up all night - B.A

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y/n pov
I have been so bored while Brandon has been living and working in L.A. . Meanwhile im stuck in Texas. It has been a challenge communicating with Brandon, because livivng in different states means different time zones. It is the worst thing ever even though im 2 hours ahead of him. While he is working hard in the studio i am getting my night routiene done and when he gets home from his long hard day and after his night routine , im already asleep. Ever since Brandon left i really havent been able to sleep. He sang to me every night. I miss it, his beautiful voice and him in general. Currently its 3am here and 1am in L.A. . Im laying in bed thinkinng because i cant sleep, but my thoughts are interupted by my phone ringing. I look to see whos trying to facetime me and i see "Brandon🧡🐝" pop up at the top of the screen and instantly answer.
(bold =Brandon    normal= y/n)
"babyyyyyyy!" he is smiling wide.
"brandon i miss you so much" i say exitedly.
"i miss you to babygirl" his voice is raspy and low.
"Brandon babe why are you up so late you have work?" i ask with a curious face
"i have the day off today" he smiles widely.
"oh my gosh no way! me to babe" i amd smiling and my smile isnt leaving for a while
"no way thats so dope that we can "spend" today together" brandon puts air quotation marks on the word "spend"
"ah baby dont say that we will be together" i say reassuringly.
"i just miss you so damn much babygirl." he said a curse word which means he ment it.
"i miss you to brandon"  i smile and giggle at him and notice he looks super tired.
"what is it babygirl?" he notices i know something is up.
"baby you look tired and so am i." i state calmly
"no babygirl this is the only time we get together" brandon pleads
i smile at his reaction "baby we can stay on facetime but we can sleep"
"okay angel goodnight" he says softly
"goodnight baby" i smile and we both sleep but i am woken up by zion and nick recording brandon and i sleeping on facetime
"yo we woke her up" nick says hystericaly laughing.
"bro ima beat your ass next time i see you. leave us the hell up and shut you damn mouth" i say pissed at nick.
"damn girl okayyyyy" nick says laughing
"im sorry we woke you sleeping beauty" zion says as brandon wakes up
"yo go away yall were sleeping and yall intruding isnt very nice. now go before i beat your ass." brandon is mad now.
the two boys scurry out of the room and brandon looks at me
"im sorry babygirl" he looks mad and apoligeticly at me at the same time.
"its fine babe just go to sleep" i say calmly
"okay baby goodnight."
"goodnight baby"

published on - april 6, 2018
509 words

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