Stupid Brothers- B.A.

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Y/n's pov

I wake up and smile. Today is my big day. My first date and I am going on it with Brandon. Could this day be any better?

I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I do my morning routene and go back to my room. I lay on my bed and put Netflix on, concidering that it is 7 am and our date is at 2pm. I am on my fifth episode when my brothers, Nash and Hayes, walk into my room.

"Morning Y/n, there is breakfast downstairs if you want some." Nash says as they both dtand in my doorway.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't like breakfast." I politely turn their offer down. I look at the time and it is already about 11:59 almost 12. I get up, grab my towel, and take a shower.

When I get out I dry off and get dressed for the date. The other day Brandon said dress casual., so I wear my black skinny jeans with small rips in them, a black and white shirt, and black and white vans. I look in the mirror and decide on not wearing something that made me look emo on our date. (no shade to anyome that is an emo, because I would probably classify as one😂 It's just for the book.)

I decide to put on a pair of light colored skinny jeans, a white shirt that has a small alien on the top left, and white converses. I smile and leave my hair down. It is naturally straight, so I decide to leave it that way today. I grab my phone to see Brandon texted me.

You exited for our date today?

Yes, I cannot wait!

Me either. I wil be there to get you in about 30 mimutes.

Okay, see you then.

Yeah see you then.
read at 1:17

I smile and put on light makeup and when I am close to finishing Nash walks in.

"Hey sis." He sits on my bed looking at me as I apply the makeup.

"Hi Nash." I say while finishing my highlight.

"So this Brandon kid, where is he taking you for your first date?" He asks crossing his arms. Oh no, the big brother instinct.

"The movies, why?" I ask like its and obvious question.

"Don't you think your first daye should be more special?" He asks looking at me. I turn to look at him.

"Nash as long as it makes me happy I don't care where we go." I say smiling and he nods.

"Fine." He says and walks out of my room. I finish doing my makeup and hear the doorbell. My eyes go wide and I run downstairs to see Nash, Hayes, and Cam all starring at Brandon.

"Oh no." I say putting my face in my hands.

"So you must be Brandon?" Nash asks crossing his arms and stepping aside letting him in. He walks over and stands by me.

"Yes and you must be Nash, Hayes, and Will." He says smiling and sticking his hand out.

"B will is in college and the one that doesn't look like us is Cameron." I say explaining. He nods and draws his hand back. I giggle as Nash and Hayes start with their stupid older brother attitude.

"So you're taking her to the movies?" Nash asks.

"Yes." Brandon responds.

"You're not planning to do anything bad with her?" Hayes asks looking at him.

"No I don't plan to." He says. I smile knowing that they can't crush him.

"Are you planning on treating her like the queen she is?" Cam asks putting himself in the conversation.

"Yes I plan to treat her right." He says smiling and looking at me.

"Fine, she has to be back before 11:30 no later." Nash says pointing his finger.

"If you hurt her I will go out of my way to hurt you." Hayes says looking him in the eyes. Brandon nods and grabs my hand.

"I actually brought you some flowers. They are in my car." He smiles and goes to get them. The boys look at me and stand in the same place. Brandon walks in and hands me the flowers. I smile and put them on the table.

Brandon and I walk out and get in the car.

"You're lucky Will wasn't there. He doesn't like that fact that I have guy friends, just imagne what he would do if he found out I am going on a date with one." I say smiling and looking at his features.

"Will is the olderst right?" He asks with a straight, but worried, face. I nod and he nods.

"Just because my brothers don't approve doesn't mean I will stop seeing you." I say grabing his free hand. We pull into the parking lot and get out. Brandon buys our way in and our food.

We walk into the screening room to see it is almost all the way empty. We sit in the back and watch. Halfway through the movie he leans in and we kiss. I pull away and smile at him.

"That was my first kiss." I say blushing and looking down.

"Well I'm glad it was with me." He smiles and leans in again. We kiss again. Wow this is amazing. The movie ends and we drive to the nearest subway and eat. "So did you like the movie?" He asks.

"Loved it." I smile and look up at him.

"My favorite part was the kiss." He says smirking and I laugh. I look up to see Nash, Hayes, Cameron, Jack, Jack, and Sammy. I put my hand on my forehead. "What is it?"

"They are here." I say in an annoyed tone.

"There are more this time.?" He asks.

"My brother is apart of a tour and there are a lot of them and they all treat me like a sister." I say looking up at them.

"Well I can go." He says getting up. I can tell he doesn't like the fact I have so many of them.

"No Brandon." I say kinda sad that he doesn't like them.

"If they are goimg to be involved in everything then I can't do this." He says walking out.
I look at Nash mad and I walk over to them.

"I am mad that you are being my stupid brother, but I'm happy that you're here." I lay my head on his shoulder. He smiles and we go home.

I guess some things aren't ment to be.


Published on- August 1, 2018

1111 words

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