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• Maddi POV •

We were all getting dressed and ready. After Carter awkwardly handed me the food from McDonald's we haven't spoken since.

I know we all were getting into the car, we would normally sit by each other, Matthew drove, Carter sat in the passengers seat and Sadie, Sawyer, and I sat in the back.

Hayes and Mason are too young to go to a party so they stayed at Matt's house.

I sat by the window and Sadie sat in the middle leaving Sawyer to be awkwardly sitting next to her by the other window.

We pulled into the party a couple minutes later. We walked inside and it got really quiet- besides the music.

I kind of forgot to expect that because I was with them and they were all well known I was sure. "Oh my fuck, you actually came!" A girl squealed coming over to us. She was pretty, she was beautiful, there actually isn't even a word to describe her features.

I noticed Carter was eyeing her and I couldn't help, but get a little jealous and I hadn't even known why. "Yeah of course we did." Matthew smiled. "Where's Hayes and the other little kid?" She asked. I cocked my eyebrows at her, okay she didn't know his name, but she didn't have to describe him that way.

"They're too young for parties like this." Carter shrugged. "I can't believe you guys actually came- you too Maddi." she squeaked. I cocked my whole face at her, the way she said that you too Maddi just made me want to puke on her existence.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Oh sorry-" she laughed, "I'm Lana."

"Ooh like Lana Del Rey." Sadie laughed. "Gonna sing us a song?" she added. "Oh no I may have her name, but I'm no Lana Del Rey, I'm not much of a singer." Lana laughed.

And neither was she much of a people pleaser in first impressions. Or maybe it was just me...

"Are we going to party or what?" Matthew sighed. She smiled and nodded.

Who would even invite strangers to parties? For all she knew they could've been murderers and murdered her family or whatever.

Everyone split into groups and did their own thing. I kind of wandered around awkwardly because I didn't know anyone or I wasn't as comfortable with associating with any of these people, but I noticed Carter sitting at one of the bar stools in the kitchen. I walked over and sat next to him, luckily there was an empty seat.

"Oh hi." he sighed. I gave a faux to him and looked ahead. "Why aren't you partying?" I asked him. He shrugged, I looked at him and his eyes were directed towards somewhere. I saw a look in his face.

Desperation, want like he wanted something desperately, but he also looked scared as if it was something all too risky.

I followed his eyes gaze to spot Lana. I rolled my eyes and mentally scoffed at her, and him.

"Do you have a thing for her?" I asked not really sure for how that worked. He shrugged again. "Go talk to her- I'm pretty sure she loves you." I said. He smiled falsely and got up. "Thanks for the confidence boost, I will." he said.

I think he smirked at me before walking away. He definitely smirked.

I sighed and stared at them. Envious of this girl. I didn't know why I was so jealous, but is it wrong that I wanted to push her head off her shoulders? Or something else evil to her? I just wanted her gone, that's all.

I felt someone taking a seat next to me. I ignored it, they were probably talking to someone either side of them or taking a break.

The person cleared their throat, it sounded all girly and what not. I looked to see Sawyer. I gave a fake smile and turned to get up.

"Wait." she said. I turned around and she was smirking, like Carter had been.

She threw her drink at me.

No I'm only kidding, I wouldn't be as sane if she would've.

I sat back down and she smiled. "I'm sorry about earlier." she muttered. I looked at her, "Why exactly are you apologizing? I mean I'm a bitch right. Put me in my place." I mocked her. "I didn't mean it." she sighed. "What did you mean because I'm pretty sure you meant everything you said. People say things for reasons and I wanna know a reason." I said rolling my eyes while crossing my arms.

"Because, Maddi, in case you have yet to notice this, you're a fucking bitch." she told me. I rolled my eyes and kept going, but she grabbed my arm. "No wait." she pleaded.

I sighed and sat back down. "Have you not seen the things about you on instagram?" she asked. I shook my head cautiously,"Twitter? Have you even seen the post Jacob posted and the comments?" she asked. I shook my head again.

"No, but I'm pretty sure Jacob didn't do anything wrong. He said he wouldn't post my picture." I told her. She shook her head, "Maybe you should just ask him about it." she said.

"Or maybe you could tell me now and save me the drama. You kind of owe me that from how pissy you always are with me." I snapped. She sighed, "It isn't my place and I don't owe you anything it was my decision to tell you about it and I did. Talk to your boyfriend about whatever else you want to know." she said.

She got up and walked away.

For the rest of the party I enviously watched as everyone had the time of their life's.

Everyone started to leave so we left, too. I'm pretty sure they were all wasted except Carter because he was the only one who tried to help getting their sweaty bodies into the car.

I sat in the passengers seat and he sat in the drivers seat obviously. It was like one in the morning and we had to go home.

We rode home in an awkward silence. I didn't understand why things were all of a sudden changing and becoming so different.

"So..." I said trying to start a conversation. We had gotten everyone inside the house and on the floor in the living room because they were really heavy. We were the only ones awake by now and we were sitting on the couches parallel to each other.

He smiled before looking down at his phone. "Thank you for helping me talk to Lana." he said. They way he said that 'Lana' it just seemed so teasing to me. I sighed and got up. "You're welcome. I'm going to bed." I told him. I went up to my room and went to bed.

I was actually wondering about three things right now.

Why things are weird for Carter and me, what did Jacob post, and why Mason was sleeping in my room.

Hayes was in Matthew's room and Mason was laying on the little couch thing in mine.



•Lia-Was-Here for the Lana Del Rey thing.

Alrighty this chapter is dedicated to the account RidinOnJerry

If you don't read their book's then go do it now lol they're amazballs but they read my books before I published them :) and they are really close friends of mine outside of wattpad like we live together basically lol jk

anyways don't forget to vote and comment I try replying to your guys comments but it never works sometimes and I don't know why...

but I notice you if I don't get to reply and I follow my commenters so comment for an extra plus one follow!!!

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