Happiness- N.M.

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This is another part to "Vacation 1&2 N.M." so go read those two first for it to make since.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Mommy?" I hear my four year old daughter come into Nick and I's room.

I sit up and turn our lamp on. I look over to see Nick sleeping peacefully.

"Yes darling?" I ask her and she walks closer with her stuffed animal bunny in her hand.

"Can I sleep with you and daddy? I had a nightmare and I'm scared." She asks me. I nod and pick her up and put her between Nick and I.

"Go to bed babygirl." I kiss her head and she snuggles into Nick. He throws his arm over her and she instantly sleeps.
End of dream

I wake up and see Nick still sound asleep beside me. We had planned to get ready for our doctors appointment.

Nick and I have been trying for a baby. It hasn't really worked. We have an appointment scheduled for today so we can see what's wrong.

"Nick," I shake him and he stays the same. "Nick, babe get up. Our doctors appointment is today."

He groans and rolls over to face me. I smile and he hugs me tightly.

"Morning babe." He mumbles into my neck.

"Morning Nick. We need to go shower and get ready." I say as I trace random patterns over his back.

He gets up and throws me over his shoulder, and carries me to the bathroom. He turns the water on just how we like it.

We get undressed and quickly shower. I finish before Nick, so I hop out and let him continue his shower. I throw on some clothes and do my makeup.

While I'm doing my makeup, Nick comes out of the bathroom and puts some clothes on. He goes back into the bathroom to do his hair, while I finish my makeup and do my hair very quickly.

"Alright Nick, I'm ready." I say as I slip my shoes on. He smiles and fixes his watch onto his wrist.

We grab all of the things we will need for the day. We head out to the garage to leave.

"Nick, do you think anything will be wrong?" I ask him as we open the garage door to get the car out.

"I hope not." He says as we leave the house and drive to the doctors office.

On the way, we stop for something to drink at Starbucks. All I can think about is something being wrong with me.

All I want is a normal life with my baby and my husband but I don't think that's how it will work out.

I shake off my thoughts as Nick kisses my cheek. I smile and he hands me my drink.

"Thanks babe." I smile and he continues to drive to the doctors office.

As we get closer, I feel sick. I take deep breaths to calm myself down. Nick starts to sing along to the radio, which seems to be helping me a lot.

I just listen to his voice and calm down. When we arrive he parks the car and grabs my hand.

"Look, whatever happens in here, I will still love you no matter what. I promise." He looks me in the eyes. I nod and he kisses me.

We head in hand in hand. We walk up to the receptionist and she tells us to go on back to one of the rooms.

We do and our doctor walks in a couple minutes later. I start to get nervous again. Nick has a hold of my hand and he calms me down.

"So it says you would like to know if you could have kids or not?" She asks us. We nod and she looks at all of my previous ultrasounds.

After the appointment...

I walk out to the car with Nick and burst into tears.

"We can't have kids Nick." I cry into his chest.

"Hey hey hey. It will be okay. We can adopt a baby. I've always wanted to." He says in a breaking voice. I can tell he's upset too.

"I just wanted to have a family." I whisper. He kisses my forehead.

"We can still have one. We can adopt." He says as his eyes meet mine. I nod and he smiles.

"Your right. We can still have a family by adopting our own." I smile and wipe my tears away.

"Wanna go to the orphanage?" He asks. I smile and nod.

Nick drives us there and we walk in, asking for someone that could help us with the adoption process.

This older woman calls someone. We wait for about 5 minutes and see a woman that looked to be in her 40's walks in and asks for us.

"Mara?" She asks. We stand up and follow her back to an office. "So you want to adopt?" She smiles.

"Yes we would like to." Nick smiles and grabs my hand.

"Would you like to see the children?" She asks. We nod and she takes us out back to where there is a pool and a small park full of kids.

A little boy runs up to us and taps on the woman's hand.

"Yes Chase?" She asks the little boy. He looks to be about two. I instantly fell in love with him. I wanted to adopt him.

Nick grabs my hand and I look at him. He has the best look on his face. "He's the one." I mouth to Nick. He smiles and agrees.

"Mrs.Mary, I fell and hurt my hand." He says with tears welling up. I smile at him and she picks him up.

"Let's go check it out." She smiles, carrying him to the infirmary. We follow and she sends him into the little room.

"So do you want to see other children?" She asks with a smile.

"We think he is the one. We haven't even started him but we think he is it. Can we adopt him?" I ask her. She smiles and nods.

Before she can say anything he walks out with the nurse.

"Make sure not to fall again Chase." She smiles and he walks to the woman. She leads us to her office with Chase this time.

"Chase these people want to adopt you." She smiles and Chase turns to face us. His face lights up and he smiles.

"Really?" He asks in the cutest little voice. I kneel down to his level.

"Yes we want to adopt you. Would you like that?" I ask and he nods his head.

After the paperwork and all that stuff

"Now all that's left is changing his last name and packing his things." She smiles. We sign the papers, changing his name to Chase Mara.

"Okay lets pack." She smiles and takes us to his room.

We pack his things. It doesn't take very long because he doesn't have much.

I pick him up and Nick grabs his things. We walk out with the woman. She waves at us as we leave.

"Hey Chase, do you wanna do anything?" Nick asks him and he smiles.

"Can we go to the park?" He asks. We nod and drive to the park.

We get there and I get him out of the back. We let him play for about 45 minutes and he gets tired. Nick points to an ice cream shop and Chase grabs my hand.

We walk over to the little ice cream shop and get ours and his ice cream. He smiles.

"Can I call you mommy and daddy?" He asks. I smile and tears well up.

"Yes you can Chase." I answer and he smiles. I love this kid so much.

We finish our ice cream and go home.

"You wanna sleep with mommy and daddy?" Nick asks him. He smiles and nods.

We all get him bed and snuggle until Chase says something.

"I love you mommy and daddy." He says and falls asleep.

This is happiness.



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