Baby Girl part2- Z.K.

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Quick shoutout to @JanetMavita for the part two idea. If you haven't read part 1 go do that or else you will be super confused.

Y/n's pov

I wake up in Nick's arms. I look at my phone.

43 missed calls from Zion Kuwonu
27 missed calls from Madison Coners

I groan. I sit up causing Nick to also sit up.

"Are you okay?" He asks rubbing his eyes trying to be fully awake.

"Honestly I miss Zion." I lean on his shoulder.

"I know. I wish he didn't do this to you." He runbs my back.

"Me to. I want to fix things with him. I want to talk about it, but I'm scared." I say looking down feeling dissapointed about myself.

"Hey I bet he is back at the house. You can get cleaned up and we can go get breakfast. Then I can drop you off and let you talk to him." Nick says getting up.

"Yeah that would be great. Thank you." I smile and get up. I take a quick shower. Edwin walks in with an outfit in hand.

"Nick told us the plan and Austin will be up in a minute to help with your hair." He smiles handing me the clothes and walking out. I smile ans start changing. When I pull my shirt over my head someone knocks.

"Hey. Ready for your hair?" I know it's Austin.

"Yeah come on in." I open the door.

"Well by your outfit I think we should just blow dry it and straighten it." He smiles.

"Thank you so much Austin." I hug him.

"We made a promise. No matter what you and Z went through we are still always going to be best friends." He smiles. He blow dries my hair and as he starts to straighten it, Nick and Brandon walk in.

"We wanna help you figure out what to say." Brandon smiles.

"Yeah that would be amazing. Thank you." I smile.

"We think you should tell him how you feel about what he did. Then you should try to solve the problem." Nick says sorta confusing me.

"What he is saying is tell Z how bad it hurt when he cheated and then talk to him about how you still love him and want to be together." Brandon simplifies. I smile.

"I think that is a great idea. Thank you two." I smile and Austin finishes my hair. I hug him. "Thanks Austin." I smile and walk out. I walk downstairs.

"Oh your shoes to your outfit are here." Edwin says picking them up exitedly. I am wearing black ripped jeans, a yellow sweatshirt, and have yellow and black nike airs. I am wearing a lot of yellow, because Z loves that color on me.

"Are we ready?" Nick asks clapping his hands. I nod. We all get into the car and go to IHop. We get pancakes. While we are eating they are talking about the situation.

"Just don't be nervous. Walk in there with your head held high and your confidence high." Brandon says rubbing my arm in a friendly way. We pay for our food. As we are in the car, driving closer to Zion, I start to get nervous ans queezy.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure everythig will go well." Austin says smiling.

"Thanks A." I smile.

"We're here." Nick says as the car comes to a stop. They let me out. I walk up to the door. I look back and they are all nodding. I take a deep breath and nock.

"Come in." He sounds broken. I open the door. He looks up at me. His eyes puffy and red.

"Can we talk?" I look at him.

"Yeah sure." I walk in and shut the door behind me.

"Z when you did what you did I felt betrayed.  I felt alone and like my world was ending. I felt used. I felt like you didn't care about me." A tear slides down my cheek.

"Listen I didn't mean to do that to you. You're my world. I am sorry for making you feel all of those things." He looks at his hands.

"I think we should put it behind us Zi." I smile at him.

"Really?" He looks up at me exited.

"Yes Zion. As much as I want to hit you and then go cry, I realized that either way you will still be in my life. So why would I cause you physical and emotional pain." I grab his hand.

"Okay, but you need to talk to her." He suggests looking down.

"No. I do not want her in my life if she is going to backstab me and hurt me." I take my hand away.

"I understand." He nods.

"Good. Now do you want to come over for a Riverdale marathon?" I smile as I arise from the couch.

"Love to." He smiles. We open the door and Nick ans Brandon fall. They had their ears on the door listenting to our conversation.

"We wanted to know if our help would work." Nick stumbles.

"It's fine you two." I smile and wrap my arms around Zion. "Just go get in the car. We are having a Riverdale marathon." I smile. We walk to the car and go to my house.

"Zi could you go get blankets?" I hug him.

"Of corse." He smiles and goes to the closet to get blankets.

"Hey I am glad this worked out." Austin walks up hugging me. "You both would have went insane without the other."

"I know we would have. I couldn't have done it without you guys, so thank you." I hug him and go to Zion when he comes back with our blankets. We wrap up and cuddle mainly because he is warm and I am freezing.

We all lay in the living room that night. Earing pop corn and drinking soda and water. Nothing could ever come between us. We are best friends and nothing will never ever ever change  that.


Published on- June 17, 2018

1016 words

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