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• Maddi POV •

I woke up and Mason was still there sleeping on the couch. I sighed and went downstairs after I brushed my hair down.

Everyone was sitting on the couches talking. "She deserves to know." Matthew said. "I don't care then, tell her because I'm not." Carter snapped. "Snap, snap." Sadie laughed.

They all directed their attention towards me.

"Is Mason okay?" Hayes asked me changing their subject. I crinkled my eye brows. "Why wouldn't he be?" I questioned. Hayes sighed, "He kinda lashed out on me." he admitted. "He had dropped a folded paper on his way to the bathroom and I started reading it and when he came back he just got really mad." He told me.

"What did it say?" I asked. I know Mason is semi sensitive, but it isn't like him to lash out on people like I'm thinking. "I don't think I should tell you." he said. "I mean he got mad so he probably wouldn't want me to tell anyone."

"I'm his sister. I'd like to think I would be able to know. It's fine." I told him laughing a bit. "I don't know." he said. "Tell her. It's her brother." Matthew said.

He got up and we walked to a separate room. "It was something about your guy's parents. They wrote him a note in his lunch box and he still has it." he said. "What did it say?" I asked.

"They loved him and wanted him to have a good day and that they'd pick him up later that day." he said. "It was a little brown, the paper and it was worn out." he added.

"I'll talk to him about it later." I told him, "I'm pretty sure he is sorry about lashing out. It's not like him to." I added. He nodded and we went back. I sat down beside Sadie and Mason came down. He looked at Hayes and rolled his eyes before walking away.

I got up to go talk to him leaving everyone behind me.

"Did you sleep good?" I asked. He shrugged and kept walking. "You could've slept in the bed." I added following him. "Can you go away?" he snapped.

"Hayes told me about the note." I admitted. He sighed. "I'm sorry about that." he muttered. I knew he was lying. "You came downstairs and glared at him." I said. He rolled his eyes, "He just should've minded his damn business and not opened my note."

My eyes widened, "Mason." I fussed. He started laughing. "What you say it all the time." he shrugged. "That's like so different, Mason. You're twelve." I said. "Yeah, but I can say whatever I want." he scoffed and started to walk away. I followed behind him.

"Talk to me." I pleaded. "You didn't talk to me and you still haven't so why should I talk to you?" he asked. I sighed, I know he's right. It's just that the reason's I get upset or lash out are reason's he's too young to understand or he just doesn't know it and I don't want to hurt him.

"Alright how about if you ask me anything I'll answer it and vice versa?" I suggested. He sighed and shrugged. I grabbed his wrist and took him to their back yard.

We sat down in one of the lawn chairs out there.

"I'll ask you five questions and then you will ask me five." he told me. I nodded. "I'll go first." I told him. He nodded.

"Why are you so angry all the time?" I asked. "I'm not. It's just very depressing when you have a sister who never opens up or cares." he answered. That actually hurt me a bit because I always tried to look out for him. I frowned, but nodded. It was his turn.

He was in deep thought for a second.

"Why do you like Jacob so much?" he asked. I shrugged, "He was there when I was sad and angry. He refused to leave my side when I told him to piss- to go away the first time I met him."

"Why do you think I not care about you?" I asked. "You're mean now and you used to be so fun. I miss that Maddi and that's all I have from the past before our parents left us and I don't want for you to abandon me like they did. You used to be a really good sister and now you're just always rude to everyone." he answered. I felt like I was going to cry, he didn't know they died. He didn't know that they loved us and didn't abandon us.

"Why did they abandon us?" he asked, he was giving me a weird look though, as if he was waiting for me to lie. I felt my eyes starting to water, but I had to be strong in order for him to be. "They didn't Mason." I said. "What did that note say?"

"Hayes already told you. It was the last note they put in my lunch box before they left. They said they would get me later and they never came." he said, his eyes were beginning to water.

"Why didn't you just tell me they died?" he asked.


Ooh cliff hanger!!!! lol I think that makes people anxious. I actually wrote the last chapter like a few weeks ago and I never updated


•What do you think they were talking about before she came downstairs?

•Who's your favourite character?

•How does Mason know that they're dead?

•Who's your least favourite character?

•What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

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