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• Maddi POV •

"So how are things with you and Matt?" I asked Sadie. She shrugged, "I should go talk to him now."

I nodded and smiled. She left then Sawyer came into the room. She's been sweet for the two days she's been here, so I guess she just really didn't remember me. "Hey." I smiled waving to her. Maybe she had an accident within the time from now and the last Magcon event which caused her to forget Carter and me.

"Why are you smiling, bitch?" she snapped. I looked taken a back. "Excuse me?" I questioned her. "You heard me." she spat. I was about to open my mouth to say something, but someone beat me to it.

"Who are you talking to like that?" I looked back to see Sadie. "What are you talking about?" Sawyer played dumb. "You obviously, Sewer." she snapped.

"My names Sawyer." Sawyer snapped back. "and my name's Sadie so what's your point?" Sadie snapped back. I sighed and walked out as they continued their argument.

"Maddi." Sadie called walking after me. I turned around, "Yeah." I smiled. "You okay?" she asked me. I nodded chewing on my bottom lip. "Why wouldn't I be?" I laughed. She shrugged, "I have to go back with Matt, I came back to get an apple or something." she told me. I nodded and she left.

I turned back around and Carter was right there. I screamed because he scared me. He started laughing really hard. "Chill, Carter." I mumbled.

"Wanna go to the board walk on the beach?" he asked me. I shrugged and we walked up the stairs.

"Wait out here." I said. We passed Mason who still wasn't talking to me. I grabbed his arm. "Hey, can I borrow your trunks?" I asked. He shrugged and walked away. He'll answer me and that's it. Like he'll nod or shrug or shake his head then say nothing else.

I pushed him out my room and got ready. I had grabbed a new pair because I didn't want to wear his stuff that he takes his underwear off in. I grabbed a tank top that showed my belly button and clung to my torso. I put on the trunks and grabbed a jacket then walked out.

"Ready?" he asked me and I nodded. "Are you ready?" I asked him. "Yeah let's go." he said.

The car ride was short and filled with laughter and what not.

When we got there Carter grabbed my hand and we walked down the board walk. We walked all the way to the end of it. I took off my jacket and put it on the board and he put his phone on it. I had grabbed both of his hands making everything seem really scary.

"Carter, I want you to know that I love you so don't be mad at me." I laughed because I knew I was about to push him in. "Why would I be mad?" he asked. I yank my hands away and pushed him in and he grabbed my hand back before he fell.

We both had fell into the water. His eyes widened once we got back to the top. He started freaking out and I grabbed his waist. "Carter calm down." I snapped. He looked really scared and he pulled away grabbing onto the board and climbing back up.

He put his feet in the water and I swam in between his legs. "Can you not swim?" I asked him. He shook his head, "I didn't know I am so sorry." I told him. He shrugged, "it's fine."

I really didn't know what to do because if it had been me I would've cursed him out and smacked him.

"Stop worrying I'm fine." he said. He pulled me up and I sat next to him. It started getting darker and he smiled at me. "Help me into the water." he said. He grabbed my hands, "lay on your stomach." he said. I did as he said not taking my hand away from his.

"It brought me to you and I'm thankful, Rose, I'm thankful." his voice was really shaky and he was shivering.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "and my name is Maddi, you know this."

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