April Fools- B.A.

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I wake up to an empty house. I wonder if the guys went to an early recording session this morning or something?

"Brandon?" I ask loudly as I get out of his bed and walk around the house.

"Guys?" I ask. Why isn't anyone answering?

I check my phone and see that none of them have texted me. I walk back upstairs and check their rooms. It looks so normal.

Before I walk out of Austin's room, I catch something out of the corner of my eye. His phone.

They never leave without their phones. I go to every room and see phones, wallets, keys, and everything else they take on a daily basis.

Why am I alone here? Why does everything look like nobody left but there is nobody here?

I sit on Brandon's bed and cry. I'm alone here and I can't figure out why.

"I just wish I knew where everyone was." I sniffle and feel arms wrap around me.

"Hey it's okay." Brandon tells me. I back away from him quickly.

"What the hell?!" I get off of the bed in fear.

"Babe, chill. It's april fools, so we were trying to prank you until you started crying." He explains.

"I hate you." I smile and he gets up to hug me again.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry." He chuckles and I smack his chest.

"Y/n, we're so sorry." Another voice, that belongs to Nick, says. I look past Brandon to see the other guys.

"I hate all of you." I chuckle and hug them too. They smile and laugh.

"It was really funny until you started crying. Then we all felt bad." Austin laughs. All of the guys agree with him.

"Well I say we go out to a nice lunch. I'm hungry after my little cry." I tell them. They all nod and we get ready.

"So where do you wanna eat love?" Brandon asks as we drive.

"We could go to taco bell, chipotle, chick fil a, anywhere." I smile and he pulls into a parking lot for In-N-Out.

I give him a confused look and he just laughs.

"Y/n, I have been craving it. Leave me alone." He chuckles. I smile and walk in with him. The guys get here shortly after we order.

"You all take forever." I sigh. They all give me mean looks. I just giggle and shake my head.

"Shut uppppp." Austin groans playfully.

"Hey B, I love you." I smile at him. He leans in for a kiss and I lean backwards. "Oh, april fools."

"You evil, evil girl." He smirks and grabs my cheeks and kisses me.

"You can't just steal from me!" I playfully groan. He pecks my lips again. I sigh and he laughs.

The guys walk over and sit down with us.

"So when do you guys have your next show?" I ask them as I eat some fries.

"Oh um I think Friday?" Edwin looks at the guys for conformation. They all nod.

"When is your next trip?" Nick asks. I think back to my last trip with my friends. New Zealand was an amazing trip.

"We leave Wednesday." I tell them and Brandon frowns.

"Awww baby I'm sorry." I smile and kiss his pouty lips.

I get up and throw our trash away and the others finish eating.

"Where are you going on your trip?" Austin asks when I sit back down.

"Tokyo." I tell them and they all get wide eyed.

"That's so cool." Zion tells me while munching down on his huge burger. It was like the size of my head.

"Yeah I wish you guys could come." I tell them sadly. They all nod.

"Yeah we're just a little busy while you're on this trip." Brandon says sadly. I grab his hand under the table.

"Maybe the next one?" I suggest. They all nod.

"Hey guys, y/n and I are going to go home and spend some time together before she has to leave soon." Brandon says standing up and taking my hand. I nod and walk out with him.

"I love you Brandon." I smile and kiss his cheek.

"I love you too." He smiles and drives to my house.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask him as I unlock my door. He walks in behind me and grabs my hand. I sit my keys by my door and sigh.

"Whatever you'd like." He smiles and grabs my hand.

"Let's watch something on the tv and cuddle. I just want to be close to you before we both leave." I tell him and he kisses me and smiles.

He grabs my hand and takes me to my room. He sits his phone on my seat along with mine and lays down next to me.

"You and your friends will have the best time in Tokyo." Brandon whispers.

"Sure we will, but I'll be thinking of you the whole time baby." I smile and kiss him.

"Mmm, you always give the best kisses." He groans playfully.

"I know hunny." I smile and kiss his cheek.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asks going though some movies. I look at him. He's actually like so gorgeous. I smile and kiss his neck/jawline.

"How about that one?" I point to a random movie. I don't really care what we watch. I just want to be with Brandon tonight.

He gets up and puts it in before coming back to lay with me.

He holds my waist as the movie starts. I smile and lay my hand on his chest.

His chest goes up and down as he breathes. I smile and close my eyes.

"I love you brandon." I whisper and fall asleep.

Brandon's P.O.V.

"I love you Brandon." She whispers and I look down to see that she's asleep.

She's my whole world. I love this girl. She makes me so damn happy.

She's the best thing that's ever been mine.


Someone please get the reference in my last line.


1015 words

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