Family Gathering?!

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Amy's POV...

It has been a few days since the last time I spoke to Yesung. Whenever he's available I'm either busy or asleep, and vise-versa. It has become that much harder to talk to each other. The only upside is that lately Maddy seems to be in better spirits. I'm hoping she'll want to open up soon, but still I'm continuing to give her space. I don't want to force her to talk about it until she's ready. On another note, Katie mentioned that my grandmother on my mother's side wants to see us and that she will be having a dinner for us and some of the family during the weekend. I feel excited to see her since it has been roughly a couple months since the last time I visited her. I can't wait for the weekend. Thankfully, I have work to keep me preoccupied and on my free time I usually spend it thinking about Yesung while I wait for his calls...

Katie's POV...

Since I accidentally spilled the beans to my Abuelita (grandma) about Amy having a boyfriend, she arranged a dinner for us this saturday. She wants to talk to Amy about Yesung. She doesn't feel happy about her dating a celebrity, especially one who lives on the other side of the world. Since my grandma seems upset enough, I neglected to mention about Amy making the decision to move to Japan. I'll leave that for her to reveal. That night after I finished my homework I laid in bed watching YouTube videos of Chanyeol. Happily remembering the day I was lucky enough to spend time with him. That's when a call came in. "Oh my, it's Yesung oppa." I immediately responded. "Hi oppa!" I answered feeling happy to hear from him. "Hi Katie. How are you?" He asked. He sounds in a good mood. "I'm doing great! Especially because my favorite oppa called." I said with excitement while beginning to fangirl a little. He chuckled on the other end. "Good! I'm glad you're doing ok." He said to me. "Oppa. Not that I mind but why did you call me instead of Amy? Is everything ok?" I asked. Still, I'm not complaining. It's nice to hear from him since I've recently been feeling an attachment to him, viewing him more like an older brother. Kind of like how I see Ryan. "I need your help." He said to me. "Of course, anything! I've told you before, you name it and consider it done." I responded while anxiously waiting for him to answer. "I want to fly to America, to see Amy." He said. "She'll be so happy!" I let out feeling excited myself. "Well, that's the thing. Since I'm going alone I don't really know how to navigate myself around California. Do you think you or Ryan could meet me at the airport? But without saying anything to Amy. I want to surprise her." He asked. "Of course! When are you planning on coming?" I asked while I pulled up my calendar. "I'll have time during this weekend. I have a few days off and I want to spend them with Amy." He responded. "Umm... I can have Ryan pick you up but." I paused while I thought of how I can work this out. "Is there a problem?" He asked. "Kind off, well, yeah! You see I accidentally spilled the beans to my grandmother about you and Amy, and she's not happy about it. So she wants to meet with Amy this weekend but Amy doesn't know that she knows, and now I'm panicking because I want you to come, but it's also hard to cancel with my grandmother since it's an important issue she wants to discuss. So I don't know what to do, but I can try to cancel if that's what you want." I paused while catching my breath, sometimes I can really utter so many words all at once. "Woah! Slow down! Remember my japanese is still a bit slow. Did you just say your grandmother wasn't happy about Amy dating me?" He asked with concern in his voice. Yikes!!! I spilled the beans again!!! I feel like a complete total dummy. "Well... yes! Because you're a celebrity she thinks you're playing around with Amy. My grandmother is very traditional and she believes that a traditional courtship is the best way to meet your future spouse. You know how grandparents can be, very old school." I tried to make it seem like it's not a big deal. He stayed quiet on the phone for a few seconds. I guess he's allowing it all to sink in. "Why don't we do this... let's proceed with everything as planned. I want to meet your grandmother. I want to show her I'm serious about your sister. Can you let her know I'm stopping by, but again, please don't say anything to Amy. Do you think your grandmother will be ok with that?" He asked me. "Oppa, you don't have to feel forced to do that! I'm sure once Amy speaks to my grandmother she will change her mind about you." I said to him. "Probably, but Katie listen. To be honest, your sister means everything to me, and I want to make it official to all our family members. To let them know we are 100 percent serious about each other. I hate that for the time being we have to keep our relationship a secret from the world but I don't want to do that with our families. Understand?" He patiently explained. "I understand but I don't know if she'll accept, I'll ask and let you know tomorrow okay." I wonder if my grandma really will be ok with meeting him. In the end we talked a little more and made a few more arrangements. I feel excited and nervous at the same time since I'm not sure how things will play out...

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