Spanish Lesson- E.H.

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Y/n's pov

I walk into school dreading it. Exams are tomorrow and I need a spanish tutor. There is a boy, Edwin. He is really good, but we don't talk. I have to change that.

I see Zion and run up to him. Zion and I mess around with each other. If you know what I mean.

"Hey Z. Have you seen Edwin yet?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yes actually. He is with Austin in the gym." He smiles.

"Thanks Z!" I exclaim and run off. He looks confused. I walk in the gym and look around for Edwin and Austin. I see them and walk over to them.

"Hey Edwin and Austin." I smile and they stop what they are doing.

"Hey Y/n, can we help you with anything?" Austin asks me smiling.

"Actually I was wondering if Edwin here, would be my spanish tutor tonight. You know before exams start tomrrow." I ask hopefull.

"Yes of corse." Edwin smiles and hugs me. "Sit with us at lunch so we can talk about where we wanna meet and when." He smiles.

"Okay thanks so much Edwin. Bye boys." I smile and walk out. I see Zion still up against his locker waiting for first bell to ring. This time I see Brandon and Nick around him.

I walk past them and her my name called.

"Y/n!" Zion yells . I turn to look at him. He smirks. He does the signal for "come here" on his fingers.

"Yes Z?" I smile at Nick and Brandon. Noticing that they are present.

"Nick and Brandon don't believe that we are dating. Proove it bebe." He pulls me by my waist twords him. I smirk and kiss his cheek. I pull my lips up to his ear.

"No." I simply state. He grabs my face amd kisses me. I try to pull away, but his hands are on my fave and it's hard.

"Zion." I try to say through the kiss, but it comes out like a groan. So I push him back. I look at Nick and Brandon. They both have wide eyes.

"This isn't a thing." I gesture between Zion and I. The bell rings and I go to first period. Which is History. I sit through it as Brandon and Nick text me. I leave them on read and decide to text Edwin.

Y/n 🌹-
hi Edwin. Please let Brandon and Nick know that I do not want to talk to them. Thanks

okay but may I ask why?

Zion made me kiss him today and I tried to say Zion during the kiss to get him off ans it sounded like a groan. Now those two think that we are dating and they won't stop annoying me about it.

You kissed Zion?

Not by choice. He forced it. I whispered no in his ear and he grabbed my face and kissed me.

Okay. I will tell the two to stop. See you at lunch.

Yeah lunch.

The bell that means first is over rings and I walk to second and sit through it. It is really boring. I don't care about the history of words. Language arts/Grammer/ Literature sucked. Then I walk to third where I sit by Austin, but the girls who likes Zion and Edwin are in there and they both hate me. I smile at Austin and we wait for lunch slowly. The two girls start talking behind us. I can't help but listen in.

"He is so delicious." She whispers.

"And to think that he likes that cow. She is such  a slut. She is messing with my man." She scoffs referring to Zion. She was right I was messing with Zion.

"She is sitting right in front of us." The one who likes Edwin says. Austin looks at me. The lunch bell rings. We walk to the lunch room.

"He Austin?" I ask him.

"Yes?" He smiles happy to talk.

"Does Edwin really like me?" I look down.

"Yes actually." He smiles. "Be yourself around him. That's what he likes about you." He smiles. I smile back.

"Thanks Austin. That really helps." I say getting my lunch. I see Edwin and take a deep breath. I walk over there but I see Tiffany, Charlotte, and Malu sit down. Tiffany sat in my seat.

I was supposed to sit there. My smile fades and I walk to my table of friends.

"Hey Y/n. I thought you were sitting with Edwin to talk about your spanish lesson." Sam looks at me confused.

"Well I was until the popular trio sat there and the queen b in my seat." I put air quotations and emphasis on "queen b" . Sam, Colby, Arron, and Kat all laugh.

"Well we can help you." Colby gives me a reassuring smile. I feel my phone viberate. I pick it up and see that Edwin texted me.

Why didn't you sit with me?

Ask the popular trio. I'm sure they could tell you what they said about me.

You didn't have to sit beside of Tiff. You could've sat on the other side of me. There is enough Edwin to go around.

You self centered prick. You know what I don't need your help. Forget I asked you. I have better friends than you Edwin. Maybe I should date Zion. At least he is a better person than you.

He reads it and looks up at me in disbelief. I lean onto Colby's shoulder. He wraps an arm around me.

"He it's okay." He smiles.

"I love you guys." I smile at them.

"We love you too." Kat says. She smiles and shakes my shoulder.

"We can give you the spanish lesson later. We need help studying anyways." Aaron says smiling.

"Yeah that would be great. Thank you guys." I smile and Colby rubs my shoulder.

"Hey we help each other out. We're all best friends here." Sam says. We all nod in agreement. Soon enough we have to go back to third. I walk there dreadfully. Austin runs to me.

"Hey why didn't you sit with us at lunch?" He asks worriedly.

"I didn't feel like being criticized or left out, so I went to my actual friends, Porter." I look down.

"Hey, I am not like the others. They didn't include ke in their plan. Please don't do that. Please at least talk to me." He begs.

"Fine. You only. Don't try to get me to talk to the others, because I won't." I point my finger. He puts his hands up. The bell rings. Time for fourth. Math. Which I have with Edwin, Brandon, Nick, Zion, Colby, and Sam. I sit with Colby and Sam, or at least I will today. I ask the teacher to move me and she does. I sit by Colby. He smiles

"You finally made the right choice to sit with us. We are much better than them." He puts his arm around me.

"Hell yeah we are." Sam whispers. I giggle. We do our math and work on things. Out of curiousity I look back at Edwin, Brandon, Zion, and Nick. They are all looking at me like hey are pissed. They deserve this. I look away and grab Colby's hand. Soon enough we have fifth. I have that class with Kat, Aaron, Sam, Colby, Brandon, Edwin, Austin, Nick, and Zion. I sit with my friends (Kat, Aaron, Sam, and Colby). We study and my table is helping each other by sharing answers. We hear the last bell of the day and we get up and walk out. Edwin stops me.

"Let me give you the spanish lesson." He pleads. "One more chance please?" He pins me against my locker.

"No." I push him off and leave.

Turns out I got a perfect score on the exam and Edwin did terrible. Looks like he needed a spanish lesson from me.

published on - June 14, 2018

1346 words

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