My last and final point

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Yesung's POV...

Seeing how distraught Amy was, I decided to lay next to her. Trying to somehow bring some comfort to her. I began caressing her head, as if I was comforting a child. Slowly I noticed how a slight smile formed on her lips as she continued sleeping beside me. Many weighty thoughts and fears were in my head that night... A few days went by then about a week went by since that night. It was so heartbreaking saying goodbye to Amy, knowing we wouldn't see each other for many months to come. Amy tried to give me a brave face but in the end she couldn't contain her sadness and broke down in front of me. I did my best to keep my composure to reassure her of my love and letting her know that no matter what happened or how much time went by, I would not sway! Not only is my personal life a mess but also my career, juggling many problems at once make it so unbearable. But life becomes slightly more tolerable when I have my group members who try to ease my worries. My solo comeback came and during my promotions I along with the other SJ members decided to tease our fans by all doing insta lives at the same time.

 My solo comeback came and during my promotions I along with the other SJ members decided to tease our fans by all doing insta lives at the same time

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It was complete chaos among the fans! They had no idea who to watch, some even switched from one member to the other. We had a good laugh torturing them a bit. With the return of Sungmin and Shindong back in our group we began the preparations for the recording of SJ Returns. We all felt very nervous about it since we would have a camera crew documenting all our preparations for our group comeback. Will our show be received well by the public? By our fans? Do we even have fans left? We all have many fears, fears of being forgotten, fears of no one supporting our return. What if we fail? Will we get another chance? What if we aren't loved anymore? Then what? What will happen to Super Junior? Will we have to stop being SuJu? I couldn't even fathom the idea! As frighting as it was we were all preparing to the best of our abilities to hopefully be able to remain as Super Junior, but the pressure was on, especially for me since Kyuhyun will be enlisting soon and Ryeowook is already in the army, which means that the group will rely heavily on me as the main vocal! Really no pressure... right?! "Hyung, Mr. Cohen just arrived!" Jongjin sent me a text message. Making my worries intensify. "Tell him I'll be there in a few minutes, I'm on my way. Make him as comfortable as you can!" I replied. Turns out to add to my many worries, Amy's father decided to stop by out of the blue. I was hoping it'd be later in the year since I barely had time for anything. Since he unexpectedly announced he'd be in Korea for work I had to cancel a very important meeting. Even so, I didn't hesitate to do so, I really would like to finally get our conversation over with. I want to lay the cards down but at the moment I've barely been able to think about this matter with so much going on. I asked Jongjin to close early today as I rushed to my cafe.

 I asked Jongjin to close early today as I rushed to my cafe

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