Son- A.P.

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Y/n's pov

"Y/n can you take Sam to school today?" He asks. I nod and finish cooking breakfast.

"Will you go make sure he's ready for school?" I ask and he nods. He gets up and jogs up the stairs. I make our plates and look at Jack in the living room. He is watching his cartoons and smiling.

Austin and I have two boys. Sam is the oldest, 14 almost 15, and he is a freshman in high school. Daniel is our youngest, 2, and he doesn't go to school. I walk in the living room and grab Daniel. I put him in his high hair and let him eat his food. Austin and Sam walk downstairs and sit down.

"Good morning Sam." I smile and he looks up at me.

"Morning mom." He goes back to eating his food. I look over to see Daniel has eaten his cherrios and bananas. I wipe his mouth and he smiles.

"Austin will you watch them while I get ready?" I ask getting up and he nods telling me to go get ready. I run upstairs and change into some jeans and a nice shirt. I put my shoes on and grab my keys. I walk back downstairs and grab Daniel and change him.

Sam is already dressed. He gets up and gets his backpack.

"Austin are you sure you don't want to go?" I ask. He gets up and slips his shoes on.

"Lets go." He says. I pick up Daniel and take him out to his car seat. We all get in the car and drive Sam to school. We arrive at the school.

"Have a good day Sam." I say and he smiles getting out of the car.

"So do we have anything else to do today?" Austin asks from the drivers side.

"We have to go to the store and I was going to get Sam some new clothes he told me he wanted." I explain as Austin pulls out of the school parking lot. He nods and we go to the store. I get Daniel out of the back seat and we walk in. I put him in the kart and we walk around getting our groceries.

"Oh my gosh you're the Porters!" A girl shrieks. Austin chuckles and Daniel makes a face. "Can I have a picture with you guys?" She asks. We take the picture and finish getting the food for the house.

"Austin, should I get orange juice or apple juice for the house?" I ask and he turns to me.

"Both." He says and I put them in kart and continue on. While I'm getting stuff for Sam's lunch, Austin picks up Daniel and plays with him.

"Come on Austin. I have everything on the list." I say and we pay for the groceries and walk out.
Next stop the mall. We walk in, Daniel in my arms, and walk to the shoe store.

I get Sam's shoes that he wanted and then in the other stores I get his jeans and his sweatshirts. I give Austin the bags so I can carry Daniel. He starts grabbing things like a two year old normally will.

"Daniel sweetie we can shop for you in a minute, okay?" I smile bouncing him up and down on my hip. We walk around and surprisingly run into Austin's friends.

"Brandon, Edwin, Zion, and Nick." He smiles and hugs them all. They were all there when Sam was born, but they didn't know anout Daniel.

"Wow Sam is not really ageing is he?" Edwin laughs. I smile.

"Sam is 15 now. This is Daniel, he is two." I say lookimg at him. He gets bashful and won't look at them. He burries his head into my shoulder.

"Well it was great seeing you guys." I smile and they do to.

"Yeah maybe we should hang out soon." Brandon says and we nod.

"Just text Austin and we will work it out." I smile and they all wave bye to Daniel. They all mess with him in a playful manor and Daniel smiles at Nick and grabs his hand. We all coo and smile. Nick smiles and Daniel lets go.

"That was adorable." I say to Austin as we walk out of the mall.

"Yeah, I've never seen him react to someone like that. I think I am inviting them over when we get home though." He informs me. I nod and open the car door and put Daniel in his car seat and then put the bags in the trunk. We drive home and I take the clothes up to Sam's room and bring the groceries in the kitchen. I put the groceries away and wash the breakfast dishes.

I clean up the kitchen and go to the living room where Austin and Daniel are.

"Hey Austin, everything is cleaned up and tidy. Can you keep Daniel? I want to nap for a bit before I have to get Sam." I say hoping he'll say yes.

"Sure, but the guys are coming over in like 20 minutes. So can you make some cookies or something?" He asks and I nod. I put the cookies in the oven. I walk upstairs and change into sweatpants and lay up there until the cookies are done. I get them out and put them on a plate.

I take them into the living room and sit them on the table.

"There are water bottles in the fridge and there is soda also. Help yourself." I say walking upstairs to Austin and I's shared room. I lay down and try to sleep, but can't so I just read.

I look at the time and go pick up sam. When he gets in the car I smile.

"Hey Sam, how was your day?" I ask smilimg. We are driving back to the house and he all of the sudden gets serious.

"Momma I need to tell you something and I need you to promise you won't hate me." He says looking at me. I pull into the drive way and look at him.

"I could never ever hate you Sam. You're my baby boy." I say kissing his forehead.

"Mom," he pauses. "Mom I'm gay. I have been since middle school. I like boys mom." He says. I think about it for a minute.

"Sam I want you to know I am here to support you on this. Like I said before you are my baby. I promise I am here for you, because if you're happy so am I." I smile and he hugs me. When we pull away I see a tear. I smile and wipe it away.

"I love you momma." He says. I smile and we get iut of the car.

"I love you to Sam." I smile amd we walk inside. We wait on the guys to leave until we tell Austin. We put Daniel to bed and go to my room where Austin is.

"Dad I need to tell you something and you have to promise not to hate me. Okay?" Daniel says making Austin promise the same as I did.

"Okay I promise." Austin says.

"Dad I'm gay." He smiles and Austin sits there shocked.

"Well if it makes you happy you can do that." He says and Sam hugs him.

"Thank you for understnding." He says happily and walks out the door. I smile and lay down in bed and go to sleep.

Guys I need to know if  I should update more.


1265 words

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