Be Alright

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• Maddi POV •

I'd been torn from family to family, foster home to foster home so many times, I needed eight hands to count on.

My brother, Mason, and I have been ripped out of each other's life and I can't keep watching his life be ruined. Myself, as a sixteen year old girl, I need to have that special mother, father bond. but I'll never have that because no one could ever replace my parents.

I had just got my brother back and I knew there was only a matter of time before he was gone again. He stayed in a home with a couple. He wanted to be with his real family, he wanted to go. Every home he's been in, they actually want him. The ones I've been in just want to use me for chores or something terrible.

Like I'm a maid or some tool to them and when I refuse to expose myself they get upset and either hit or get rid of me. The first home we were ever in was together at this home with a nice couple that had no kids.

They couldn't afford to keep us both fed or cared for so they wanted only one of us. That was Mason. Everyone wants the youngest. They were sweet enough to not want to separate us, but I insisted they kept Mason. I didn't want him to grow up without a family. A real family.

His separation anxiety is why he came back and refused to stay without me. Let alone he didn't know he'd have to stay with a group of guys, while I stayed with a group of girls.

"Are you going to go see your brother now?" someone whispered. I turned around to see Sasha sitting up with her messy blonde hair sprawled across her face.

"Shh." I said. She nodded and laid back down. I snuck out of the girls room. It was girls thirteen to seventeen in this room. The room Mason was in had ages eight to twelve.

I tip toed to his room and slowly opened the door. He was laying down in his bed asleep. I smiled and walked over and his eyes opened. "I thought you weren't coming." he said shooting up. "Shh." I said hugging him.

"When are we going to get out of here, together?" he asked. "I'm hoping tomorrow." I said rubbing his back. He's twelve and he acts like an eight year old. He was just confused. Growing up without parents is tough.

I was only ten and he was six.

"Whatever happens now Mason, I'll make sure we go together." I said. I went back to my room and forced myself to sleep. It got harder when every time you closed your eyes, you lost something so important.

I was getting lunch and one of the administration women grabbed my arm. "Come with me. We'll get your lunch later." she said. I looked around to see if Mason had left yet. He was sitting at a table with a bunch of boys. I smiled at him once he saw me and I walked out with the lady.

I sat down in one of the chairs in her office and she smiled sympathetically at me.

"I know you and your brother want to get out of here together. We don't have a home for you guys, but a worker here wouldn't mind taking you both in to stay temporarily. How does that sound?" she asked and I frowned. "You guys will be together. That or he goes to another home and you have to go somewhere else, separately." she said.

I sighed, "It's fine with me if it's fine with him." I said. She nodded and a few minutes later he came into the room. "Mason we're going to a home together." I said. He smiled. "Forever?" he asked his face lit up.

I looked at the lady who smiled softly. I didn't have the courage to tell him and I'm pretty sure she didn't either so no one answered. "Mrs. Espinosa will be here after dinner to get you guys." she smiled then got up to leave.

"We're not getting separated?" he asked. I shook my head. We were instructed to go back to our rooms to pack and after we finished Mrs. Espinosa would be waiting for us.

"I want you guys to feel welcome here, okay?" She said. I nodded while Mason stayed behind me. "What's your name sweetie?" she asked. I was pretty sure she knew both of our names, no woman would want two strangers living in her home. I was sure she did a lot of research and background searching.

I looked down at Mason expecting him to answer first because he was usually an open person, but he didn't. "I'm Maddi and this is Mason." I said. "Short for Ma-" "-no, sorry, but it's just Maddi." I cut her off. I'd get questioned on my name all the time. It sort of would hit a nerve when it happened considering my parents who weren't here gave it to me.

She nodded and unlocked the front door to her home. It was so big. Even with my actual family, our house wasn't that big we weren't as wealthy as other families.

"How old?" she asked. "I'm sixteen and he's twelve." I said. She nodded, "I have a son living here. He's sixteen. He's a huge people person and he's jocular so you guys should feel comfortable in no time." she smiled.

I nodded and she opened the door. A boy was sitting on a couch with a head piece playing a game. "hold on Carter, my mom's here with people." he said. I looked everywhere, but at him.

"Matthew. This is Maddi and Mason. They're going to be staying with us." Mrs. Espinosa said. He nodded and went back to his game. "Carter is his magcon friend." she said. I nodded, clueless over what a magcon was.

She showed us to a room. "You'll stay in this one Maddi, and Mason you'll be rooming with Matthew accross the hall. Feel free to anything in the house. This is your guys home as long as you're here." she smiled.

We nodded and they left to across the hall. I sat on the bed and admired the room. It was absolutely stunning compared to what I️ was used to.

There was a window seat with a book shelf connected to the wall, the bed was pushed against a wall in a corner and the closet door was by the bed. There was a desk pushed into another corner with a lamp and a small laptop I think and the rest of the room was plain.

I got up to go see Mason. It was further down then I expected.

He was sitting in a chair staring at his fingers. "There's one bed." he mumbled. I looked and it was, and that stuck out the most.

"You can sleep in my bed." I smiled.

Be Alright. •Magcon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now