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Amy's POV...

In the end after our short conversation we agreed to meet tomorrow after his schedule is finished. We're meeting here in this town since it's close enough to Tokyo but not as crowded so people might not recognizing him. I told him of a famous restaurant in town where we can meet. The whole night I've been having a hard time falling sleep. I feel so nervous, I don't know what to wear. What we'll talk about. Too be honest I'm even unsure if I should go. I simply have too many things on my mind...

The next morning...

I woke up to the birds chirping by my window. It sounds so peaceful. "Sis!!!! I want to go visit Seichi!!! Do you want to come?!!" I heard Katie approaching my room. Peace and quiet gone now! Way to ruin the moment Katie. I turned towards the door as she walked in. "No I have plans for later this evening and I need to get some things together, but tell them I'll drop by tomorrow." I told her. "Okay will do... Maddy!!! I'm going to Seichi's house want to come?!!" She yelled while walking out of my room and into Maddy's. Seichi is a childhood friend of ours. For years he and his family were neighbors to my grandparents but later they moved to an apartment when he was in his early 20's. He's my age but he's been living on his own taking care of his younger siblings since he was 19. Both his parents passed away and he took it upon himself to care for his three younger sisters. He did a fantastic job with them. One got married last year, one is attending college like Katie and the other is in her senior year of high school. I haven't seen him in over a year so it'll be nice to see them, but right now I'm too nervous to even think of anything else. I feel I have to mentally prepare for tonight. That's why I want to stay home. After breakfast Maddy and Katie both left to Seichi's place. I helped my nana with cleaning since it always helps release stress for me. While finishing the dishes my grandmother walked into the kitchen, while clearing her throat. Clearly to get my attention. "So I heard something interesting from someone." She began to speak. When ever she doesn't want to say from who, I always know exactly who she means. Katie! "Do you have someone you like? A Boyfriend?" She bluntly asked. I panicked. "Uh no what makes you say that?" I responded frantically. She stared at me while analyzing my reaction. "Okay just wondering. If you ever do make sure to let us know. We'd like to meet him, whether it's here or in America. That is IF and when you decide to date." She placed her hand on my head. "Okay." I quickly responded. She smiled and walked away. "Katie!" I mumbled to myself while an image of her mocking me came to mind. What em I going to do with you? I sighed...

Yesung's POV...

During an interview I was so distracted and having a hard time understanding all the Japanese questions. Since my focus wasn't there. Somehow, after all that struggle I managed to finish. So far today is not going very well. I'm simply too nervous, but by some miracle I managed to finish everything. I noticed the time, I still have two hours left before I have to meet Amy so I decided to head to the hotel and freshen myself up. I took a quick shower and changed clothes. By the time I finished getting ready I realized I still have an hour left. Taking hold of my cap and face mask I walked out towards a cab.

 Taking hold of my cap and face mask I walked out towards a cab

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