Plans Change

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Yesung's POV...

It's been a couple months since the dreadful day I met Amy's father. I gave it some thought and I felt it had been more than long enough to let him cool down. I want to meet with him but Katie tells me he won't be home for another two more weeks, since he's out on a business trip. According to Katie he's still really upset but seemed to be getting more calm, so I decided to test the waters and take that opportunity to go to America. I had my manager move some schedules around so I could have a few days off. Since I'll be having my second solo comeback in a few weeks I'll be swamped with work. Then in July when Eunhyuk, Donghae and Siwon get released from their military service, we have scheduled to start the recording of our reality tv show, which will show our preparations for our upcoming group comeback. After that happens we will be completely booked with no available time for days off, so really this would be my only opportunity. Finally two weeks went by and as nervous as I feel about speaking to Amy's father I knew it was something that had to be done. The hour was late and I was finishing with my last schedule. I felt exhausted and wanted to hurry home in order to sleep, for the next day I'd be flying to America early in the morning. "SooHee can you help me with the wire, it's stuck." I asked my stylist. "Sure, hold on, don't move! It's stuck under your shirt again. Can you turn around so I can remove your mic?" She asked. Right away I did as she asked. Since I always have a tendency to remove my ear piece when I perform it usually ends up getting tangled with the wiring from the mic that's under my shirt. It's always annoying and such a hassle! "There I got it." SooHee responded. "Thanks! I don't know what I would have done without you!" I felt grateful to have those bothersome wires off me. "Oh by the way, not sure if my manager informed you but you have the rest of the week off!" I said to her. "Yeah he mentioned it. He said you're taking some personal time off? Is everything ok?" She asked with concern on her face. I smiled and placed my hand on top of her head, like comforting a child. "Yes, don't worry. It's a personal matter I need to handle but nothing to feel concerned about!" I reassured her. "Ok, well whatever it is I hope it goes well, and I'll make sure to be here early next week ready to continue working with you oppa!" She smiled sweetly like a cute kid. "I appreciate your hard work! Now go and rest. Have fun on your days off!" I said to her before leaving. For being in her early twenty's, she's shown so much responsibility and dedication to her job, it's admirable. I rushed home and quickly went inside my house. It was around 2 in the morning, my whole family including my two dogs were asleep. I quietly walked towards my room trying to not wake them, when out of nowhere Jongjin stepped out of his room. "Hyung!!! You scared me!" He grabbed his chest with eyes wide open. I laughed. "Sorry, I just got home. What are you doing up anyway?" I asked him. "I woke up thirsty! I'm going to get a glass of water." He answered. "Ok don't let me stop you." I moved to allow him to walk passed me. He continued on his way very clumsily. I chuckled to myself while I went to my room. Once inside I placed my phone to charge while I took my shirt off. That's when a message came in from Katie. "I have bad news oppa! My father canceled your meeting because of an emergency with his work, he has to fly out of the country. He said in a month he will have time to be able to go see you in Korea instead. Sorry for the late notice but I just received the news." I sighed with frustration. "Oh well I suppose it can't be helped. Let him know it's fine and to contact me when he comes to Korea, so I can give him the details of where to meet." I sent back. Now what? I took off a few days from work in order to be able to go to America and now that it's canceled I don't want to waste time doing nothing! I turned to grab a shirt from a drawer when I noticed a picture of Amy on my nightstand. That's when I had a brilliant idea. Since I already bought an airplane ticket I'll just switch the destination and go earlier than planned to Japan. I want to spend as much time as possible with Amy, before I become more busy with my hectic schedules. I hope she agrees with my crazy idea. Living with her for a few days sounds so enticing...

SooHee's POV...

"I appreciate your hard work! Now go and rest. Have fun on your days off!" Yesung oppa said to me before he turned to leave. I continued to watch him as he walked away. I know I should be glad to have days off, especially since I've been working extra hours and the exhaustion is kicking in. Even so, I can't help but feel sad about it. I really enjoy the time I'm lucky enough to spend with Yesung...

Flashback to 2015...

I've been a fan of Super Junior since I was in middle school! I never once imagined that years later I'd somehow end up working for them. I had tried to get into SM but with no luck. It wasn't until one of SuJu's stylists became pregnant that I was able to get in as a part timer. It turned out to be Yesung's stylists and that's how I got this job. Donghae was always my favorite member, so I felt sad when I was told I'd be working as Yesung's stylist rather than Donghae's, since soon he would be enlisting into the military. The day before I started I was so excited! I would finally be able to meet Super Junior! And even though Yesung is not my bias he is still someone I admire so much, so I couldn't wait to see what he was like in real life. He always seemed to be so kind so I felt sure he would be fun to work with. On my first day because of a car accident which backed up traffic, I accidentally showed up late. "Where is my stylist's replacement?!" That was the first thing I heard while stepping foot inside the dressing room. "I am so sorry! There was an acci..." I tried to explain when Yesung turned to face me with such a cold glare. 

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