A Day In The Sun

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Amy's POV...

Maddy and I stayed in the house for most of the day. Trying to keep our embarrassment hidden from the guys. We simply hung out and watched some of "The Office" rerun episodes. "I want a love story like Jim and Pam's." Maddy sighed. "Yeah their love story is pretty cute!" I too sighed. We were sulking with our loveless thoughts when my phone received a message. I opened the screen and noticed a message from Yesung. Immediately I perked up. "Talking about love stories. I'm seeing one come to fruition right infront of my eyes." Maddy leaned closer to peek at the message. I couldn't help but giggle at her comment. "Thank you for giving me strength back with your delicious cooking. I woke up feeling better. I thought you should know. ^^ "... it read. "Aww... he's really thoughtful. That's sweet." Maddy exclaimed. "He's good boyfriend material." She elbowed my side. "No one is talking about being in a relationship. He's simply thanking me. He's only being polite. You're taking things too far." I responded. "I'm not so sure about that." Ryan blurt out while walking in. "By the way. I'm not finished with the work I was working on so... I'm staying for two more days. Just wanted to let you both know." He said while slowly beginning to walking away, almost as if he was scared we'd chase after him to beat him. "Sure. Whatever." Maddy let out. We didn't mind having him around. Even if it is our vacation, he doesn't really meddled in our business so we don't really care. "And... I'm planning on inviting the guys tomorrow. I want to get to know them better." He blurt out as he ran upstairs. "What?????" Immediately that caught our attention. "You can't!!!!!!" We yelled at him as we chased after him. "Sorry. Already did. I just came back from their place." He proclaimed. That left Maddy and I with blank looks like deers on headlights. Speechless. We both sat on the floor back to back. "Were so dead. Might as well just kill us now!" Maddy sighed in despair. "We have to see Donghae tomorrow even if we don't want to!" I too felt so much despair. "At least you only have to avoid one. I on the other hand have to avoid two." Maddy complaint while leaning some more on my back. "It's ok. It's not a big deal! You both are being too dramatic. It's not that bad!!!" Ryan chuckled while peeking through his room door. "Quiet!!! It's all your fault!!" We both gave him a deadly glare. He immediately closed his door, but we could still hear him laughing at us from behind it. Just then I received another message from Yesung. "Donghae just told me we were invited by Ryan to go to your house tomorrow. Can't wait. I'll make sure to continue resting today so I can feel better by then. ^^" I sighed after reading his message. "It's official they're coming tomorrow. So let the embarrassment begin!" I told Maddy. For the rest of the day Maddy and I cleaned the place getting it ready. We even forced Ryan to clean the bathrooms since he did the invite without our knowledge. "Serves him right!" Maddy smirked as we left the house to buy more groceries...
The next day...

Donghae's POV...

"Morning hyung how are you feeling today?" I asked Yesung while walking in our room. "Better... still a little weak but better. I Just can't stand this cough." He complaint while coughing. "You should wash up and come down stairs." I told him. "Ryeowook wants to bake something to take to our neighbors place later today. He asked for my help so I'm going to try to help him bake." I made small talk with Yesung. To my surprise he began to laugh. "You help with baking? Ok... but I'm not sure what Ryeowook is thinking." He teased. "That's not nice... even if it's true." I pouted. "By the way, Donghae... you didn't say anything about what happened yesterday between Amy and I, did you?" He asked in a serious tone. "No. I would only agitate Kyuhyun if I said I caught you kissing Amy." I responded. "Hey! We didn't kiss... almost but nothing happened." He responded as he got out of bed. "Really? From my angle it looked like you were." I was surprised to hear that. "No. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't mind but Amy isn't that type of girl and that's what I like about her." He stated as he walked to the bathroom. "Alright I believe you." I responded. I'm starting to think Yesung really will win her over. I feel bad for Kyu...

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