The Meddler

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Katie's POV...

After Jongjin and I distracted those girls we ended up losing sight of Amy and Yesung. We looked for them for a while before we got bored and decided to go on a few rides instead. "Do you think he asked by now?" I turned to look at Jongjin. "Well, it's pretty late now so I'm guessing yes." He responded. For a moment he looked deep in thought. "You know, if everything goes according to plan I'll be really happy. I think your sister is a good fit for my hyung." He let out. I turned to him. "You think so?" I asked. "Yes I do. In the past, he's dated other girls but their personalities were very shallow and selfish and that's putting it nicely. Amy is the opposite. From the little I know of her I can see how she's very humble and kind, and I've noticed that what my brother lacks Amy has and vise versa. That's why I believe they make a good match. They both complement each other's personalities." He confided in me. "I see. Amy is a positive person and I have noticed Yesung is... how do I say this? He seems to sometimes see things in a negative way, not everything but in some aspects of his life. Or I don't know, maybe it's just me reading too much into it." I responded feeling that I may have offended Jongjin for saying that about his brother. He turned to me with such a serious look. "You see it too huh? Sometimes I do worry about him, but I can't say I blame him for feeling that way since the type of work he does is not easy and can take a great toll on a person's emotions and personal life. Which in turn can make them look at the world in a negative way. Wouldn't you agree?" He said. I understand what he means by that. "But that brings me back to your sister. With her positive outlook she is like a ray of hope for my brother. She is able to bring so much happiness to him even if at least in one area of his life, because as much as he loves what he does for a living, he's only human and his job does get to him. Sometimes in a really negative way. That's why I feel thankful to Amy for bringing happiness to my brother the way she has." I smiled while I listened to what he said. "And you? Do you feel the same way he does?" I asked feeling curious if both brothers think alike. He smiled for a moment. "Sometimes yes. Sometimes life gets to you but I try to think that tomorrow is a new day. With a new day new opportunities to better your life. That's the way I like to look at things." I smiled at what he said. "I agree, look for a better tomorrow. Like right now. Let's go get some of that cotton candy over there!" I pulled his arm while we ran to the concession stand. He chuckled as he glanced at me in disbelief. "You can be so childish sometimes, you know that?" he said. "You don't stay too far behind. I mean look at what we did today! We dressed up in disguises and came to spy on our siblings date, so yeah! Pretty childish if you ask me... oppa!" I retorted. I smirked and looked away in a bratty manner. He laughed out loud. His laugh is contagious and it made me burst out laughing as well. "You're right! Pretty childish. You got me." I couldn't help but devilishly smirk at him. I finally won against him! He may have won on all our bets from earlier, but I got him back good. I feel so accomplished. After ordering my blueberry flavored cotton candy I took my wallet out to pay but Jongjin gently placed my hand down. "Here you go." He reached to the vender and paid for it. "You didn't have to do that. I was going to pay for it myself." I responded in shock. He chuckled. "You are, in a way. This is the money you lost from the bets I won, remember?" He continued laughing. I frowned. "So I really am paying for it, and here I was thinking you looked so cool paying for me." I joked. "Well technically I did." He defended himself. "What an adorable couple." We both froze as we heard some girls say that. We stared at each other for a moment then turned to face the girls. "We are not a couple!" We exclaimed in unison. Their smiles disappeared right away. "So Sorry! The way you were teasing each other we just assumed you were... we're very sorry!!!" They bowed to us. I took a quick glance at Jongjin. He looks flustered by what they said and I too feel the same. We both stayed in silence while I hurried to finish the candy. After that we decided to call it a night since it's late and I need to get back before Amy. Jongjin called a cab for me and waited along with me until it arrived. "Thank you for being my partner in crime." I said to him while giving him a thumbs up. "Yeah you too. Kiddo." He blurt out as he pinched my cheek. "Ouch!!!" I complaint and smacked his hand away from my face. "Get home safe...ok." He softly spoke with an endearing smile. I did the same and said my goodbyes. Once inside the car I rubbed my cheek where he had pinched me. That really did hurt. Just then I caught myself blushing while I thinking of him. "What the heck??? No!!! As charming as he is, I must stay loyal to my bias! Chanyeol!!!" I swiftly dismissed the thought of Jongjin. Finally I arrived at home. Immediately I ran inside the house. "And where have you been? Just look at the hour, It's late!" My grandfather stopped me on my tracks. "Oh no... busted!" I mumbled to myself. I quickly made up an excuse. "Seichi's! I was at Seichi's. I went to visit Hisako and I forgot to check the time... sorry papa!" I blurt out the first thing that came to mind. I feel bad for lying but obviously I'm not going to give myself away by telling him I went to spy on Amy. Then I'd really be in trouble by him and Amy. "Fine but make sure you let me know where you are everytime you go out, understood!!!" He stated in a firm tone. "Yes papa... sorry... won't happen again." I responded. "Now, did your sister say when she'd be coming home?" He asked. "No, she just said late. That's all. She didn't specify a time." I quickly answered. "And she said she was going out with Yesung correct?" He continued to ask. "Yes she did." I answered feeling like I'm being interrogated. Which should come to no surprise since my grandfather was an Air Force Major General back in the day, and even though he's retired he still has kept his authoritative manner of speaking. "Alright. I shall wait a little longer. Go to bed. It's late." He demanded as he sat down on his reclining chair. I think he's becoming suspicious of Amy's and Yesung's feelings for each other...

Amy's POV...

While in the cab heading home Yesung and I held hands the whole way. 

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