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• Maddi POV •

I was sitting on my bed doing my homework when my door burst open and in came Matthew and Sadie. They were dressed really nicely. Sadie had a black dress with a teal belt, that I envied, with teal sandals. Matthew had jeans and a button down.

"I decided I'd participate in that stupid talent show." she exaggerated. I laughed at her, "You didn't even have a choice."

"Yeah, but when Say Say wants something or doesn't want something, everything will go her way." Matthew said and I couldn't tell whether he was being serious or not.

"Do not call me that." Sadie laughed. "No, but I'm serious. Don't." she said cutting off her laugh.

"So where's Sawyer?" I asked her. "Ew, why?" she asked. I shrugged, I'd just noticed that Sawyer was with Sadie now twenty four seven now no matter what the occasion was.

"Matthew and I are going to go on our date." she said. That explained the fanciness in their outfits. "You just came in to tell me that?" I questioned. She nodded, "Pretty much. Are you?" she asked. I nodded, I didn't have a choice.

"Alright, I'll see you when we get back." she announced before dragging him out.

I got up figuring I'd do something more productive. Like walking to the fridge and grabbing a snack.

-I am Maddi. Maddi is me-

I saw Mason sitting all alone. I sat on him and he groaned. "You're not as small as you were six years ago, Maddi."

I got off and sat beside him and put my legs on his lap. The door opened and Carter came in.

"Where's Matt?" he asked. "Him and Sadie went out on a date." I answered. He nodded and came to sit down. He lifted my legs and placed them on his lap. "Well damn." Mason said so I hit him.

"Carter, he got that from you." I fussed. He started laughing. "That's how it will be when we have our kids." he smirked. I didn't know what to say, but Mason started gagging and saved my words. "Wait, I meant when I have my kids." he corrected laughing. I rolled my eyes at him. "What would you name your kids?" Mason asked, which surprised me.

He looked like he was deep in thought before he shrugged. "Wanna go see a movie this weekend?" I asked Mason. "Damn, you just going to make plans in my face?" Carter scoffed. "Sorry, do you want to come?" I asked him. "I can't, I have a date." he shrugged.

And that's when I saw red, and my heart was bleeding from the inside and outside. I wanted to inflict harm on Carter. "Well, then just me and Mason then."

"Sorry, I can't, I have a date also." Mason muttered. I shrugged, "I'll go with Sadie." I said.

I wanted to shoot my own heart out this time...

"Are you doing the talent show?" he asked. I nodded, "I have no choice. I take gym."

"I don't." he smirked. I rolled my eyes looking the other way. "Good for you." I mumbled. He didn't say anything so I'm pretty sure he didn't hear it. "Good for you." I said a little louder. I wanted him to hear it.

"I know right." He smirked again and in which I rolled my eyes also.

"I'm going to bed, I'm really tired." I lied going upstairs.

I walked up in silence. I'd known from day one I wouldn't like Carter, sounds a little too typical, but he was the one who recorded the video when I first met them. He did judge me when he didn't know my story. I know it's stupid, but I wish I would've just continued to hate him because he just let me think he liked me and really he didn't.

I did him the same way except I didn't make him think I liked him or I didn't try, but for him to say 'why didn't you invite me' and 'oh nevermind I have a date.'

It put a spot in my heart. As stupid as it sounds. I do have feelings and they've been stepped on and crumpled like my feet in those school halls.


This chapter was so boring and short -.- so yeahhh I'm just foreshadowing

I love you guys!

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