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Yesung's POV...

Lately I've been extremely busy with all my solo concerts, along with the Tokyo International Film Festival. My first time at such an important event. As meaningful as it is to me, it's also really tiring and stressful. I've been traveling to several cities around Japan, so my schedule has been extremely hectic. Amy and I hardly have spoken, but still I know she will be moving here soon and for the time being most of my activities are here in Japan. I feel ecstatic to be able to spend time with her. Ever since that painting of a sunflower I saw at Amy's place, I've been noticing them more, they seem to be everywhere. So now every time I see one it reminds me of her, I miss her terribly! Finally, after a few days of my same crazy schedule, her moving day arrived. While I drove to the concert hall I received a message from her, I couldn't help but feel my heart thump against my chest the moment I read it. "See you soon..." She wrote. The thought of her in my arms is more than enough motivation to keep going, I can feel a smile forming on my face. I noticed my manager glance my way. Since he already knows about us I decided to share the reason for my joy. I turned to him with a big smile. "I'm so happy hyung! Can you believe that? Me??? I am terribly happy!!!" I laughed.

 "I'm so happy hyung! Can you believe that? Me??? I am terribly happy!!!" I laughed

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He stayed quiet as he turned to face out the window but through the reflection of the glass I noticed a slight smile formed on his face. I know he feels happy for me, my manager he's not a bad guy. I know he genuinely does care about us, and we do too. I know that what he did to me before he regrets, but still back then he had no choice. I had forgiven him then, because I understood the position Kyuhyun and I place him under. Ultimately, the reason he did what he did was because of our own stupidity. He was forced to report what happened, because of our own immaturity. I've learned from that and I won't act stupidly anymore, I have too much to loose now. He and I both know that, I believe that's the reason he decided to keep this secret. Not just because he has grown attached to us but because he knows I will do anything to keep her by my side. So this time I will make sure nothing gets out of hand. Not just for my sake but for his and especially Amy's. She is the last person I ever want to hurt...

Katie's POV...

For most the flight I kept to myself, giving Amy space. I know she feels down. Not only is she moving half way around the world, but she's leaving me, dad, our grandmother and Maddy behind. Along with other family members. Sure she's going to be staying with family in Japan so she won't be alone, but even so. It's a drastic change. She also just received a new job offer for a position she never really cared about. Art is her thing but I guess that's what love does to you. She's brave! I admire her determination. The way she is willing to give her all. I know Yesung is a good person and he genuinely loves Amy, but if I was her I would still be nervous. I guess I'm not as trusting as she is, or maybe I'm not as giving like her. I always hold back. I'm too scared of getting hurt so I tend to shut down. She on the other hand is not like me. She usually gives before thinking. Regardless of how tough our childhood was, she still has such a pure heart towards people. Always trying to look at the positive picture. Always looking for brighter happier ways to view life. I guess that's why Yesung fell for her, not everyone has those qualities. It's rare to find them, even I don't think I have them. I feel like I can be more like dad, looking at life in a more cynical way. While Amy is more like mom, at least from the stories I've heard of her. She was a lovely person who brighten my dad's life with her mere presence. I'm guessing that's why he changed so much after her death, because she wasn't there to balance him. He needed her in order for him to see the happiness in life. Sometimes I feel Yesung can be the same way. He can view life in a sad and cynical way. That's why Amy is a perfect fit for him, they balance each other. I glanced at Amy and noticed she fell asleep. Her hair's slightly covering her face so I reached out and placed it behind her ear. That's when I noticed tears running down her face. She's crying in her sleep! I guess she really is sad for leaving her old life behind...

Amy's POV...

After a long and exhausting flight we finally arrived in Japan. Getting off the plane we walked towards the luggage pick up. After doing so we were walking towards the main exit when we noticed a man holding a sign with my name on it. "Excuse me? Who are you?" I asked him. He turned to look at me. "Are you Amy Cohen?" He asked. "Yes but why are you holding a sign with my name on it?" I asked feeling confused. He chuckled as he handed me a bouquet of sunflowers with an envelope. "Here! This is for you." He responded.

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