baby girl- Z.K.

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Y/n's pov
I wake up in Zion's bed alone...again. He has been so distant lately. He is always doing things. He is at rehersals or he is hanging out with friends. I am always alone. I think I will just go on over to Madison's today. I shoot her a text telling her I will be over in a bit. Madison is my best friend. She always will be I met her when we were little and our parents dated but things didn't work but we are still best friends. I get dressed into white ripped jeans, a ripped crop top and white vans. I quickly walk out of my house and forget it is mid-day and there is hella LA traffic. I roll my eyes and go get starbucks and Mcdonalds . I sit in the traffic and Brandon calls me.

"Hello?" I ask him.

"Hey my boo I just want to let you know thatyou are amazing and us prettymuch gus love you. Promise us that if you and Zion ever breakup that you will still love us. We love you too much for you not to ever love us back for Zion's dumbass mistakes." Brandon says kinda fastly, but I understand.

"I promise to always love the boys no matter what happens between Zion and I." I say. "But why am I making this promise now?"

"I just want to be sure our friendship is safe from Zion's harm."He says and I giggle.

"I promise Arreaga what happens in our friendship stays in our friendship." I smile at our conversation even though he can't see it.

"Where are you. It is very loud." He says.

"Traffic." I say and groan. He laughs.

"Why would you be out at this time you know there is after work traffic." He says making me feel dumb.

"I just wanted to go see Madison since it was ancient times the last time she spoke to me." I explain to the clueless boy on the other side of the phone.

"Ohhhhhh." He says. I giggle. "Do not laugh at me I am just slow on things." He says defensively.

"I love you B i gotta go." I say.

"I love you too y/n be safe." I hang up and put my phone away.

I drive to Madison's and I have a key so I just walk in. Thats what she told me to do anytime. I walk in ans instantly hear her moaning. The funny thing is she is saying Zion's name. They wouldn't do that to me would they?I slowly walk up the stairs to her room. I open the door and see something I never wanted to see. My boyfriend ontop of my best friend. I just stand there in shock.

"What the hell." I say full of hurt. My heart hurts. Why would they do this?

"No this isnt what it looks like." She says getting up and walking twords me.

"You aren't screwing my boyfriend behind my back? Because thats sure as hell what it looks like." I say this time angry. "And you," i point at zion "You told me just last night that you loved me." I say looking at him hurt.

"I never ment for you to find out. Babygirl let me explain." He says trying to hold my hand.

"Seems like I wasn't supposed to find out." The first tear falls. I turn to Madison. "We aren't friends so don't call, text, or even try to talk to me." She starts crying. I turn to Zion. "We are over,but seems as you didn't need me anymore." I say and walk out. I walk downstairs ans lay the key on the table. I grab my keys and phone and leave. When I walk out to the parking lot I see Brandon, Nick, Edwin, and Austin waiting by my car. I smile and hug Brandon.

"Did you all know?" I ask them.

"Yes but it wasnt our place to tell you." Austin tells me.

"We wanted to but Zion wouldnt let us." Edwin says.

"Yeah he said something like he was planning on telling you next week." Nick says.

"Either way we are sorry and we love you. Your one of us. You are our best friend." Brandon says and we all hug.

"I love you guys." I giggle and hug them back.

"We love you to." Nick says.

"We are going to have hella fun though." Edwin says. I laugh.

"We can order alot of postmates and eat it all without regretting it and then look back at it and regret it." I smile.

"Onto your house!" Brandon points at the sky. We all get into my car and go to my house. Brandon is ordering pizza, mcdonalds, chicken, chinease, and whatever else they want. I smile and we get to my house and we wait on it to get there. Ed gets the food.

"Thanks Ed!" I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"I love you." He hugs me.

"I love you to Edwin." I hug him back. We get the food and start eating. I walk back to the couch and sit down. Brandon turns on "The Lion King" which is one of Zion's favorite movies. I smile and look down.

"Is something wrong?" Nick asks me rubbing my arm.

"No but this is one of Z's favorite movies. So it kinda just hits me where it hurts." I say putting my head down.

"Oh I am sorry. We can change it if you want me to." Brandon says playing with my hair.

"No i dont care. Its what you all want." I put my head up and fake smile at them. "I am okay with this as long as everone else is." I fake smile again.

"Are you sure or is your smile fake?" Austin asks seeing right through me.

"Yes Austin I am fine. I promise." I just lied to my best friend. I am a terrible person. They are my best friends. If you can't tell your best friend whats wrong you probably shouldnt have put yourself in the situation.

"Hey lets just go to sleep and worry about Zion tomorrow." Edwin says. I nod in agreement and I grab Nick's hand.

"Can you sleep with me? I know you will keep me out of harms way." I say looking into his eyes.

"Yes I will. I promise to keep you out of harms way." He says and hugs me picking me up and carrying me to my room. He lays me down and gets into the bed with me. He snuggles into me and kisses my forehead.

"Night." I say .

"Night honey." Nick says

******************************************** published on- May 19, 2018

1131 words

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