My First Kcon Experience

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Amy's POV...

As we parked our car in the underground parking garage of the Nokia Theater, I began to feel nervous for the guys and I felt anxious to see them perform. I wasn't sure what to expect, but either way I couldn't wait. Maddy and I walked to the main front doors. Since it was still early security wasn't allowing anyone in the building, so we waited outside feeling really excited. That's when we noticed a gal holding Super Junior posters. I wanted one so badly so thankfully to my luck she began to pass them out. I took this opportunity "Excuse me. Can I buy one of those posters from you?" I called her. "Huh? Oh you mean these? No, they aren't for sale. Here you can have some. SuJu's fans are passing them out to support the group while they perform. Are you here to see them?" She asked. "Yes we are. It's actually our first time seeing them live so we are super excited." I responded. "Haha well you're in for a big surprise! I saw them once before and they were amazing live." she smiled as she turned to walk away. "Thank you!" I said to her before she kept going on her way. I turned my focus on the posters. One was of Super Junior and the other was of Yesung. It reads "Welcome back." I'm assuming they mean from the army. It's incredible to see how popular they are, I can't believe I never heard of them before. "I'm planning on getting my poster signed by the guys." Maddy happily starred at hers. That comment made me laugh but it's not a bad idea. "Hey you brought your inhaler and cold medicine right?" Maddy asked. "Of course! I took them both in the car. I want to be feeling as best as I can for this concert. I wouldn't want to miss it." I responded. "Good. I wouldn't want you to miss it either." She stated while she took her phone out. There was a text from Leeteuk. "Are you girls here yet?" It read. Just then the doors opened. "Yes we are about to go through the doors." She replied. I began to feel very anxious. I couldn't wait to see them perform. "Awesome. Let me know when you find your seats." He texted back. "Okay will do. Thanks again." Maddy responded. "So is something going on between you two?" I asked. They both seem to be texting and talking so much lately. "I thought you were into Donghae?" I continued to ask. "No... no... it's not like that. Leeteuk is just my friend. I mean he's handsome but Donghae is more my type. We just haven't been able to talk that's all. But Leeteuk no I haven't thought of him that way." She responded. "Uh huh... okay If you say so." I responded but somehow I feel like there could be something there. Even if she doesn't see it now. Finally we were allowed in the main doors and security. Walking inside the building felt very refreshing since outside the weather is over 100 degrees. We walked a long distance around the arena until finally we found our aisle. We were extremely close to the stage. A few feet away actually. "Wow this is going be great! I can see everything really well from here." Maddy blurt out, I too agree. Looking around I could see the arena filling up with so many people of different backgrounds. I could even hear girls conversations talking about different bands performing, but only a few caught my attention when I heard them speak of Super Junior. Since I'm still so new to this group I wasn't sure how much popularity they have, but it seems like the more the stadium fills up I saw more and more SuJu posters, as well as Yesung posters. Just then I remembered about the kiss I gave him on the cheek. "Oh gosh! Now that I think about it more logically maybe I was too forward. I shouldn't have done that. I was just caught in the moment and acted impulsively. I hope he doesn't think wrong of me." I began to blush while I remembered. "Are you ok? Don't tell me you're getting another fever?" Maddy placed her hand on my forehead feeling for any fever signs. "No! I'm just really excited that's all." I smiled at her. "Ok. If you say so." She let out not looking too convinced. We waited a while longer and then finally the show began. There were some opening acts doing Taekwondo. They were entertaining to watch especially when their kicks would break the pieces of plywood and proceed to fall into the audience. After that a group called MonstaX came out. They had really catchy music. They were good. Kpop definitely is a lot different than what I was expecting but I'm loving every minute of it. After them was another boyband Got7. I really liked their song Just Right. It had a really catchy tune, plus they dance really good. After that group was the girl group Sistar. By the looks of it they will be the only girl group playing tonight. When I saw them come up on stage I noticed how pretty they are and somehow couldn't help but think about if Yesung found any of them attractive. Almost instantly I began to feel... almost like... Just maybe I was beginning to feel jealousy? Can I actually be feeling jealous right now?! I decided to dismissed that thought and instead simply enjoy the show, but before I knew it the girls had finished their performance and a soloist came out I think his name was Kim Roy. He sang really sweet and he even had a duet with one of the girls from Sistar. That was nice to watch. What really amazed me was the dancing skills between Got7 and MonstaX during their dance off. They did such a fantastic job. After they finished you could tell the crowd was super pumped up. Knowing Super Junior was next. "Oh my gosh it their turn!!!" Maddy was freaking out as the lights dimmed. Just then their songs began to play as the screens were showing an intro of them with their hit songs from their debut to present time. "Man for ten years they've been doing this?! Wow!!!" I was in awe while I continued to looked up at the screen. That's when the floor of the stage opened and slowly all the guys began to rise from it in a platform. I couldn''t believe the roar of the crowd, it was louder than it was for the other bands. I too joined in. Just then my gaze met Kyuhyun's. He smiled and waved at me while the rest of the guys did the same. I looked around but for some reason Yesung was nowhere insight. "Do you see Yesung?" I asked Maddy. "No!" She responded. Maybe he will come on a little later I hope. I was holding on to the Yesung poster ready to hold it up the moment I saw him, but still... nothing. I was about to give up hope when I noticed all the guys line up and that's when the stage floor opened up. My heart skipped a beat the moment I saw him coming up on that platform. It's him! It's really Yesung right infront of my eyes! I held my poster up high hoping he'd see me, maintaining my gaze fixed solely on him. He stood front and center with the spot light on him. For a moment it was as if everyone else was gone and I could only see him. He was even more impressive than I thought he'd be. Seeing him standing there shining like the beautiful star he is made my heart race. I could not believe all the emotions I was feeling at that moment but I didn't mind. I liked what was beginning to flourish. So I continued to yell his name and hold his poster way up high hoping that would be enough to catch his attention but sadly he hadn't noticed me. After their first song ended the lights dimmed and all you could see were blue glow sticks everywhere. "Look it turned into a mini super show." I heard a girl say. I had heard from others that the blue lights represent Super Junior's and that's mostly all the colors I see, just blue! In that moment it really hit me like a bucket of ice water... their popularity is insane! I felt amazed and privileged to personally know them. I could hear others screaming their names, I even saw a few girls crying! As the next song began Maddy began to freak out... "Oh I know this song!!!" She yelled while she tried to sing along but since their is a big language barrier you can imagine how she sounded trying to sing the Korean lyrics! The whole stadium was crazy loud as you heard everyone singing and dancing along with them. Just then I thought I noticed Yesung looking at me, but he quickly moved to the other side of the stage so I wasn't sure if he did indeed recognize me. So I continued to hold my poster up hoping he'd see me. That's when to my surprise Heechul came up on top of a platform playing the drums! I was speechless.

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