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• Maddi POV •

Carter and I were sitting on the couch with Matthew and Sadie watching the Lion King.

Mason and Hayes were still sleeping. Someone started knocking on the door.

"Not it!" Matthew and Carter yelled. "Me either." Sadie said. "I'm not getting up." I shrugged pushing myself further into the couch. They knocked again. "Maddi." Matthew whined. "Fine." I groaned. I looked at the door then back at Carter.

"Carter can you open the door?" I asked him nicely. "Fine." he muttered getting up. We watched as he walked over to the door and opened it.

"Seriously what did you do to my best-friend?" Matthew asked. I shrugged, "I think he likes you." he added. Sadie shook her head, "No Carter is sweet. No offense, but he does that for anyone. Except Matt. I do think he likes you just not for that reason." Sadie said shrugging.

"I dont think he does I mean we're just friends." I told them. I wonder what was taking him so long.

"Uh Maddi." he said coming back. "Who's at the door?" Sadie and I asked at the same time, I glared at her and she returned it. "Hey!" we both said. I glared again before getting up.

"Who's at the door?" I asked Carter. I looked over to see Jacob leaning against the door frame with an annoyed expression.

"He wants to talk to you." he told me. I crinkled my eyebrows, last time I saw him he obviously told me a lie and then kissed another girl. I know we weren't dating, but still. "You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to." Carter told me.

I shook my head, "No, I'll go." I shrugged. "Alright." he mumbled. I smiled at him before walking towards Jacob leaving everyone else behind me.

"What?" I asked bluntly. He frowned, "Could you tell me what I did wrong before you start being rude to me again?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "Don't pretend like you don't know. I'm not stupid Jacob." I told him. I walked out and closed the door behind me.

"I really don't know why you just shut me out like that." he said. I rolled my eyes again. "You lied to me. You said you were going to be with your family and after that you were going to come back for me-" I started, but he cut me off.

"I was with my family Maddi. I don't stay in the same hotel as everyone else if you didn't notice and they were going out to eat and I wanted to go too." He said. I felt like he was lying. "Then tell me why you were kissing Lox?" I demanded.

"After we came back I was coming back up for you, but I got mauled and Mahogany was just there and one thing led to another, but it didn't mean anything." he stated. I shook my head, "I'm sorry." he said.

"I don't know." I mumbled. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, "Please." he begged. He pressed his lips on my forehead and when he pulled away his eyes looked desperate.

"If you don't say anything I'll just leave and never bother you ever again." he said. I knew he was lying on that. He sighed and let me go, walking away. I rolled my eyes laughing at him.

"Jacob, wait." I sighed going after him. "I forgive you." I said. He smiled at me before hugging me. "Good because I missed you." he said. "Let's go to the pool I still owe you that." he reminded me.

"I'll go change first." I said walking back in.

"Everything okay?" Carter asked as I walked in. I nodded, "Is Jacob still-" he started, but stopped once Jacob walked inside. "Oh." Matthew and Sadie said at the same time. "Damn." Sadie said.

"I'm going to change and Jacob and I will be at the pool. Tell Mason and if he wakes up he stays with either you or Carter." I told Matthew. He nodded and I went to the bathroom after I got my bathing suit.

"Wait, don't undress yet." Carter said. "Are you leaving?" he asked. I nodded, "but our movie marathon..." he trailed. "We can do it when I get back. I won't be long, I promise." I smiled. He sighed and I hugged him. "Thank you for opening the door." I said.

He chuckled and left.

After I got done changing into a not so revealing bathing suit I grabbed a giant t-shirt and some shorts.

"You look like you're going to sleep and not the pool." Matthew said laughing. I shrugged and put on some shoes. "Bye, Maddi." Sadie said winking, "Have fun." she added. I nodded laughing as we walked out.

When we got there all we did was splash each other then he took a couple of pictures with fans. A couple of them recognized me, but I was just confused on what for. The last magcon because Matthew or Carter doesn't post pictures except I've never seen those girls. I just shrugged it off and took their pictures for them.

After the pool, which was about five hours because of the girls, he took me somewhere to get food, that was about three hours because of more girls, then on our way back we stopped at his hotel so he could get changed and then we got lost.

So by the time I got back to our hotel room, it was probably like midnight.

I slowly crept inside the room not wanting to wake anyone. I showered and changed into something else.

When I walked out I saw Carter sitting on the couch. "You woke me up." he muttered. I sat down beside him. "Sorry." I said. He rolled his eyes, "what's wrong?" I asked. He stared at me, "Did you just not hear me?" he said rudely, "You woke me up." he snapped.

Then I remembered, I was supposed to be back earlier in like an hour so Carter and I could finish our movie marathon.

"I'm so sorry. I forgot and it wasn't my fault for why I was late to get back." I told him. "I don't care about that. I wanna go back to sleep." he said. "Take the bed please, I'm really sorry." I told him. He shook his head getting up. He went to the bathroom and after I heard the flush he came back.

"Just sleep on the bed and I'll be fine on the couch." I told him. He didn't say anything he just went over and laid down on the extra bed. I looked around and noticed Hayes and Mason were on the floor while Sadie slept on one of the beds and Matthew slept on the other couch.

I would've said more and explained everything to him, but I know what it's like to want to be alone for a while.

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