New Girl- N.M.

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y/n's pov
Today is my first day at my new school. I am super nervous. I get in the shower for 15 minutes, get out, blow dry my hair, put my clothes on, style my hair, do my makeup, and bursh my teeth. I grab my backpack and walk downstairs to my dad.
"Hey hun ready for your first day?" He is reading his papaer.
"Yes sir I am ready for my new school." I smile.
"Okay hun lets go." He gets the keys and we walk out to the car. It is about a 5 minute drive. We pull up to the school and walk in.
"Hello this is my daughter y/n and she is new." He says smiling.
"Oh let me call the principal to give you your schedule and have Nick come give you our tour." The desk lady smiles. I stand there wondering who is Nick. About 3 minutes later the principal  walks out and hands me my schedule and tells me some stuff and an attractive boy walks in.
"This is Nick Mara he aill be giving you a school tour and helping you around." Mrs.Bianca (the principal) says to me. She hands Nick a copy of my schedule. My dad hugs me and leaves and i walk out with Nick.
"Hi I am Nick but you already know that." He smiles and it is beautiful.
"I-I-I am y-y-y/n." I am normally not this wired around guys.
"Thats a beautiful name but anyway this is the gym. Which is your 7th.." He walks further down. "This is cafeteria a  and that is cafeteria b." He points out the two large rooms.
"Why two?" I look down.
"They dont really want the freshmen and sophmores with the juniors and seniors."He explains.
"There are some bathrooms." he points infront of us and we walk to the other building .
"This is where most of your classes are but gym , Algebra2 , and Choir are." He points out what is what and then takes me to the autitorium. "This is choir which I am also in with 4 of my friends." The past couple classes we have got 3 guys we have to get the other at Algebra 2. So we walk over there and nick gets him out of class.
"This is Edwin," he points at the one with curls, "This is Austin," he points at the one with long hair."
"Thats Zion." He points at the tall one.
"Finally this is Brandon." He points to the one smiling fixing his glasses.
"He will take you to your first which is Algebra 2." We all start to walk our seprate ways.
"Wait." Edwin says making everyone turn to him.
"What is your name newbie?" I laugh at my name he gave me
"I am y/n." I smile
"I will see you in second beautiful." Nick says after Edwin talks to me and Brandon takes me into Algebra 2.
"Mr.Arreaga why were you out?" Mr.Duncan asks.
"I am helping with the new girl." He smiles.
"Oh welcome you must be y/n sit with Brandon." He nods his head and I follow him. Time flies by and we walk to choir and i see nick and the rest of the guys on the stage and we smile at them and Nick noitces Brandon holding my hand.
"Hi guys" I smile.
"Hi y/n" They chorous. Its so cute how they do that.
"Miss y/l/n ." Mrs. Warren says.
"Yes ma'am?" I look at her.
"You will be an alto and ocasionally a suprano." She smiles at me.
"I have heard you sing and it is angelic so you have first seat in your part." I smile
"Thank you very much." Somehow Nick was beside of me.
"First day and you took my spot. Thats so amazing." He smiles
"Oh no Nick im so sorry I will ask if she can move you back." I say with worry in my voice.
"Oh no im so happy for you it is really hard to get first chair." He smiles
"Miss y/l/n since people have not heard you sing will you sing for us?" She makes everyone sit in the chairs.
"Yes ma'am." I smile and i say i am singing 'Stone Cold'by Demi Lovato. She smiles and i close my eyes and start singing and i finish and everone claps. Choir is quickly over.
"you were amazing!" Brandon tells me.
"Thank you." I smile
"Damnnnn girl you can belt and its amazing!" Nick exclaims and slips something in my back pocket.
The school day goes by fast and i go home and look at the paper he slipped in my pocket. It had his number on it. So i texted it.
hey nick
who is this
oh um its y/n from school
ohhhhhh okay well hi and i have a question.
i was wondering if you would like to go on a date after school tomorrow?
yes of corse bye nick💕
bye sweets

Through the school day Nick would glance and smile at me and would wink ocassionaly. I found it cute while the popular girl group didn't they hated the fact me and Nick liked each other. So the school day came to an end and I go to Nick's locker with him and we talk about where we are going to eat and we agree on In-n-Out and we go and he looks me right in the eyes and asks,
"y/n would you please be my girlfriend?" hes nervous and i can tell
"yes Nick i will." i smile and be holds my hands

sorry i havent updated i have school and millions of tests. i will try to update more.
published on- April 16 ,2018
984 words

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