surprise- Z.K.

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Y/N pov
today is the day i go see Zion for the first time in 6 months. im so exited and my brother Nick Mara is helping me set it all up for him. Im currently on my way to the airport and its 10:45 pm here in new jersey. i am only 3 hours ahead of L.A. . I arrive at the airport and i have to get through security and that is easy. i walk to the boarding section and set down and a girl that looks 2 walks to me.
"will you take a picure wif me?" the little girl says and shes so cute.
"yes of corse whats your name?" i ask putting her in my lap.
"i am drew and im this many" she holds two fingers up as her mom impaitently taps her foot.
"here lets take our picture drew." i smile at her and her mom takes the picture.
"bye y/n " the little girl says hopping  down.
"Bye drew" i wave at her and smile after she leaves my flight is called and i board the plane and i sleep for the plane ride

skip plane ride

when i land in L.A. i text Nick and tell him that im here.
(nick y/n)

yo bro im at baggage claim now

well me and ed are on our way over there to get you see you in a bit sista

i laugh in my head and see my bags and grab them. when i turn around i am faced with my brother and Edwin. i smile and hug them both.
"gosh i missed you two."
"we missed you more."
i smile and hold thier hands and we walk back to the car and we go back to the PRETTYMUCH house. They sneak my up to Zion's room and i hide in his bathroom sitting on his sink until he comes in his room. A couple minutes later i hear his door open and then shortly after he opens his bathroom door and just looks at me not knowing what to say.

"hi baby" i smile at Zion and he walks over and picks me up and twirls me.

"babygirl when did you get here!?" zion asks loudly.

"just a little bit ago." i smile wrapping my arms and legs around him as he carries me to his bed. He gently sets me down.

"wow your really here." he looks amazed at me

"Z youve seen me before why are you starring at me?" i ask looking down.

"i have only seen pictures of you for the last 6 months and im trying to take in all your beauty." zion is smiling and looking at me again.

"awwwww baby thas so nice."i pull on the collar of his shirt makig him come closer to me. i look in his eyes for a minute and then smash our lips together. Zions hands hold onto my hips and sorta pushes me on the bed. i put my hands on the back of his neck.

"mhm Z we cant" i pull away putting my hands on his chest.

"why not babyyyy." he whines

"um all of your best friends including my brother including my brother are standing in the doorway." i laugh a little.

"i hate you guysssss i just want some alone time with herrr." zion whines once again.

"with you two doing what you were just doing. i think the fuck not." Nick states a little to overprotective

"yo nick chill youve probablt done worse with alexys" i laugh at him and he mumbles and walks away.

"well were watching movies if yall wanna come downstairs in the living room." Brandon says as they all walk out.

i pull Zion to me and kiss him "surprise baby" i smile and we walk downtairs to watch movies with the rest of the guys.

publishesd on -april 6, 2018
656 words

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