Distance Keeping Us Apart

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SooHee's POV...

"I feel so bad for Sungmin! I can't believe him marrying is actually an issue!" Haewon said to me with so much bitterness in her voice as we arrived in front of work. Even though we only work for Super Junior many would feel that it's crazy for us to feel affected when scandals about them happen. Even so, because we know them, because we are close to them and see them every day, we all can't help but grow an attachment to them, in a way it's like they are family. So if anything happens to them, whether it's good or bad, then it affects us all greatly. The media had arrived early this morning and were all on stand by waiting for Sungmin's official statement to be released. So when we arrived outside the SM building they were all there, swarming around the building. We were barely able to walk in. Once inside, the only topic that was being discussed was about Sungmin and the group. Since we arrived extremely early, we've yet to see any of the Super Junior members make an appearance at the office. I feel really worried for all of them, specially for Sungmin since he's the main one being affected and of course for Yesung. He tends to always take everything too personal and let's it weigh on him too much. I sighed with frustration while hanging a suit jacket on a rack. "Good morning!" I heard Haewon say as Yesung walked in the room. Should have guessed he'd be the first to show up, since he's usually one of the first to arrive. He didn't answer, instead he simply nodded while placing his belongings on a near by table. I immediately turned all my focus on him, that's when I noticed he had his sunglasses on with a mask covering most of his face.

 I immediately turned all my focus on him, that's when I noticed he had his sunglasses on with a mask covering most of his face

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He doesn't seem to be doing so well today. "Morning oppa! How are you holding up?" I asked him. He took his mask and glasses off, revealing a swollen face with dark under eye circles. He looks exhausted like he didn't sleep at all. "You can imagine." He responded while trying hard to force a smile at me. As he reached into his pocket to get his phone out, I caught a glance of his bruised knuckles. "What happened? Are you ok?" Without thinking and acting on impulse I tried to reach for his hand but he swiftly moved it away as he placed it back into his pocket, hiding his hand. "I...I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that! It's just that it's concerning seeing the way your hand looks. I hope it doesn't hurt much!" I said to him, feeling a bit embarrassed by his immediate reaction towards me. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine. It's nothing." He responded while walking away towards the clothing rack. "Is this my wardrobe for the day?" He asked. "Huh?... oh yes! That's for you." I responded. "Ok, I'll go change." He said to me as he walked away. "Hmm... I see what you did there! Trying to take any opportunity to hold his hand! How cunning of you!" Haewon whispered to me with a devilish smirk across her face. I would feel embarrassed by her remark if it wasn't for how worried I feel for Yesung right now, so I decided to ignore her comment. "He looks really worn out! More than I expected!" I let out with a sigh. "Couldn't agree more. He looks terrible! I can only imagine how the others will look when they too get here." She also sighed. Just then Shindong, Kyuhyun, and Heechul walked in. All looking miserable and abnormally quiet. Moments went by in awkward silence as they placed their belongings down. That's when Yesung came back, dress and ready to get his hair and makeup done. I'm not sure if it was me who imagined some tension coming from Kyuhyun and Heechul towards Yesung, but from my point of view, it did seem that way as he passed by them. I wonder if they got into a fight last night when discussing Sungmin's situation? Maybe that's why Yesung has his hand that way? But why would they fight? I don't see any bruises on Kyuhyun or Heechul, I'm probably just imagining things. Playing out crazy scenarios in my head since everyone is all tensed towards each other. Just then the member who is usually always late came in. "Good morning!" Leeteuk walked in with a bright grin across his face. Either he is some sort of robot specie or a super human! Nothing ever seems to get to him, at least, I've never seen it. "I bought coffee for everyone! I'm sure we all can use a drink!" He said as he personally began handing them out, including to all the staff. While walking around the room he finally got to me and handed me one. I couldn't help but smile back at him since his grin was so cheerful. "That a girl! Keep that bright smile shinning our way! It'll help cheer everyone up!" He blurt out. It was nice seeing someone trying to lighten the mood. He really earns respect! He's such a great and caring leader, but seeing him more up close he too has heavy under eye circles. Seems like I was wrong, he really is just a normal human after all! "Come on everyone, I know it's hard due to the circumstances but let's try to show our support to Sungmin! Remember he decided to go on hiatus for us, in order to not affect the group. So when he comes by to make his official statement to the press, make sure to be as supportive as can be, for his sake. That way he can take a leave of absence with peace of mind, knowing that he has a strong group and staff behind him who will hold out until he is able to rejoin us!" Leeteuk spoke in such a calming and reassuring tone. As if he really knew what would happen, but somehow it did the trick and helped relieve some of the tension being felt. As a result to his good leadership I noticed how everyone was now trying in their own way to follow his advice and trying to put on a brave face. How is Leeteuk able to keep such a calm composure? Making everyone feel more at ease with a few spoken words. "Ouch" I heard subtle whining coming from Yesung, so I turned my focus back to him. "Oh sorry! I'll try to be more careful. By the way, what happened to make your knuckles this bruised? Don't tell me you got into a fist fight with one of these guys!" I heard HaYoon, Yesung's make up artist say to him as she was carefully concealing his purple knuckles with makeup. She's been working with him since the very beginning so that's why she feels comfortable speaking to him in such an informal way, plus she's older so there's that too. "If I would have fought any of these guys, their faces would be in worse shape than my hand." Yesung said with such a serious tone. "Haha, very funny!" HaYoon teased him. "Was I being funny?" Yesung forced another smile trying to seem more himself but the moment that was over, it was as if he remembered about his situation and continued looking miserable...

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