War- A.P.

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I wake up like normal and do my normal routine. As I'm walking out the door to go run errands, I see my boyfriend Austin and his friends/band mates.

"Oh hey guys?" I say in a question in a confused voice. I close and lock my front door.

"Hey babe, we wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today. We're having an ultimate nerf war with all of our girlfriends." Austin explains.

"Yeah, it's going to be so much fun!" Nick exclaims. I laugh and nod.

"Yeah sure." I tell them and they cheer.

"Are you headed somewhere?" Austin asks. I nod and start walking towards my car.

"I was just running some errands. Wanna come with me?" I ask him as he starts walking behind me.

"Yeah sure." He smiles and turns to the boys, who are getting into their car. "I'm going with y/n and we'll be at the house later for the nerf war."

They all nod before driving away. I chuckle and start up my car.

"So where are we going?" He asks.

"Well, I have to go get a few things from the store. Then I've got to see my mother. Then we can grab some lunch." I tell him as I start driving.

We turn on the radio and sing along the whole way to the store.

"I love being with you." Austin smiles and kisses me.

"I love you." I say after we pull apart and walk in, holding hands. I instantly see girls that look at Austin and I.

"So why did you need?" He asks. I grab a cart and push it.

"Well I need some groceries but not anything important. I need water, snacks, and something for my mother." I explain.

As were grabbing the water, a group of teenage girls come up to us.

"Oh my god! Austin Porter!" One screams. They are all smiling widely. He smiles and starts talking to them.

"Hey, how are you guys?" He asks. They all smile and squeal.

"Oh my god, could we like get a picture with you?" Another girl asks. He chuckles and nods. He takes pictures with all of them.

"Who is that?" One girl, who is just super pretty, asks very rudely.

"That's my girlfriend that I've been public with 1, almost 2, years now." Austin says in a "duh" tone.

"I've never heard of her." She pops her gum. Austin just smiles and hugs me.

"We've been together for 2 and 1/2 years but we've only been public almost 2 years now." He smiles and I smile very falsely.

"Oh well. Oops." She snootily remarks. I look at all of the other girls. They just smile at me and I return the favor.

"Well we should get going. We have errands to run. It was very nice to meet you all." Austin smiles at them. They all wave except that really rude girl.

She blows a kiss but when she blows a small piece of paper falls. She winks and swings her hips very hard while she walks away. I pick it up and it has her number and "Call me baby" written down.

Austin and I laugh before dropping it and going to grab snacks.

We grab some gushers, cookies, pepperonis, string cheese, cheese-itz, and a bunch more.

Then we walk to the home area of the store and grab my mother a couple decorating pillows and a new knit blanket.

"She'll love this. She will also love that you're coming with me." I smile and kiss him. He smiles and pushes the buggy to the register.

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