Family- B.A.

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This story is later on in the future after Brandon is married and has kids, but is still famous.

Y/n's pov

I wake up to see my 3 year old son, Noah, laying between me and where Brandon was. I get out of the bed trying not to wake him. I walk downstairs to see Brandon making breakfast and our 9 year old son, Michael, watching television. I wrap my arms around Brandon

"Morning love." He says knowing it's me. I smile.

"Morning B, and why was Noah in our bed?" I ask. He turns to face me.

"He got sick last night. So I let him come lay with us, so he wouldn't get Reese sick." He explains. Reese, our daughter, and Noah are twins and they share a room. So I understand why he let Noah come to our room.

"Well I have to go get them for breakfast." I day turning twords the exit of the kitchen. I walk up to Michael and kiss his cheek. "Morning Michael."

"Morning mom." He smiles and goes back to watching his show. I walk upstairs to get Noah. I walk in my room and pick him up and take him to his room to get Reese. She isn't in here. I take Noah down to Brandon.

"Uh Brandon, where is Reese?" I ask while sitting Noah in his chair.

"Oh, your mom took her out to shop." He says. I let out a breath of relief.

"Thank god." I say putting my hand over my heart. He turns to me.

"Well breakfast is ready." He smiles while getting plates out.

"I will go get Michael." I walk into the living room and tell him breakfast is ready. He follows me back into the kitchen. He sits and I help Brandon put the food on the plates. We eat and I start cleaning up.

"Babe!" Brandon yells from upstairs. Right now Michael is in the living room watching tv again, Brandon is upstairs, Noah is napping, and I am cleaning up.

"What is it Brandon?" I yell back trying not to wake Noah. Too late. I mentally face palm.

"We have a family interview today." He says while jogging down the steps. Noah is walking towards him and Brandon picks him up.

"Noah do you feel better?" I ask smiling while placing my hand on his forehead. "Well he isn't running a fever anymore." He nods his head.

"Well I am goin-" He starts to talk as my
mom walks through the door with Reese. "Nevermind."

"Reese! My babygirl!" I say running over to her and picking her up. "Thank you for taking her out this morning mom."

"No problem sweetie. Oh and I took her to my house and fed her." She smiles and hugs me.
"Well I will see you guys later." She says leaving.

"Brandom what time is the interview?" I ask walking to him with Reese. He looks at his watch.

"In 2 1/2 hours." He says. I starts walking to

"Honey can you go with your dad and Noah to get dressed?" I ask talping his shoulder. He smiles and nods following the other two upstairs. I take Reese upstairs with me and grab her outfit. We go in my room, while the boys are in the other rooms, to change. Brandon walks in.

"I have to get my outfit." He says. I am im the middle of changing and have already got Reese changed.

"Who is watching Noah?" I ask pulling up my pants.

"Michael." He says while turning to me and kissing me. "How far to being ready are you?"

"I have to do my hair and makeup." I say finishing getting dressed. He nods and walks out. I take Reese into our bathroom, which is massive by the way, and start on my hair. I straighten it, which takes about 15 minutes and then I do light makeup which also doesn't take very long.

"Hey we're ready to go." Brandon says walking in holding Noah with Michael by his side. I pick up Reese.

"Then lets go." I smile. We walk out to the car and put the twins in their carseats and Michael sits in a normal seat. We go to the interview and surprised to be met with the boys.

"Oh my gosh you guys!" I smile and hug them. Brandon does as well as Noah. The twins look comfused and we all laugh. They aren't old enough to remember their uncles.

"You look amazing." Zion says. I smile and hug him. Zion was always like my brother out of the boys. The others as well, but Zion was special.

"Thank you Z." I smile and look out at Brandon with the other guys. He is showing off his family and he is super proud. He walks over with the twins in his hands and Michael by his side.

"And this is my beautiful wife, y/n." He smiles handing me Noah.

"Hi boys." I smile bouncing Noah. Nick looks at me.

"I really want to hold one." He says exited. I giggle ans hand him Noah. He smiles. Nick would be a great dad.

"Oooo me to." Edwin says smiling putting his hand up. Brandon hands him Reese.

"Does this mean I get to hold Michael?" Austin jokes. We all laugh. The guy that is doing the interview comes in the room and tells us we're about to start. We all sot down and he starts asking questions.

Question 1- Names

Question 2- What was the inital reaction to the kids the first time you saw them?

Y/n & Brandon- Our beautiful babies
•Edwin- Oh my gosh they are bootiful
•Austin- I called it! I knew they would have kids
•Nick- Wow
•Zion- I can't believe it. This is amazing and I am super happy for you to.

Question 3- Michael what do you do in your free time?

Michael- I like to watch tv and play video games when I am not doing my sports.

Question 4- How is marrige?

Y/n- Amazing but it has its challenges.

Brandon- I love it.

Austin- I agree with the last two answers

Edwin- Like nothing you would know unless you are actually married.

Nick- Yo your right Austin

Zion in the back- I am so alone.

There are more questions but I don't feel like putting them in.

Overall today was amazing. I spent it with my family and nothing else could have made me happier than them.


Published on- June 18, 2018

1107 words

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