2 Birthday surprises - B.A.

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y/n's pov
Today is my 18th birthday. I am super happy. I wake up. My apartment is super lonely, but it looks like Brandon came over and left me some surprises. I smile and pick up the card that he left on the counter. it reads
'Happy Birthday my beautiful princessa! I hope you are ready for today. I left you some candy in the fridge though since it is chocolate. Have a great day and there is a box in your bathroom wear that for our date tonight. See you at 8.'
I finish reading the note and I smile and text Brandon.
Awwww thank you so much baby! You made my day!

I get to cleaning up and someone nocks on my door. I walk over and answer it. Its my best friend Edwin.
"Happy 18th bestie!" he screams hugging me.
"Awwww thanks." I smile hugging back.
"Now you wanna go see Zion amd Nick?" I nod
"What about Austin?" I question.
"He is with his girlfriemd today." He informs me as we walk down to his car. I see Zi and Nick and they run up and hug me.
"Congrats on being an adult." Zi says squeezing me but Nick pushes him out of the way and picks me up ans hugs me.
"Happy 18th brandon lover." Nick says teasing me about dating brandon. I lightly shove hai shoulder and i hug him back.
We arrive at the mall 10 minutes later. Edwin goes in a store and gets some outfits and Nick gets shoes. Zion and I just laugh at them and walk around. I get small occasional texts from Brandon saying 'i love you' or 'happy 18th'. I smile.
"Oooh can we go in sephora?" I say exited and they all groan. They pay for thier things and we leave and walk in the makeup store. I get some new lipstick and some foundation.
"Oh should i get this glittery clear lip gloss? "i ask Zion.
"yes B will love it." He smiles. I put it in my cart and walk to the register and check out. After that we go to PINK and get some more leggings and i get some bras and underwear that Brandon has said he has liked. The guys dont know that though. I laugh in my mind. I finish at that store and go back in the shoe store we were in and Nick gets happy again. I get some Nike Slides. I also get some matching Yeezeys with Nick . Then we walk to Gucci and Zion and I get matching slides. Then Edwin and I walk into H&M and get some matching shirts and braclets. We see fans and take pictures with them. Our shopping day has came to an end so I go in Jama Juice and get a White Gummi drink and they take me home. It is 5:30 and i start getting ready. I put on my dress and heels that Brandon got me. Then i start on my hair. I do soft curls. It takes about 45 minutes. Then the rest of the time i spend on my make up. I do glitter eyes and put the glittery lip gloss on. Its really shiny. Brandon will love it.
"You look great." Brandon says from my door startling me.
"Babeeeee you scared me." I walk to him and kiss him.
"aw babe im sorry." He smirks. "Ready for our date?" He asks
"Yes ofcorse." We walk out to his car ans we go to a fancy nice restaruant.
"B are you sure you can afford this?" I ask
"Reservations for Arreaga." He states. She takes us to our table. Its really nice.
"Brandon you shouldnt have done this babe." I smile.
"Your turning 18 babe. You deserve it." He rubs my thigh and smiles. We order and eat.
"Let me help pay." I say.
"absoultly not. today is alllll about you love." He smiles and hands the woman his card. We are both stubborn. I expected him to act this way. We walk out and go to the PRETTYMUCH house. Its decorated with lights and the rest of the boys look nice and they are singing 'Happy Birthday'. I cover my mouth.
"Awwww boys this is so sweet." I smile and hug them.
"Mrs. Arreaga go up to Mr. Arreaga's room he is waiting." Austin says. I laugh because he called me mrs.arreaga. I walk uo the stairs to Brandon. His room is decorated with roses and lights with pictures of us everywhere.
"Awwww baby this is so beautiful." I hug him and he picks me up and spins me around. He puts me down and gets on one knee.
"Y/n i know were to young to marry so i want to give you this promise ring to show you that i am yours until we can be married. I promise to love you and keep you safe forever. Please wear this ring to symbolize the promise?" He asks
"Yes Brandon." I smile and he slips the ring on my finger. I smile and he stands up ans hugs me again.
"God blessed me baby." He winks and i giggle.
"No babe god blessed me." I hug him and we stay hugging until we hear the boys.
"Aswwwwww the night is going well" Edwin smiles.
"Thank you guys for helping me distract her and helping set up all day." Brandon says with his arm wrapped around my waist. My hand is on his chest. They smile.
"When can we have baby Arreaga's rubning around? I want to be an uncle." Nick says. I smack his shoulder.
"Well i was getting to that." Austin smiles because he knows what im talking about. I pull the test out of my little bag that i have had.
"W-what?" Brandon smiles and reads it. "What if its lying?" I give him two different brands of tests that say true and he just smiles.
"Im going to be a dad!" He picks me up and spins me kissing me. "i love you." He smiles
"I love you to Arreaga." I smile.

------------------------------------------------------- published on- April 26, 2018
1035 words.

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