Wendys- E.H.

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Y/n's pov

PrettyMuch just came out with a new song and I love it. In fact I get to meet them today. I can't wait to see Edwin. He is my favorite. His puffy cheeks and his amazing hair. I love the others a lot though.

I get ready. I wear some black ripped skinny jeans, a black prettymuch shirt, and my black and white vans. I grab my keys and phone and start driving. I go pick my friend, Kevin, up from his house.

Kevin and I both equally love them. We are going to meet them together. Kevin is gay so don't think he is my boyfriend or anything. He gets in my car and he smiles.

"Oh my gosh. I can't wait to meet THE BRANDON ARREAGA." He smiles. Brandon is Kevin's favorite. I smile.

"Tell me about it Kev." I laugh. We drive for about an hour. "Hey Kev, wanna get some food?" I ask him.

"Yeah lets go." He smiles.

"Where to?" I ask looking at the road in front of me.

"Ohhh Wendys." He says exited. I pull up to the restaraunt. We have about 2 hours until the show. The venue is 20 minutes away and the hotel we are staying in tonight is 5 minutes away from here. So we go in.

We order and sit down. We start talking about the show.

"Oh my gosh I am still so happy that we get to meet our idols." I smile exited.

"Maybe a litter earlier than expected." Kevin says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask confused.

"Look at who just walked in." He says looking at the door. I turn around to see the boys of PrettyMuch.

"Holy shit." I say looking at Edwin.

"I know right. They are standing right there." Kevin says in a daze.

"I need to use the restroom." I say getting up and walking past them to the restroom. I wash my hands and make sure there is nothing in my teeth. I walk out and bump into Edwin.

"Oh my gosh. I am sorry. I should have been paying attention to where I was going." I say looking down.

"Oh no it's cool. Don't worry about it." He says smiling. I start to walk away, but he stops me.
"Wait are you a fan?" I stop and turn twords him.

"Uh yeah actually." I smile.

"That's so cool. Will you be at the show later?" He asks me. Gosh he is just so much more beautiful in person.

"Yeah." I blush looking down.

"Did you get V.I.P?" He asks happily.

"Yeah me and my friend Kevin both. Why?" I ask looking at him.

"We only sold two V.I.P tickets this show. I guess it's you two. Do you want me to get the boys and we can eat with you and get to know you before the actual things happen?" He asks. I smile.

"If you want to, but that would be great." I say smiling.

"Okay well we will come to you." He smiles and walks to his friends. I walk to Kevin and explain quickly.

"Kev the guys of PM are coming to eat with us because lucky us I am a klutz. Oh and we are the only two who bought V.I.P passes for this show so it will just be us and the guys before and after the actual thing happens." I explain quickly. I see Edwin explaining to them the situation. They look at us. They walk twords us.

Edwin sits next to me. He smiles as do the other guys.

"Hey." Brandon says trying to start conversation.

"Hi." I smile. Kevin looks at me and he is blushing.

"Well we're guessing you know who we are, but can we get to know you?" Brandon smiles at the two of us.

"Yeah I didn't catch your name." Edwin says looking at me.

"Oh I am Y/n Y/l/n." I smile. I look at Kevin.

"And you?" Brandon points at Kevin.

"Oh I am Kevin Keller." He smiles.

"So how old are you guys?" Nick asks.

"I'm 18." Kevin tells them.

"I am 17." I take a drink of my soda.

"Intrests? Hobbies?" Austin asks.

"I wrestle and direct plays at school." Kevin says. They all nod and then look twords me.

"Yeah what do you do for fun?" Zion asks. I smile.

"Uh I run a Youtube channel. I do covers on it. I also like to read and free write." I say sorta quietly.

"Ohh she sings." Nick says smiling.

"Can we hear something?" Brandon and Edwin ask at the same time.

"Uh sure." I say oulling out my phone. I click my channel and hand my phone to Edwin. "Pick whichever you'd like."

"Ohhh she did 'open arms' lets listen." Edwin says smiling. We soon all get to know each other. We all exchange numbers and it is time for us to go to our hotel and get settled in.

"Um guys we kinda have to go get settled in at our hotel." I say.

"That's fine. See you at the show." Edwin says smiling. They all hug us and we leave. Kev and I talk about it on the way to the hotel. We check in at the hotel and I touch up my makeup.

Kevin and I leave and go to the venue. They call for V.I.P and Kevin and I go. We wait in a room for the guys. They walk in.

"Y/n! Kevin! Hey!" Zion yells. I smile and they hug us.

"So I want pictures with you guys." Kevin smiles at them. He takes one individual one with each and then I take a group picture for them.

"Come on y/n your taking pictures with us to." Edwin smiles. He pulls out my phone and unlocks it. He put his thumbprint in at Wendys. I take a picture with each individual guy and one group picture. Then we get someone to take pictures of all of us together. It is so much fun.

"Guys it's time for the show. We have to get you two back out to the crowd that isn't in here yet. You guys will get front line places." The security gaurd says. He takes Kev and I out to the crowd. They let the others in.

About an hour later the concert is over and it is just me, Kev, and the guys.

"So how was the show?" Austin asks.

"Amazing." Kevin and I say at the same time.

"We are so glad you liked it." Zion says. He smiles at us. We smile back and it starts to get close to the time to go. Edwin pulls me aside and talks to me

"I think you are so talented and so beautiful. I hope that when tour is over I can talk to you and possibly maybe take you out on a date." He smiles.

"For sure." I smile. He hugs me and I hug back.

I am so glad that we went to Wendys.


Published on- June 27, 2018

1202 words

Ps - Thanks so much for 1.7k reads tbis means the world to me💕

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