Family- E.H.

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I wake up in the middle of the night to one of my baby boy's crying. I look over at Edwin, who is peacefully sleeping, and get up.

I walk into my twins room and look over at Oliver. I have identical twins. They are both boys.

James is already awake and he is being calm. Today is the twins' birthday. They turn 1 today.

I walk over to Oliver and pick him up. I calm him down and get him to go back to bed. I look at James and walk over to him. I do the same with him so they are both sleeping.

Once that is sorted out I walk back to Edwin and I's room, very tired. I lay back down and Edwin wraps his arms around me.

"Go back to sleep babe. We only have a couple more hours until we have to be up." Edwin buries his head in the crook of my neck.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

A few hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up and don't see Edwin anywhere in the room. I get up and walk into Oliver and James' room and see that they aren't in their cribs.

I get worried and kind of rush downstairs. I see the two boys in their high chairs and Edwin feeding them. I let out a sigh of relief. I smile and walk to my boys.

"Good morning babe." I kiss Edwin's cheek. he smiles and turns to me.

"Morning lovely." He kisses me. Full on this time and I just smile into the kiss. I soon pull away, remembering that I have two babies right there.

"Hi my boys." I say in a baby talking voice. They both start smiling and making squeaky noises.

I pick Oliver up and pat his back until he burps. Edwin does the same to James. I look at Oliver and he starts smiling and reaching for my face.

I kiss his cheek. Edwin and I decide to take the babies to the living room and let them play in their bouncer/walker things.

Edwin and I sit down to watch our boys play but as soon as we sit, there are knocks on the door.

"I got it. You watch the boys." I tell Edwin and he chuckles. He then nods and kisses me. I get up and walk to the door.

I open it to see Brandon, Austin, Nick, and Zion. I smile and allow them in. They are all holding gifts for the boys.

I can hear Edwin greet them. I smile and grab waters and take them to the boys. Brandon walks over to me once the guys settle.

"They're getting so big." Brandon observes the two babies.

"They really are," I smile and Brandon pulls me into a side hug. "Thank you for coming today."

"Anything for them." He smiles. He releases me from our hug. I look at my two boys and he does to. "You and Edwin made some cute little kids."

"Thank you, Brandon." I smile and he nods.

"Can I hold one?" He asks. I laugh and pull him along with me. We walk over to them.

"Who do you wanna hold?" I ask looking at my boys. Being their mom, I can very easily tell them apart.

"Can I hold James?" He asks looking at him. I nod and lift him. I hand him to Brandon. He smiles at the boy in his arms.

Brandon is very careful with the life of my tiny child in his hands. I smile and Oliver starts to pout and cry that he isn't being held.

"Anyone else wanna hold a baby?" I ask and Nick gets to me and Oliver quicker than the others.

"I don't know if this is rude, but this is Oliver right?" Nick asks. I chuckle and nod. "Can I call him Olly?" Nice asks me politely. I nod once again and hand him the small baby.

"I wanna hold one." Austin pouts. I laugh and let B and Nick hold them for a little bit before letting Austin and Zion.

The four boys are around the twins all day while more and more guests are coming in.
People like my parents, my siblings, Edwin's parents, and his siblings. They all coo around the twins along with Brandon, Austin, Nick, and Zion.

"Our family's really love them." Edwin whispers in my ear. I smile and nod.

"They really do and I am so happy they do." I smile and Edwin spins me to turn me towards him.

"I love you." He smiles and kisses my cheek. I smile and look around at all of the people here.

"Hey i'm going to get their cake and chairs ready." I tell Edwin. He smiles and I was to the kitchen where my sister and her husband are.
"Oh hey." I smile.

"Hey sis. What are you doing in here instead of out there with your boys?" My sister teases. I smile.

"I'm getting their cake ready." I inform my sister and look at her growing tummy.

"I can't wait till I get to do that for my baby girl." She smiles and puts a hand on her stomach.

I set up the boys' high chairs and put their small cakes on them.

I got each boy a small cake with their names on it. I also got cupcakes but they are for anyone who wants one.

I finish setting up and walk into the living room, where everyone is.

"Guys it's cake time." I say with a smile. I see our friends get really happy.

We all walk into the kitchen. Edwin and I put our boys in their chairs and get our phones out to record. We all sing happy birthday and james grabs a fist full of his cake, while Oliver plays in his.

I smile as Edwin wraps an arm around me.

"Yo y/n, can we eat these cupcakes?" Zion asks from across the kitchen. I laugh and nod. I see the 4 boys start shoving cupcakes down. I laugh and look at the babies.

"We need to give them a little sister." Edwin whispers. I laugh and look at him.

"Someday maybe." I smile and kiss him. Once everyone dials down they leave. Except for Brandon, Austin, Nick, and Zion.

They stay and help me and Edwin clean up while the boys go to bed.

"This was an amazing day." Brandon says as we finish cleaning. I sit on the counter and eat a cupcake.

"Yeah it was." I smile and Edwin stands between my legs, facing them. I wrap my arms around his neck and tag my head on his shoulder.

"You guys can stay. You know you're welcome to." Edwin suggests and the boys nod. Edwin gives them some sweats and they all go to the living room and go to bed.

Edwin and I walk upstairs and shower, due to the long day we've had.

"Hey maybe we should go ahead and try to make our baby girl." Edwin smirks. I smack his arm and laugh quietly.

"No, today has been long enough Edwin." I say and he agrees. We finish our shower and go to bed.

I have the perfect family.



1222 words

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