Goodbye Cliché

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Yesung's POV...

I woke up feeling something hot and bright on my face, slowly I opened my eyes only to realize I'm laying on the couch. The sun rays peeking through the curtain is what was hitting my face. Why did I sleep here? My back feels so stiff! While I sat up I turned to face the bed and that's when I remembered. My precious girlfriend is still asleep in my room. She's actually here with me! Definitely a nice way to wake up. I quietly got up and walked towards Amy. "Good morning." I whispered and gave her a small peck on the lips before heading to the shower...

Amy's POV...

I was having a nice dream of Yesung when all of a sudden it turned into me walking alone in the rain. When I opened my eyes I realized why I had that dream. I must have subconsciously been listening to the water running in the shower. Wait? Where em I? I looked around unsure of my surroundings. That's when it hit me. I fell asleep on his bed!!! "Oh My Gosh!!!" I quickly stood up. "Okay. Calm down." I took a few deep breaths. How the heck did I fall asleep in his room? Why didn't he wake me? I immediately grabbed my phone to check the time when I notice a few messages from Maddy. "Hey. What time are you coming home?" Checking when she sent this message I can see she sent it a little passed midnight. "I'm starting to worry you know. Answer my text!" She sent that about an hour later. "Never mind. Katie said you are with Yesung. Have fun tonight! ^^" That's the last message she sent. "Wait... what??? Have fun tonight??? What did she think we'd be doing??? She can be so dirty minded sometimes!!!" I couldn't help but feel flustered. While looking around the room and seeing some of Yesung's clothes laying by his luggage I started to feel embarrassed. I guess since I slept over it would look like that to anyone not knowing what really happened between us. Stupid!!! What were you thinking?! I feel so irritated with myself for not leaving early last night. "Oh you're awake, good morning." Yesung softly said to me as he opened the door to the bathroom. Immediately I turned away since I caught sight of his bare chest while he put on his T-shirt.

 I instantly got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, I quickly pulled him out and walked in closing the door behind me

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 I instantly got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, I quickly pulled him out and walked in closing the door behind me. I almost got a heart attack thanks to the view Yesung exposed. That's when I noticed my reflection in the mirror. I look terrible! My hair is a mess!!! Right away I began to freshen myself up. I washed my face and combed my hair. Rinsed my mouth and tried to look presentable. This is so embarrassing! This is the second time Yesung sees my crazy hair in the morning! And on top of that he's probably irritated with me for not leaving early since I placed him in an awkward position, with people now thinking wrong because of me...

Yesung's POV...

Amy was completely flustered as she noticed me shirtless. Can't say it was a complete "accident" I walked out that way. I was hoping for a good reaction but what I got in return was even better. I can't help but feel a sense of pride. I'm glad I made her nervous enough to try to hide in the bathroom. I chuckled to myself feeling accomplished. Then again she's probably going to be upset with me for not waking her last night. Well even if she does get upset I regret nothing, since this morning's events I won't soon forget. Her reaction was priceless and so worth it. While I finished getting ready I noticed Amy still hadn't come out. As I walked closer to the door I knocked. "I'll be out in a minute." She responded. "Okay no problem just checking you're ok. Take as much time as you need." I said to her. "I'm ok. I'll be out in a bit." She exclaimed. I smiled and walked towards my luggage taking out my leather jacket.

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