Outlaws- A.P.

676 14 1

Suggestion- Listen to the song in media for this imagine when it says to. It creates a mood sort of.  :)

Austin's pov

I love her soooo much. I want to make her mine forever. I want her to know how I feel. She's just so perfect. She is my happiness. I'm going to marry this woman one day.

Y/n's pov

I smile as I wake up to see my lovely boyfriend Austin. He smiles and kisses me.

"Well good morning to you too." I chuckle and get up only to be pulled back down.

"Please don't go y/n." Austin says smiling.

"Oh babe, you can come help me cook breakfast. The boys are going to be cranky if they don't have breakfast." I laugh and he gets up and walks downstairs with me.

"Why do you treat us so good? You're such an amazing girlfriend." Austin says kissing my neck multiple times.

"Thank you my love," I smile and kiss his cheek. "Can you get the eggs, butter, bacon, and a water out of the fridge?" I ask him.

He does as told and I hear footsteps coming down the steps. It's probably our son or one of the guys.

"Is that my baby boy?" I say as I see y/s/n (your sons name)  little feet come around the corner. He's three and a half and is getting better at going up/down the steps.

"Hi mommy." He smiles and waves with his little hands.

"Ahhhh daddy attack!" Austin picks him up and messes with him. They're both laughing and smiling. Austin sets y/s/n down on the counter and hands him my phone to watch thomas the train on.

I turn the oven on and start cooking.

"Does my baby boy want a juice?" I walk over to y/s/n and push his brown curly locks back. He smiles. "Uh babe can you finish breakfast?" I ask Austin. He nods and finished the bacon.

I grab y/s/n's apple juice. He smiles as I open it. He loves juice like there is no tomorrow. I smile and hand it to him.

"Thank you mommy." He giggles and drinks his juice. I hear the footsteps of the guys coming downstairs. The first one to come around the corner is Brandon.

"Hey Brandon, Nick, Edwin, and Zion." I smile  as they all come downstairs. They all greet me and Austin.

"Is that y/s/n!" Brandon exclaims. y/s/n smiles and holds his arms out.

"Uncle B!" He smiles and hugs him. They guys pass around y/s/n as Austin and I fix plates.

"Babe, sit down and eat with the guys. I'll fix   y/s/n breakfast." I smile and pat his chest. We sit the plates on the counter and see that y/s/n is sitting in a chair at the table.

"Are you sure?" Austin asks. I nod and kiss him. The guys and Austin takes their plates to the table and eat.

"Mommy I'm hungyyyyy!" Y/s/n exclaims. I walk over to him and kiss his forehead.

"I know baby, I'm fixing your breakfast right now." I tell him and he smiles.

I fix y/s/n's warm veggies. They need to be warm so the can chew them. I fix them on a small plate and sit them on the island.

"Let's go baby." I pick him up and put him on the island. He starts eating and the guys take their plates to the sink.

"Hey babe, I'm going out to the store. Do you need anything my love?" Austin asks me as he wraps his arms around my waist and stares at our beautiful son.

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