Anxiety Attacks- Z.K.

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Y/n's pov

"Y/n it will be okay breathe. Okay? Just breathe. In and out, in and out." Brandon says.

"Someone get Zion!" Austin yells not knowing what to do. Soon enough I'm in Zion's arms.

—————————5 hours earlier———————

"Zion! Where are you?" I yell througout my house. I see Zion pop up from behind the counter. I laugh. "Come on babe. We have to get ready for your guys' concert."

He smiles and grabs my hand. I lead him up to my room and we pick out our outfits. We end up wearing similar colors.

"Baby, we've got to go now." He says grabbing my hand. We drive to the prettymuch house and walk in. "Boys!"

All of the sudden the four other boys come running down the steps. Instead of running to Zion they run and hug me.

"It has been 4 months!" Brandon yells while hugging me. He picks me up. I laugh and the others hug me.

"Guys we have to leave or we're going to be late to our own show." Edwin says laughing. We all go out to the car and get in. When we get to the venue there is a huge line. I start breathing in and out getting nervous. Zion places his hand on my thigh.

"Hey you're going to be okay." He says reasurring me. I nod and still breathe a little heavy. He knows about my anxiety and that it is really bad. The driver pulls around to the back and we get out.

We walk backstage and hang out before the show and as they're letting in the fans.

"Y/n are you okay?" Nick asks noticing me looking out at the large group of people.

"Oh um yeah." I say nervously. I might not be going out there, but I have really bad anxiety and I don't like being infront of big crowds or even a classrom full of people.

"5 minutes until show!" Someone yells. I see the boys running up to me.

"Y/n?" Zion asks. I look at him and they are all smiling.

"Yes babe?" I ask curiously.

"Can we bring you out on the stage? I want to go public with our relationship." He smiles. I instantly freeze up.

"Zion I- I can't." I look down, but when I look up the boys stopped smiling and and he looks sad.

"Why not?" He says sadly. I look at the crowd and get nervous once again.

"My anxiety. I can't go out there." I say and start breathing hard again.

"Oh I'm sorry. I forgot all about it." He says grabbing my hands. "Think about it for me though, it would ony be a minute of the show." He whispers. I nod and stand there. I think about it and before he goes on stage I run to him.

"Yes." I say and he smiles. He pecks my lips and runs on stage. I smile watching him perform. He is so happy when he's out there.

"Guys guyd guys!" Zion says getting the crowd's attention. "You guys may not know this, but I have a girlfriend. She is here and shenis backstage. I want you guys to meet her so be nice. Y/n come on." Zion looks at me and waves.

As I'm walking out I see them all starring at me. I start panicing on the inside. What if they don't like me. What if they think I'm ugly. What if Zion leaves me, because his fans don't like me with him.

"Y/n?" Zion says walking to me. "Hey breathe." He says and it really doesn't help. I walk back to the backstage area. I sit down and start breathing really hard and Brandon jogs over to me.

"Y/n it will be okay breathe. Okay? Just breathe. In and out, in and out." He says squatting down next to me. Austin runs over and yells.

"Someone get Zion!" He yells not knowing how to handle the panic attack. Zion runs over and holds me. He rubs my back.

"Breathe baby, breathe. It will all be okay." He says. He looks around in his bag for my inhaler and hands it to me so I can breathe.

"Thank you for helping." I say once I calm down. Soon enough the show is over and we can all go home. Zion comes to my house to make sure I'm okay.

"Hey about today-" He starts, but I cut him off knowing he will apologize.

"Zion it is okay. You can't control my anxiety." I explain and hug him. We walk upstairs again and I lay on my bed. "Zion you go shower first."

"No its your house." He says. I shake my head.

"Go." I say and he gets up. While he is in the shower I fall asleep.


published on- August 11, 2018

816 wordskj

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