Bad Reputation- E.H.

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Not a p.o.v.

She was your typical bad girl. Parties in her huge house, out all night, involved with bad people. Her name is y/n and Edwin just so happens to be in love with her.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Party at mine tonight. Starts at 10. Be there." I say to Edwin Honoret. He smiles and all of his friends look at him confused.

"Guys chill we're just great friends." He assures his friends as he pulls me in for a side hug.

"So you guys will be there?" I ask them as I smirk. Edwin nods and I smile and walk away.

"So what were you doing talking to the hottest guy in school?" My friend Angel asks. Her name is very ironic because her name is angel but she's he total opposite.

"I was inviting him and his friends to the party tonight." I explain to her with a smile on my face.

"I can't wait. I'm getting with so many girls to make Lauren jealous." She smirks. Oh yeah, Angel is also very lesbian but that makes me love her way more.

"Hey bitches. What are you talking about?" Our friend Zac asks as he walks out of school with us.

"She was talking to the hottest guy in school." Angel smirks.

"Ooooo y/n if Angel is saying he's got, he's fucking hot. Is it the Nick boy?" Zac guesses. I smile and shake my head no.

"Close. It's Edwin Honoret." I smile and he opens his mouth wide.

"Holy shit, no way!" Zac smiles and pushes my shoulder playfully.

"We aren't anything. I've just seen him around." I make something up.

"No girl. He said you guys were close friends." Angel exposes me. I give her my mean look.


"Oh my gosh! So what have you two been up to?" Zac asks nosily. I give him a glare and we continue to walk to my house.

"We just talk sometimes!" I lie and they 'mhm' me. I smile and we get closer to my rather large house.

I look across the street and see Edwin and the other guys walking to Edwin's house. I smile when he catches me looking at him.

"Hey guys, take my house keys and my backpack. I'm going to run to the gas station that's a couple blocks away." I tell the two. They look at me suspiciously and shrug it off and take my things.

I see Edwin walk out of his house and towards me.

"I don't wanna keep doing this." He huffs. I look at him confused.

"You don't want to be with me?" I ask hurt.

"No, not if we have to sneak around." He admits. My heart kinda breaks. Everyone knows me for my bad girl reputation. I can't have feelings for someone. Especially not Edwin.

"Can we just tell our friends?" I ask while looking at the ground.

"Fine." He sighs and walks home. I walk home after I see he gets into his house.

I walk in and Angel pops up in front of me.

"What did you get from the gas station?" She asks, causing Zac to come into the room.

"Yeah, you don't have anything in your hand." He says in a questioning tone.

"I forgot my cash at home this morning so I didn't have money on me. They also didn't have what I needed." I lie to them. I told Edwin we could tell our friends but I can't.

"Okay, well can you help set up?" Zac asks not really buying my excuse but he takes it.

"Yeah, sorry." I smile and we set up and put things away that shouldn't be out.

It's only 5, so I go upstairs and shower. After showering I see that Zac and Angel left me a note, saying they left to get ready themselves.

I wait until about 8 to start getting ready. So in my free time I binge watch Netflix.

//8 that night//

I throw on some black jeans, a cropped and distressed Nirvana shirt, and slip on some vans. I call the pizza place and have them deliver lots of pizza before people get here.

"We're here whore!" I hear Angel yell from my front door. I laugh and they look at me wired.

"Why is there so much pizza outside?" Zac asks looking out the open door. I smile and walk downstairs.

"That would be he pizza for the party." I smirk and start loading it into the house.

It's getting close to time and all of the sudden I hear a nock on my door.

"Who is it?" I yell from the kitchen.

"Edwin and the boys!" I hear a faint shout back.

"Come in!" I say and hear the door open. They walk in, looking good. Especially my Edwin. He walks up to me and kisses me. In front of all of our friends.

"What the hell?" They all day at the same time.

"We've been dating secretly for a while. We anted to tell you guys though." Edwin smiles and pulls me in for a hug after he explains what happened.

"Oooooo Y/n." Angel teases. I laugh and people start flooding into my house.

"So you're going to drop the bad girl act?" I hear Zac ask. The guys went out, away from us, to dance and talk to their other friends.

"Yeah, I want to give him the best relationship possible." I smile and stare at Edwin.

"Damn, never thought I'd see you so crazed over a guy." Zac smirks and pats my shoulder.

"Shut the hell up." I defend myself playfully.

"I'm going to go find me a man." He says before walking away. I smile and oversee my party.

A couple hours in, I hear shouting and see someone on my kitchen table.

"Hey!" I hear the yelling. Edwin. Oh no.
"Can I have everyone's attention?!" He music stops and its silent.

"What are you doing?" Is the question everyone is whispering.

"I wanted you all to know that y/n, over there, and I are dating!" He shouts and people start looking and pointing.

"What are you looking at? Carry on!" I yell at the crowd and they do as demanded. I walk up to Edwin, pissed.

"Hey ba-" He starts but I stop him.

"Don't hey babe me. I told you only our friends. What do you do, tell the whole damn school!" I shout at him. Earning me looks.

"Why does it matter?" He asks me confused. He's drunk and doesn't understand.

"You're going to ruin my reputation Edwin!" I yell and he laughs.

"T-that's all you're worried about?! Your dumbass bad girl rep?!" He shouts angrily.

"Yeah! I wanted people to see me as they do. Not as Edwin Honoret's , the sports/musical genius, girl." I say a little hurt. His facial expressions immediately soften.

"I'm sorry y/n." He says quietly.

"Fuck you Edwin." I walk away.



1169 words

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