Fan- N.M.

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Y/n's pov
I run a PRETTYMUCH fan account.Its called PReTtYmuCh.MaRa. . Well a Nick Mara fan account and occasionally the other boys. I have 3.7k followers. Austin has noticed me 5 times and the others haven't well until I went to their convert and met them. Let me tell you about my PM story.

So that morning I wake up and am super exited because I am going to see the PM boys. They are my life. I love them so much. I get dressed in my ripped jeans and PM shirt. I put on my shoes and grab my bag that I packed for New York. I live in  New Jersey so New York isn't to far. We are staying overnight in a hotel though. We load the car and leave. We stop to get food and other necessities for our trip. A couple hours later we arrive in New York and we go to our hotel and check in. There are some people that are surrounding more people that walk in. The hotel people immediately close the doors and have help keeping them closed. There are about 100 screaming girls outside. I wonder who walked in. The guys that were surrounding the group of people step away revealing the boys of PRETTYMUCH. I scream on the inside.

"Y/n!" My mom yells at me.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Come on and stop starring at them it is rude." She says a little loud. It catches Austin's attention. He smiles at me and then goes back to talking to the boys. Soon enough they all glance at me. I get really exited. My mom basically has to drag me out of the lobby into the elevator. While in the elevator I get on my instagram and post again. This time I get a lot of comments and my phone is blowing up. I look at my phone and there are comments like "Nick freakin noticed you!" Or "Holy hell the boys including Nick Mara himself noticed you." I check and they did. Nick even dmed me asking if he could post one of the edits i made of him. Of corse I said yes. I smiled and walked into someone. I wasn't paying attention because I was texting Nick telling him that its okay for him to use it.

"Oh I'm sorry." I know the voice. It is Nick. Shit.

"It is fine." I get up. He picks up my phone and sees that I am the one he asked for the edit.

"I like your edits by the way." He winks.

"Thank you. That means a lot."  I smile at him.

"Y/n!" My mom yells again.

"Sorry Nick I have to go." I say and leave before he can respond. I walk in my hotel room and sit there for a little while.

"Mom can I go swimming?" I ask.

"I don't care." She says. I get my bathing suit and walk into the bathroom and change. I throw on some shorts and a shirt and grab a towel. I grab my phone and walk down there. I sit in a chair and start reading on my phone until I hear the pool room door open. I don't pay attention to it. I just keep reading until I hear Brandon Arreaga start talking. I panic to myself. I start picking up my things and someone stands by me.

"Why are you going y/nnnnnn?" Its Nick. Shit he caught me.

"Um my mom said I needed to be back by 9:30." Which is the current time. Still I am lying to The Nick Mara. I feel bad.

"Well at least take some pictures with us." He says grabbing my hand.

"Okay I guess I could." I say and smile at him putting my stuff on the chair.

"Z take a picture of us!" Nick says handing Zion my phone. Zion takes some on my phone and then some on Nick's and then I do the same with Zion, Brandon,  Austin, and Edwin. Then they get someone to take pictures of us on each of our phones. Overall my night is great.

"Wait y/n are you going to the show tomorrow?" Austin asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Do you have Vip tickets?" Edwin asks.

"Yeppers." I smile.

"Then tomorrow it is." Nick says. Smiling at me. I smile and grab my things. I say bye to them and walk to my room. My mom is in the shower so I change into night clothes and get in the bed. I wake up the next day and get ready and we go to the venue and get in the Vip line. They escort us in and I see the boys walk in the room. My eyes immediately landing on Nick. His doing the same. The girls in front and behind me think he is smiling and starring at them but I know the truth. Soon enough they let us walk in. I wait my turn or until one walks to me and Nick walks to me and embrases me. I hug back eqully as hard. Girls are looking but I dont care. We stand there hugging for about a minute. Until Z interrups us and pulls me away from Nick and hugs me. I see Austin start walking twords us.

"Porter,Porter,Porter, aye, aye." I say copying Zion. He rolls his eyes and hugs me Z walks off to hug more fans and Nick stands there hugging fans and taking pictures. Brandon ans Edwin walk up as Austin walks off and we hug and we talk ans they sign my yellow vans. I also ask the other three to also sign them and they do. They are just so kind. I love them. The gaurds ask us to walk out to the seats and sit in our seats. I got front row. They were singing and Nick looks at me and grabs my hand. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"here with open arms so when your ready you know where to find me." they sing. It is beautiful. Nick smiles and they let go and sing for a little while longer.

end of concert.

I smile and walk out of the building after everyone else but I am soon stopped by someome screaming my name. I turn around to be met with Nick. He kisses me. I stand there shocked. Nick Mara just kissed me. On pourpouse. I am mentally freaking out.

"if you give me youe number maybe we could go on a date?" he says more of a question smiling.

"yes." i put my number in his phone and he does the same.

"tomorrow at 7." he smiles. i smile.

"yep then." i smile and walk to the hotel.

Maybe I am not just a fan.


published on- May 11, 2018

1150 words

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