn't say a word about it. Instead he asked "Did the medicine help?" I turned to him. "Yeah. A little." I responded before turning to look outside again. "Okay good. Anything is better than nothing." he stated. As we finally arrived at the convention center I was still in a happy mood even if my throat felt worse. But with all the excitement I feel nothing can ruin this day. "Hey want to take a selfie?" I asked the guys. "Yeah!" They responded and came closer. I took the picture. Since it came out good I decided to post it on social media. Letting our fans know Super Junior has arrived and looking better than ever...

To be continued...

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