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Yesung's POV...

"I...I'm sorry Hyung." Jongjin let out with pity in his eyes. Seriously, am I destined to live a miserable lonely life? Just then another message came in from JungSoo (Leeteuk). "Meeting at our dorm in 30 minutes," I sighed feeling so much frustration. "I need to go. Let our parents know to not wait for me. Who knows how long this meeting will take." I informed Jongjin before grabbing my belongings and rushing out the cafe.

Kyuhyun's POV...

"This is ridiculous! I thought everything was accepted two years ago!" Heechul slammed his water bottle against the coffee table. I simply sat there listening to everyone vent. "Of course this would happen right as we're preparing for our comeback! Is there another group more pathetic than us?!" Shindong blurt out. "I just don't know what to do! I didn't think this would still be an issue!" Sungmin could barely speak those words. Just then we heard the door bell. "Kyuhyun, go answer the door. That should be Jongwoon (Yesung)." With out answering I immediately stood up and did just as Leeteuk asked. The moment I opened the door I met Yesung's eyes, he looked so distraught. He gave a sigh of defeat as he slowly walked inside. I then walked towards the living room and sat back down on the floor, setting my soda can down beside me. "Okay, so now that everyone is here let's begin." Leeteuk said to us. "What about the others? Were they not able to get permission?" I asked referring to Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon and Ryeowook who were serving in the army. "Not for today, they were able to get permission for tomorrow, so once we make a decision we will meet with them and inform them of it." Leeteuk responded. All of a sudden I felt someone standing beside me. "Aish!!!" Yesung kicked my empty soda can, sending it flying, smacking Heechul on the side of his forehead. "You idiot! What's wrong with you! You hit me on the head!" Heechul glared at Yesung as he rubbed his bump. "Guys! Cool it!" Leeteuk raised his voice at them. Everyone was feeling the tension, making us all feel on edge. "Why today of all days!!!" Yesung yelled out of sheer frustration. We all turned our focus to him. "Does it matter when it comes out? This was an issue that needed to have been address two years ago and now the only thing we can do is make a decision!" Leeteuk stated. "Oh it matters!" Yesung scoffed at him. Something seems to be bothering him, something else on top of what's going on. That's when I caught sight of Sungmin's face, he looked so ready to break down. "You'll have plenty of time to explain yourself Hyung, but for now why don't we let Sungmin speak, since he's the main one being affected." I suggested to Yesung. "Yes, lets start with you Sungmin. What are your thoughts?" Leeteuk address him. "Does it matter what I think? We all know the decision I have to make in order to not affect the group. I can't go against our fans! If they want me out, then that's what I have to do. I... I'll just leave the group all together." He chocked up. "No you won't! Why? You did nothing wrong! It's not your fault you fell in love and married! How is that fair?! Tell me...how?!" Yesung spoke up. "It's not fair, but think about it from ELF's perspective! They probably felt betrayed." Heechul responded. "It's not fair! You were our hope Sungmin! Because of you we ALL had hope that we'd end up like you one day! Getting married and ELF accepting and supporting our decisions! But now that hope is gone!" Yesung's voice became hoarse as he covered his face with the palm of his hand. That's when I realized what he was talking about. "I... I asked Amy's father for his blessing in marrying her!" He revealed. Not a single sound came out from anyone. We all were left in shock, unable to speak. A few minutes went by in silence until out of the blue everyone started interrogating him. I couldn't focus on anything. I only kept hearing his words playing in head over and over again. I guess I should have expected he wanted to take that next step, but hearing it out loud really tore me inside...

 I guess I should have expected he wanted to take that next step, but hearing it out loud really tore me inside

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