A Night Filled With Disappointments

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Amy's POV...

The moment Leeteuk and Maddy walked out, I felt nerves take over me. By the looks of it they purposely left us alone. I even noticed the way Maddy smirked at me right before closing the door. I know what they're probably thinking we are going to do so it makes me feel a bit awkward. I feel unsure of what to do or say, so I decided I'd be best to talk about something... anything! Instead of responding to me, Yesung took hold of my hand pulling me closer to him. Feeling his warm embrace made my nerves vanish while making my heart flutter. For a moment I rested my head on his chest, listening to the sound of his beating heart. "I missed you." He said while turning to face me. I turned to meet his eyes. The way he's looking at me with so much longing, so much love. "I missed you too." I whispered to him. The moment those words left my lips his eyes lite up. He genuinely looks happy and gave me the most endearing, sweet smile. At that moment I couldn't contain myself after seeing his face. I had to kiss him so I didn't wait for him this time. I took the initiative and kissed him. Immediately he responded. I can feel so much longing through his kisses. I can feel that in this very moment we're both in-sync with our feelings towards each other. I need him! I don't want to stop. All of my emotions at this moment are something I've never experienced before. Sure, I've kissed in the past but this is different. This feeling is pure love. I truly feel like the happiest person in the world. I can feel him pulling me closer to him while deepening our kisses. I love the way his warm lips feel against mine. It almost feels as if I'm floating on cloud nine. "Hey... oh...sorry!" I heard Ryeowook's voice.

Immediately I stepped away from Yesung

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Immediately I stepped away from Yesung. I feel so embarrassed and ashamed that he caught us! I can't even look his direction. I'm sure I'm bright red like a tomato. After a few moments I finally gathered enough courage to look up. I saw Ryeowook walking in along with Kyuhyun. I'm glad Kyuhyun wasn't the one who caught us kissing, it would have been that much worse for everyone! I do however, feel glad to see their familiar faces. Ryeowook waved at me with a sweet smile. I did the same but as Kyuhyun approached me I saw his arms open up. It all happened so fast I didn't have time to react, until I realized I was already wrapped around Kyuhyun's arms. I turned to my side and took notice of Yesung's expression. He does not look happy with Kyuhyun for hugging me. He actually looks a bit scary with serious eyes glaring at him. I had no idea Yesung could get so upset. That's when Kyuhyun finally let go and apologized.

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