Graduation- B.A.

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y/n's pov

I hear the final bell ring and I walk out of the hell I had been stuck in. Last day of senior year wasn't so bad.

I walk to my car and go to my apartment. I walk in to be met with my boyfriend.

"Hey Brandon." I smile and sit next to him on the couch. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side.

"I missed you babe. How was your last day of senior year?" He smiles and kisses my forehead. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers.

"It was quite amazing. I was productive, yet lazy." I lightly chuckle. He kisses my neck lightly and I kinda just lean my neck, letting him do it more. "Brandon, I'm going to change."

I get up and walk to my room. As I change, I catch a glimpse of myself in he mirror. I look at my stomach and my fat thighs.

Why is Brandon with me. He could be with any girl he wants. Why me? I'm fat and ugly. I should just do everyone a favor and die.

I shake off my thoughts as I hear Brandon enter the room. I quickly get dressed, worried about what he would see.

"Hey, don't worry. It isn't anything that I haven't seen before." He says as he puts his hands up.

"I know but I just don't want you to see it now." I admit. He looks at me concerned.

" Are you okay baby?" He asks walking to the bed. He sits down and looks up at me.

"Yeah, fine. I'm just nervous for the graduation ceremony." I lie to him and I'm almost positive he sees right through it. He says nothing and nods.

Hm, he typically doesn't believe me. I wonder if he does now.

"Well I'm taking a small nap, wake me 30 minutes before we leave." Brandon tells me. I nod and continue to get ready.

Brandon's p.o.v.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep to see what was really going on.

"Why am I so fat?" She whispers. I want to get up and hold her. I want to tell her that she isn't fat. That she is beautiful and amazing.

"Why is he with me? Out of all people why me?" She asks herself out loud once more.
Because you make me whole and without you, I'd be completely empty.

As she's touching up her makeup I get up and walk up behind her. Wrapping my arms gently around her waist.

"I think you are beautiful and not fat. I'm with you because you make me the man I am. I would not be me if I didn't have you." I whisper in her ear.

Y/n's p.o.v.

I hear him whisper those things in my ear and then realize that he didn't take a nap. Brandon has just listened to everything I said to myself.

"I'm sorry, you weren't meant to hear any of that." I turn around but don't look at him.

He tilts my head up with two fingers.

"Princess, it kills me to know that you think of yourself that way. You are so damn beautiful and I am so blessed to have you in my life." He kisses me passionately.

When we pull away we keep our foreheads touching.

"Thank you Brandon. I love you." I peck his lips again and smile. He pulls away and smiles.

"Now finish getting ready so we can go to your graduation." He smiles and sits down.

I finish touching up my makeup and everything.

"I'm ready to go." I smile. He grabs my hand and leads the way out to the car.

He blasts the radio and drives to my school. We see people in cap and gowns walking in and family's taking pictures.

We see my mom's car and park next to it. They meet us and take pictures of me. I hug my parents and my mom starts to cry.

"Ahhhh my babygirl is graduating." She smiles and tears of joy rolls down her cheeks.

"Mom." I say and she smiles. She kisses my cheek and my dad hugs me.

"Congratulations y/n." He tells me. I smile.

"I haven't graduated yet." I smirk and he chuckles. I grab Brandon's hand and we walk in. He kisses me slowly.

"Good luck babe." He smiles as he pulls away. I thank him and he scurries off to find seats with my parents.

I smile and go sit with my class. I sit beside of my 3 best friends.

"Can you believe we're graduating?" Kenna asks with a smile. Kenna wants to be a veterinarian.

"Yeah I can't wait to get out of this shit can and go to Harvard." Brooklyn smirks. She is going to be a marine biologist.

"Honestly I can't wait until I get to go to college." Alyssa tells us. I smile. She wants to be an equine nurse.

"Did you ever get accepted to Yale?" Kenna asks me. I smile and nod. We all hug and pat attention as the ceremony goes on.

I look up and see Brandon, my parents, and the boys. I smile and they call my name.

I hear all of my friends cheering but mostly Brandon, the boys, and my parents. I smile and fix my cap. I smile at them.

Skip the rest of the ceremony.

"You did it!" Brandon yells and picks me up. He spins me around and hugs me very tightly.

"I did it babe." I smile when he sits me down. Everyone else hugs me and Brandon and I make our way home.

It's late so we decide to shower and go to bed.

"Congrats baby." He whispers in my ear as we lay down.

"I couldn't have done it without you B." I smile and he kisses my cheek. He wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep.



1000 words

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