Secret Revealed

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Amy's POV...

"Alright the guys said to wait for them in the parking lot." Maddy explained as we walked to our car. I could tell she was really excited to go out with them and of course I am too. In the end, we waited around 20 minutes or so until we noticed a large black van pull up next to us. I rolled my window down as Leeteuk did them same. "Let us go together!" Leeteuk suggested while Heechul opened the door to their car. For some reason I began to feel nervous to be in a confined space next to gorgeous men, but we knew I'd be fun so we did as we were told. Once approaching the door I looked around unsure of what seat to take. "You girls here next to me!" Heechul blurt out as he quickly pushed Eunhyuk out of his seat. Poor Eunhyuk turned to face Heechul with annoyance on his face. "Be a gentlemen!" Heechul made a remark to Eunhyuk before he could say a word. "We're so sorry Eunhyuk!" Both Maddy and I apologized for taking his seat. I took a quick glance at Yesung while I sat next to Heechul. He shyly smiled as we made eye contact. "It's ok. No problem." Eunhyuk replied with one of his adorable gummy smiles. "So cute!!! Almost like a puppy!" Maddy whispered into my ear as she passed by me to sit by the other side of Heechul. Sitting behind us was Yesung, Kyuhyun and Kangin. In front was Ryeowook, Eunhyuk and Donghae. Leeteuk was driving and Heechul was in between Maddy and I. "Were is Siwon?" I asked noticing he was missing. "He had to leave back home to Korea. He should be at the airport by now." Kyuhyun responded. I felt very surprised. "Really so soon?" I asked. "Yes he has other schedules but he says his good-bye to you girls and that you can view him like an older brother from now on." Kyuhyun responded. "Aww that's sweet of him!" Maddy exclaimed. "Me too! Call me...Oppa!" Heechul flirtatiously smirked at us. "Yahh!!! Hyung!" Yesung blurt out. "There you go again, What does OPPA mean?" Maddy asked. "Older brother!" Heechul quickly responded with an angelic face. "Or you can say that to someone you like. For example, in a flirtatious way to a boyfriend." Kyuhyun quickly replied while glaring at Heechul, making us realize the real reason Heechul wanted us to call him that. Maddy and I both laughed. "You're such a jokester!" Maddy said as she playfully smacked Heechul's arm. "Ouch..." Heechul said in a seductive tone. "Do it again!" He joked. "Yah! Stop Hyung!!!!" This time Donghae, Yesung and Kyuhyun smacked him while the rest of us continued to laugh. "Alright already... I was only joking!" Heechul complaint while rubbing his arm. "Aigoo... kiss my boo boo..." he turned to me with a pouty face extending his arm out. "We said stop it!!!" Yesung and Kyuhyun jumped up and smacked him yet again. "Okay okay... sheesh..." Heechul grudgingly backed off. Maddy and I continued to laugh at their craziness. They can seriously be like children. On the way we listened to some of their music. Some that they performed and some new to us, as well as other Korean artists. They sang and playfully danced along. Finally after about 40 minutes of driving we arrived at Santa Monica. Leeteuk was very fortunate when he found an empty parking space near the pier, since it's usually packed with people making it almost impossible to park close by. The moment he stopped the car I rushed to open the door to step out. I looked around and noticed the pier was still filled with many people walking around, plus all the shops and restaurants were still open. That's when I caught the scent of food and began to realize how hungry I really was. Out of no where I felt someone's shoulder gently grace against mine. "Gwaenchana? Uh... You ok?" I looked up only to notice Yesung standing beside me. "Yes. I'm fine." I responded. That's when I remembered he didn't look like he was feeling well earlier. "How about you?" I asked while gently placing my hand on his forehead, feeling for any signs of fever. He looked a bit taken back by my action but I felt to concerned to care. "Me? okay." He responded with a smile as he raised his hand to take hold of mine which I had previously placed on his forehead. My face began to feel hot all of a sudden. I couldn't help but looked up at him. The moment our eyes locked I began to notice his deep stare, dark brown eyes, and his mysterious gaze. Which made me feel curious to learn more about the mystery behind them. What is it about him that makes me feel so drawn to him?... I was brought back from my own thoughts when I heard someone behind us clear their throat making it obvious they were trying to get our attention. I quickly tried to pull my hand away from him but instead of letting go Yesung held it tighter while leaning into my ear "Let's have fun! Ok." He whispered, making me instantly blush! By that point it was hard to look him in the eye. So I simply nodded in agreeance. That's when he finally let go of my hand. I quickly turned around and noticed Kyuhyun was looking at us. "Come on let's go the rest of the guys went into the restaurant." He said in a serious tone...

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