Something To Nothing- E.H.

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Before you read this, I do not have anything against any of the PM girlfriends. So please don't take any of this the wrong way. Enjoy!


Y/n's pov

Edwin. He has been my best friend since we were little. I live pretty close. After work everyday he meets me at Subway and we eat. By now they know what we always get. Today Edwin and I are meeting like normal, but what he doesn't know is that I think him and I have something.

I get ready in sweatpants and a loose shirt. I slip my shoes on and walk to my car. I drive there waiting for Edwin. He walks in with his friends and there are 4 girls. I am super confused. He didn't tell me. I get up and order and pay. I get my drink and sit back down. Edwin and one of the girls sit in front of me. Austin and Fiff sit beside Zion who is beside of me. Brandon and Nick are with two other girls at the booth behind us.

"So, since you are my best friend I want to introduce my girlfriend." Edwin smiles. That is when I realized that I felt something for him, but he didn't feel something for me.

"Okay." I take a bite of my sandwich. She looks sorta grossed out.

"Y/n this is Tiffany. Tiffany this is Y/n." Edwin points at who he is talking about each time.

"Hi." She says really rudely. I say hi back to be polite even though I don't want to. I text Fiff.

Why doesn't she like me? Is it just me she doesn't like?

She doesn't like me or Alexys. I don't know what her problem is with us.

I get off of my phone and get up. I throw away my trash and walk to Brandon and Nick's table. Alexys knew I liked Edwin. She opens her arms and I hug her. Charlotte also knew, because she joins in on our hug. Fiff sees it and she does to.

"Well girls we should go get ice cream." Char smiles.

"Yes that would be great." I smile. We all link arms walking out. My phone rings.

Y/n| Edwin

"Why didn't you guys invite Tiffany?"
"She doesn't like any of us. She would ruin our time together."
"You're supposed to be happy for me. You're my best friend."
"Maybe if she didn't hate us she could have tagged along. As long as she has her problems with us she can't."

end of conversation

"You said the right things." Fiff rubs my back.

"Thank you guys for being there for me." I smile and we all hug.

"No problem. It's what best friends are for." Alexys smiles.

"Ice cream to fix our problems?" Char smiles and shrugs.

"Yes." We all say in unison. We walk in and order. Not long after that Edwin and the rest of the guys plus Tiffany walk in. They order and come twords us.

"Can we join?" Edwin asks. My blook boils with anger. I ball my fists up.

"Y/n can we talk?" Brandon asks. Char nods and I get up and walk to another booth with him.

"What is it B?" I fold my hands.

"We all know you like Edwin. All except for Edwin and Tiffany." He says looking at me.

"How? Who told you?" I say quickly.

"The girls, but we want you to know we are here for you. It doesn't have to just be you. We all love you." He stands up. I stand up and hug him.

"Thank you B." We walk back and sit down. He sits with Char. Everone has their arm around another. Nick and Alexys, Brandon ans Charlotte, Austin and Fiff, and Edwin and Tiffany. Zion looks at me and holds his arm out. I laugh and walk over to him.

"Hey best friend." Zion smiles widely.

"Hi Z." I smile as he puts his arm around my shoulder like everyone else has.

"We are here for you." He whispers.

"I know and thank you guys for being my best friends." I hug him. He hugs back. To ruin our moment Edwin texts.

meet me outside in five.

He gets up saying he needs to use the bathroom. I wait a couple minutes and say I need to go to my car and get something. I walk around the corner to see Edwin.

"What is it Edwin?" I cross my arms standing in front of him.

"What is wrong?" He asks with concern in his voice.

"What's wrong? I was going to tell you how I really felt about you tonight, but you brought your snake of a girlfriend." I throw my hands up in the air.

"How you really feel?" He looks at me. "No, no, no. This cannot be happeneing."

"But it is Edwin. I have liked you for a while and I wanted to tell you. Seems like I can't do that now." I look down. "I thought we had something."

"I thought that a while back. Then I met Tiffany and that changed. I love her." He says looking at me. Soon enough they all walk out looking at us.

"Looks like the somehing I thought we has reaults to us having nothing. Not even friendship Edwin." I walk over to Alexys and Nick. I just want to break.

"What's going on out here?" Tiffany asks. I look at Nick and Alexys.

"I told him." They know what I am talking about as does everyone else. They all hug me as Tiffany stands by Edwin looking dumbfounded.

"Told him what?" She crosses her arms.

"None of your buissness. Now leave me the hell alone." I say and walk away. The girls ans they boyfriends following me.

"We're sorry." Zion says. I turn to look at them.

"It's okay. Some things aren't ment to last." I nod fake smiling.

Something to nothing.

Published on- June 19, 2018

1006 words

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