Girl Group- Z.K. (Request)

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Request for @Edk2272

Hi, I am Esha. I am 17 and am in a girl group. We live in a house with the band Prettymuch. I am in love with Zion.

Prettymuch includes; Zion, Brandon, Austin, Edwin, and Nick.

My group includes; Esha (me), Alexis, Charlie, Layla, and Brooke.

"Guys, dance practice!" I hear Charlie yell from downstairs. I groan and throw on some joggers, a shirt, and shoes.

As I walk downstairs I hear the rest of the girls getting ready. Brooke walks out of the bathroom looking really fancy. I give her a confused look.

"I have to look good in front of Austin." She says in a duh but hushed tone. I laugh and walk downstairs.

"What's so funny Esh?" Zion asks. He is the only one that calls me that. I smile and shake my head.

"Maybe your face." I laugh once more. He puts his hand over his heart and acts hurt. He then wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"You don't mean that." He teases. I shake my head.

"You're right, I don't." I smile, looking down I blush. If you can't guess, I like Zion. We sorta have this flirty relationship thing but I want more.

"Guys, we have got to leave now." Charlie repeats yelling through the house. Zion and I laugh and run, hand in hand, out to the cars.

Everyone else is rushing out of the house behind one another. We separate and go to the two different cars. Us girls in one and the guys in the other.

"So Char, how are things between you and Brandon?" I ask her with a smirk. She blushes.

"Things are going." She blushes. Alexis looks at her and laughs.

"We've have all been friends our whole lives. We know you're hiding something." Alexis tells Charlie while trying to drive. Alexis is the oldest of all of us.

"Fineeee," Charlie huffs and we all listen close to what she is about to say. "We kissed the other night and he asked me to be his girlfriend." She admits.

"Go Charlie!" Layla chants and we all join in as she turns red in the cheeks.

"Oh enough about Brandon and I," She says turning towards me. "What about you and Zion?" She asks me with an evil grin.

"I wish he would just ask me out." I say to the girls. I'm not scared of them knowing how I feel about anything. I'm pretty confident.

"Yeah, you guys already act like a couple." Brooke admits. I smile and shake my head.

"Try telling him that," I laugh and look at Brooke. "How are you and Austin?" They're dating and will last the longest most definitely.

"We're amazing just like Nick and Alexis." Brooke smirks turning towards Alexis. We're all turning the conversation on each other but it isn't bad. It's actually fun.

"Yeah Nick and I are stronger than ever." She smiles while keeping her eyes on the road. We're about 5 minuets out.

I look back and see Layla.

"Hey are you okay? You've only said two whole words this trip." I ask her. I'm a little concerned because she's typically pretty loud and talkative.

"Yeah, Edwin and I sorta fought last night." She admits. I turn my attention to her.

"What happened?" I ask. She sits up and takes her earbuds out all the way.

"We were just arguing about small stuff. We didn't talk much this morning and i'm afraid he's mad at me." She says in a sad tone.

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