Important Realization

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Leeteuk POV...

Feeling refreshed and energized after a nap I took a glance at the time, it was a little passed 5 in the evening. The sun was still out and shining ever so brightly. I decided to wake the rest of the guys who might still be resting. Looking over at the next bed I noticed HyukJae (Eunhyuk) still completely asleep with some saliva running down his cheek on to his pillow. I grabbed one of my own pillows and threw it at him. As it hit his face he simply swapped it away and rolled over to the other side. Seeing how he didn't even bother opening his eyes I quickly grabbed another and again threw it at him. "Hey...Eunhyuk? Hyukjae get up! That's enough time for a nap!" I demanded. He tossed and turned some more before finally responding "Alright Alright..." he sat up and answered in a groggy voice as he wiped his mouth. "Go wake up whoever is napping. Let's go into town." I told him as I got up and changed my clothes. "Yeah alright." he responded getting himself out of bed and walking half asleep out the door. "Hey Wake up!!! Wake up!!!" I heard Eunhyuk yell as he went into one of the rooms. That's when I noticed Kyuhyun coming out of the bathroom. "Hey Kyuhyun-ah come here." I called him. "What's up?" He asked as he came to my door. "How many times do I have to tell you to speak to us more respectfully?!" I scolded him. He simply laughed it off not caring to apologize. I chose to let it go this time. "Tell me. What was wrong with you earlier? Is everything ok? You kind of snapped at Jongwoon (Yesung) then stormed off." I watched his face expression change from happy to serious. "Nothing hyung. It's nothing. I guess I was just grumpy. I needed to rest that's all." He responded. He forced a smile and went back to formal speech. Truthfully, I didn't believe his answer but for now I decided to accept it. "Alright but remember I'm here for you if you ever need to talk." I reminded him as I placed my hand on his shoulder for reassurance. He smiled while walking away. "Yeah... yeah" he blurt out. I wonder what's wrong with this kid...

Eunhyuk POV...

After waking some who were napping, I realized there was one person left. A certain... Cinderella. "What's wrong Anchovy? (Eunhyuk's nickname) Why the worried look?" Yesung mocked me with a grin on his face. "You know why hyung! So don't ask unless you want to do it!" I glared at him. "Hahaha... Been there done that so don't count me in. It's your turn!" He responded while watching with such an entertained look on his face. Which made me worry that much more about my own safety. "Fighting!!!" I heard the guys cheer me on as I stood in front of Heechul's door. I knocked once but heard no response so I slowly opened it and peeked inside. It was pitch black! Making this scene much scarier than it needed to be. I gulped and took a deep breath. While taking a step inside the door I glanced back at the guys, pleading with my eyes. Hoping one of them would take mercy and do it for me, but instead they chuckled amongst themselves as they signaled for me to continue walking in. "Fine! Here I go..." I tried to built up courage and walked in. "Hyung?" I cautiously said in a low tone. The closer I walked to his bed the more tense I felt. "Hyung? You have to wake up... hyung?" I continued trying to wake him but it felt like I was about to step on a land mine, realizing I needed to be more wary. I could feel the sweat dripping from my forehead but even so I continued nervously getting closer to him...

Ryeowook POV...

We were all waiting anxiously as Eunhyuk walked in Heechul's room. We watched with amusement until he disappeared from our view. We heard a faint "Hyung" but then silence. About a minute went by with no sound. We all stared at each other wondering what had happened when out of nowhere we heard Eunhyuk yell as he ran out the door. We could see pillows, teddy bears, shoes along with other things being thrown at him as he ran to safety. We all burst out laughing. We knew better than to wake up Heechul but today was his unlucky day. Seeing how traumatized he looked we all decided to go comfort him. "Poor Eunhyuk." We padded his head like a child receiving comfort from his parents. That's what we have to deal with every morning or nap with Heechul. Since it's such a traumatizing moment for us all, we always make sure to take turns waking him. We figured that by the time all our members have had their turn and it gets back to us, we have "healed" enough from the scars left behind from our last go around. We've complaint to Heechul about it but he always tends to ignore us and continues to do what he wants. Even our strongest members fear him when it's their turn to wake him...

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