Album Release Party- Z.K.

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Zion's P.O.V.

Tonight the guys and I are throwing a huge party and a lot of importanant people are coming. This is our album release party so we are all a little shooken up by I need to be the chill Zion that I appear to be.

The party is formal but the after party isn't, so I  put my tux on and try to tie the tie. I can't do it. At this moment I wish I had my girlfriend, well now ex, y/n.

She was beautiful. Her y/s/c (skin color), y/e/c (eye color), and her beautiful y/h/c (hair color). It was all beautiful. She was beautiful. Shw was intelligent. She was, still is, my world.

Y/n's P.O.V.

I slip into my white bodycon dress as I see my friend, Hailee, already doing her hair and done with her makeup.

"Haileeeeee." I groan and she looks at me and stops straightening her hair.

"Yes?" She asks smiling. She is so beautiful I wish I could look like her. Maybe Z would want me back then?

"Can you do my hair while I do my makeup? Preferably curl it." I ask and she nods finishing her hair. I sit in the chair and start with my makeup as she starts my hair.

"Do you think Zion will talk to you tonight?" She asks curling a piece of my hair.

"No I don't think he will." I say sadly. Zion and I broke up for a reason. I was self conscious and needed time to myself but that was months ago . I miss him a lot and Hailee sees that.

"Well let's hope he will." She says finishing and turning the curling iron off. I smile and thank her as I apply my lipgloss. I slip on my white stilettos.

I grab my keys and we walk out to my car and go to the PrettyMuch house. Here goes the anxiety.

I tell Hailee that I will be right behind her. She nods and leaves the car going into the house, probably being greeted by Austin. I take a minute to breathe and get myself together. About 5 minutes later I get the courage to get out of my car and walk in.

As soon as I walk in I see Zion talking to people. He is standing there in a black and white tux. He looks good. I feel a slight tap on my shoulder.

"Hey y/n!" I hear Edwin say excited. I smile at him and than him for inviting me to the party.

"Oh no sweetie, thank Zion. After all it was his idea." Edwin explains. I smile to myself and hug him happily.

"I'm going to say hi to the other boys." I say walking away towards he group of people that I see Nick in. I walk up behind him and hug him.

"Hey best friend." He says laughing.

"Awwww man, how did you know it was me?" I groan in defeat.

"You and Alexys are the only people that hug me like that and she isn't here and she can't be anyways." The boy explains as I nod and walk off to find another. The next one I see is Austin. I smile and walk up to him. He is talking to Hailee. Typical.

"Hey buddy." I pat his back and laugh. He smiles and pulls me into a hug. And now off to find Brandon. I walk around, not patting attention, and bump into someone.

Zion's P.O.V.

I was walking around when all of the sudden something hits me pretty hard.

"Ow." It says. I look down to see y/n.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?!" I ask trying to help her up but she rejects my hand.

"Yes, I am fine." I say dusting myself off.

"Look I didn't mean to bump into you." He says grabbing my hand.

"It's fine just let me go talk to Brandon and Hailee." I pull my hand away gently. He nods sadly and I walk off to the two.

"Finally, you were out there for a while." Hailee says hugging me and then Brandon pulls me in for a hug also. I smile and look at them.

"I wasn't in my car I was talking to the other guys." I explain but leave the Zion part of it out.

All of the sudden we hear Simon start talking into a microphone.

"Can all the boys of PrettyMuch come on the stage?" He asks Brandon leaves us and walks up with the rest.

"We'd like to than everyone for coming out tonight! This album means so much concidering it's our first. Here it is!" They announce and the songs start playing.

"I am so proud of them." I say to Hailee keeping my eyes on Z.

"Them or Zion?" She asks smirking. I look at her and playfully push her shoulder.

"Shut up." I smile as the guys walk up to us. Zion is starring at me and I blush looking down.

"Girls, would you like to dance?" Nick asks charmingly. We look at each other and giggle. Brandon grabs Hailee while Nick grabs me.

All of us go out to the dance floor and dance together. I feel hands on my waist and know instantly that it's Zion.

"Can we talk?" He whispers in my ear. I nod and he grabs my hand leading me upstairs to his room.

"Look Zion I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken up with you." I say hugging him. He stands there for a second but then hugs me. I smile to myself.

"I miss you. Please come back to me?" He asks smiling,

"Gladly." I say and kiss him.

I am glad I came here tonight.



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