Concert- A.P.

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y/n's pov

3 hours. 3 hours until I see my idols in person and performing. I cannot wait. Me and my friend y/f/n are going to a PrettyMuch concert together.

"Y/n, can I use your eye shadow?" She asks from the bathroom and I nod and yell yes back at her. I can hear her mumble 'damn' under her breath.

"I heard that!" I laugh and she groans. I sit on my bed and put my shoes on, ready to go. She comes out and I grab my keys and we leave. We go through the drive through to get food and I pull my camera out.

Yes, I'm a youtuber. Don't judge.

"Hey what is up you guys, it's Y/n here with another video," I smile at the camera. "Today I have my best friend, y/f/n, here and we are going to a PrettyMuch concert."

I pause and grab my box of chicken nuggets. and y/f/n starts to speak.

"We are super excited to meet them and see them. We hope you guys will enjoy this vlog and you need to tag them on our instagrams so they will see this." She puts two thumbs up and smiles.

"We will see you guys when we are in line." I say turning the camera off.

Once we get in the line I take about 10-20 pictures with fans and then turn my camera back on.

"So quick update, I've met a couple fans so far and I love meeting you guys. You guys just say the nicest things and are so caring. I love having you guys as fans." I smile and y/f/n is talking to a security guard.

"Prettymuch, prettymuch, prettymuch, prettymuch!" Some of the girls were chanting. I smile and record it.

"So you will not believe what just happened!" Y/f/n shrieks in my ear.

"What is it?" I ask confused. She looks at me very happy.

"The security guard said you and I could stay after hours and meet the guys and actually get to talk to them." She whisper yells in my ear. I look at her with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Oh my gosh, y/f/n that's so amazing!" I yell and she smiles.

"I can't wait." She smiles but them a guard starts talking.

"Anyone with VIP tickets come to the doors!" He yells through a megaphone. Her and I take a deep breath and walk towards the door hand in hand happily.

They scan our tickets and check out bags and us. They clear us and we walk in. The managers talk to us and then the let the boys in the room.

There are only 2 other girls in here besides us and we have slowly learned that their names are Faith and Emma.

Faith has brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, and a tan complexion. While Emma is the complete opposite. She has blue eyes, blonde hair, light skin, and braces.

"So who is your favorite?" Faith asks the two of us.

"Well my favorite is Nick." Y/f/n says to the group as we wait for the boys.

"Mine is Brandon." Emma informs.

"Mine is Zion." Faith smiles and the three look at me.

"My favorite is-" I start to speak but the boys walk in.

"Yo it's PrettyMuch!" Zion yells and the boys eco "woohoo!" in the back ground.

"Hey I'm Faith."

"I'm Emma."

"I'm Y/f/n."

"And i'm Y/n."

The four of us introduce ourselves and they smile. They introduced themselves even though we obviously know who they are.

"So um we heard your conversation before we walked in," Nick starts off.

"We'd like to know who didn't get to answer." Brandon finishes Nick's sentence. The girls look and point at me.

"Well y/n, inform us and tell us who your favorite is." Edwin turns to me and crosses his legs.

"Austin." I tell the boys in a mumble.

"Huh, what was that?" Zion asks.

"Austin." I say a little louder.

"Nope, still can't hear you." Zion taunts.

"Austin." I say in a normal voice.

"Who?" Zion asks once more. Okay that's enough!

"Austin! I like Austin!" I shout. They go silent and Austin blushes.

"Guys we have to get the girls out to the crowd if they want to be in the front row." The worker said. The guys nod and we say our goodbyes and walk into the crowd.

We wait about 30 minutes and the concert starts. It is amazing and I jump around and sing along.

At the end the workers escort us back and we wait on the guys. They walk in the room after about 15 minutes of waiting.

"Hey Y/n can we talk?" Austin asks and y/f/n shooes me off to go with him so I go.

"Look if your at all creeped out i get it." I tell Austin and he laughs.

"No I actually think i'm into you to," He laughs and pulls out his phone. "So what's your number?"

"***-***-***." I tell him as he types. He texts my number and I save his in my phone.

"So I guess I'll text you later?" He asks. I nod and leave with y/f/n.

We go to the hotel and Austin texts me asking me on a date tomorrow.

I reply back with a yes and we agree on 7 tomorrow.

What a great concert



924 words

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